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Will there be people to even pvp with come Jan 20th


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Ok, here's the golden rule; the vast majority of the time, when people post on the forums that they're quitting because of X, Y or Z...they're not quitting. Really. I'm serious. They're just doing the Internet equivalent of wailing and rolling around in the aisle at Toys'R'Us to get mommy to buy them that new Tickle Me Elmo plushy. They want Bioware to give them what they want, and they're screaming for attention. Simple enough.


Despite all the crap you see on these forums, I get nonstop warzone pops when I play. The damn things pop so fast that I get one before I'm even finished loading after leaving the last one! So really...I dunno what timezone you're in, but I'm Eastern Standard, and almost 3/4 of the servers are either Heavy load or Very Heavy (with a few Fulls) at night.


Don't worry about these loudmouths.


This ^

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Ok, here's the golden rule; the vast majority of the time, when people post on the forums that they're quitting because of X, Y or Z...they're not quitting. Really. I'm serious. They're just doing the Internet equivalent of wailing and rolling around in the aisle at Toys'R'Us to get mommy to buy them that new Tickle Me Elmo plushy. They want Bioware to give them what they want, and they're screaming for attention. Simple enough.


Despite all the crap you see on these forums, I get nonstop warzone pops when I play. The damn things pop so fast that I get one before I'm even finished loading after leaving the last one! So really...I dunno what timezone you're in, but I'm Eastern Standard, and almost 3/4 of the servers are either Heavy load or Very Heavy (with a few Fulls) at night.


Don't worry about these loudmouths.


Are you absolutely sure about that? Are you trying to convince others of that or are you trying to convince yourself?


You only see small minority of people posting here that they are quitting and the only reason they post is because they are so frustrated and so aggrevated by the game they need an outlet.


How about those that simply keep quiet and make a decision? If the minority of those that are posting about unsubbing is only 3%, I will guarantee you right now and here, and make sure you bookmark this thread to review it couple of months from now, there is at least 20% of those who never post on forum and simply move on.


It's not boy who cried wolf on the forums all the time. Just the fact that there are so many of unsub threads should indicate something to you. People talk, guids talk. Usually a forum post is preceeded by talk among the people. If 10 of your guildmates told you to suck it up and it's all in your head you wouldn't come here. But if 9 of those 10 guildmates confirm suspicion and agree with most of what some unsubbers are saying, they come to the forum and stamp it with their unsub thread because they know they are not the only one who feels the way they do.


Be careful with wishful thinking. The game will not fall due to massive Star Wars machine behind it, but it can dwindle down to a point where it becomes single player game.

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How odd then that this "sorry" game is doing so incredibly well. Go figure. Oh and please don't try to sell me on how "poorly" it's doing because of some anecdotal pablum you dream up.


umm yes "sorry" since we are talking about pvp. Battlezones are a lagfest, and the combat is not only severely bugged with dodge/parry overriding user input, skills not firing while still using a GCD, and skills having no effect at times, but the animations are also inconsistent. BH uses unload and no bullets fire, or does the animation 1 sec into the 1.5 sec channel. Jedi sentinels Riposte not following through, or getting stuck mid animation. Hell even your first animation will sometimes cancel out the second, so your toon stands there for a whole GCD that you never used, doing nothing. Ha even Aion had better, smoother animations...


Warhammer "did incredibly well" at release and we all know how well that went. A game can have major flaws and still do well in sales as long as it has a decent selling point and theres a market for it. SWTOR was GUARANTEED to start off well with EAs deep pockets, Bioware's stamp of approval, and Star Wars IP.

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Within 90days they will have to combine servers...


Mine is alreayd a dead zone mostly. This coming from a pre-order server, that was one of the most populated. Now its no login, and most zones are in the 20-30 range for people playing.....


Game looks like fail...I do enjoy the classes, but the quest are boring and pointless (coming from republic side) and the PVP is just as god awful. The open world PVP (what I rolled for) is none exisitent while leveling, as each side is another solar system away from each other while leveling in the same zone

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All I see is quit threads on here, then I log onto the game and see people saying they have unsubbed and are just waiting their time out till the 20th.


All due to pvp and how bad it is.


I would think some major patches would be due within the first month to retain those players or at least some of them.


I am thinking WZ queue times are going to sky rocket come Jan 21st.


Lets see people leave, and people sub.


By the forum activity, and not including all the servers and subs, I would assume in a % that only 2% of these crybaby's left.


Oh and 95% of the people that have unsubbed will be back and forth for years.




Cause crybaby's figure out they are wrong, then think they are right, and wrong, right, and wrong.


It's a ugly cycle of crybaby.



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