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Nerf OP


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I don't understand how they have not fixed this yet.....These Operatives hit for 6k crits and can 3 shot me before I can even fight them......I am in full pvp gear and I get destroyed by them...You might assume that I am a healer or a sorc or something squishy....WRONG. I am a 50 Rauder with FULL pvp gear.....Not one or 2 pieces.....Every single piece of Champions gear from implants down to the main hand.....


Lets be serious for 5 seconds...How in the hell can any class 3 shot me with full pvp gear? This should literally be impossible. There is no other class in the game can can output even close to that kind of burst dps in 3 seconds....


Every class in the game is complaining about this....


You can call it crying or whatever you like....the class needs a nerf and nobody can argue otherwise.

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It's almost like BW gave you a CC breaker and a massive DMG reduction ability.


Marauders/Sentinels are among some of the most dangerous classes for me as an operatives healer. They have some serious front end damage potential, but like most minimal-utility classes in MMO's they need support to really shine.

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I dont know a single person on my server that doesn't agree that isnt an Operative themselves....Its insane. I mean they open on me and its over. I literally cant even fight...I try potting blowing all my cds trying to survive the opening barrage and I cannot live through it.....


Nerf this class now!!!!!

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lol Operative QQ


They're like BC Rogues. They have a stealth opener (their only really hard hitting ability) and about a 3 second window afterwards in which they can kill you.


"trinket" out of hidden strike (you now have full resolve bar too, neat), pop a cooldown and a medpack if needed...grats, that operative is no longer an issue.

Edited by TradewindNQ
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lol Operative QQ


They're like BC Rogues. They have a stealth opener (their only really hard hitting ability) and about a 3 second window afterwards in which they can kill you.


"trinket" out of hidden strike (you now have full resolve bar too, neat), pop a cooldown and a medpack if needed...grats, that operative is no longer an issue.


So you clearly do not pvp lol....That is complete bs.


I literally cannot do a thing when I get jumped by an Op...and they are NOT squishy at all...They take dmg just as well if not better than I do.....Hell I even blind them and it does nothing to slow down their dps.


Even when I break the stun by the time I am out of it I am at 40 percent....even blowing all of my cds I die. This is the most rediculous thing in pvp right now in this game. There is no debate. They are an issue and until you actually pvp you should not comment on the subject.

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I don't understand how they have not fixed this yet.....These Operatives hit for 6k crits and can 3 shot me before I can even fight them......I am in full pvp gear and I get destroyed by them...You might assume that I am a healer or a sorc or something squishy....WRONG. I am a 50 Rauder with FULL pvp gear.....Not one or 2 pieces.....Every single piece of Champions gear from implants down to the main hand.....


Lets be serious for 5 seconds...How in the hell can any class 3 shot me with full pvp gear? This should literally be impossible. There is no other class in the game can can output even close to that kind of burst dps in 3 seconds....


Every class in the game is complaining about this....


You can call it crying or whatever you like....the class needs a nerf and nobody can argue otherwise.


I agree.


Buff Scoundrels to compensate.

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So you clearly do not pvp lol....That is complete bs.


I literally cannot do a thing when I get jumped by an Op...and they are NOT squishy at all...They take dmg just as well if not better than I do.....Hell I even blind them and it does nothing to slow down their dps.


Even when I break the stun by the time I am out of it I am at 40 percent....even blowing all of my cds I die. This is the most rediculous thing in pvp right now in this game. There is no debate. They are an issue and until you actually pvp you should not comment on the subject.


Classic, you disagree with me so you must not pvp.

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Every MMO has this issue with stealth class in PvP at some point, usually the start. Rift had it's super overpowered stealth/burst rogue problem, WoW did, we see it here. It's always a tough class to balance apparently.


The real problem is, does Bioware have the know-how to adjust classes for PvP and not PvE. That's where the whole house of cards can start to fall for the majority.

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Another nerf thread? Bloody hell if the operative catches you by surprise then you are DEAD! That's the point! If you cannot live with that, then stop playing PvP and do something else. NO CLASS is invincible! NO ONE! And now please somebody give him some cheese to his whine, because it's getting ridiculous...


All the crying and whining for nerfs... it is awful, so for the love of God please stop whining and start to use your head. If you can't.. then ragequit or do something else.


And before you ask.. NO I AM NOT an Operative. I play a Bounty Hunter.

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So you clearly do not pvp lol....That is complete bs.


I literally cannot do a thing when I get jumped by an Op...and they are NOT squishy at all...They take dmg just as well if not better than I do.....Hell I even blind them and it does nothing to slow down their dps.


Even when I break the stun by the time I am out of it I am at 40 percent....even blowing all of my cds I die. This is the most rediculous thing in pvp right now in this game. There is no debate. They are an issue and until you actually pvp you should not comment on the subject.


trouble is, your whole thread is about you and you only... you want others nerfed because you are not good enough as a player to beat them..


You are basically a tank covered in armour and guns with a blind driver, its all well and good to have the best kit there is but that goes down the pan when you dont know how to use it.


I have been 2 shotted by sith maurauders and assasins recently in pvp and had no chance, but I have equally whittled them down in revenge and killed them back. Learn to play, its early yet and you have lots of time to learn the ropes.

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So you clearly do not pvp lol....That is complete bs.


I literally cannot do a thing when I get jumped by an Op...and they are NOT squishy at all...They take dmg just as well if not better than I do.....Hell I even blind them and it does nothing to slow down their dps.


Even when I break the stun by the time I am out of it I am at 40 percent....even blowing all of my cds I die. This is the most rediculous thing in pvp right now in this game. There is no debate. They are an issue and until you actually pvp you should not comment on the subject.


Cool assumption. Almost full Champion gear deception assassin and Valor 38. In the time I do play all I do is PvP. What I said above is exactly how I handle Operatives. But you're right; easier to ***** and moan like a toddler than actually learn how to handle other classes.

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Classic, you disagree with me so you must not pvp.


Not at all.....I can just tell by the response that he does not pvp. There is no getting out of their opener. Ive tried everything to live through that opening onslaught and nothing works....


How many people have full pvp gear atm....Probably not that many....now think about all of those people who get ***** worse than me when an OP is on them without any gear......let alone with it.


The whole point of this post is to let Bioware know how absolutely over powered one class is in pvp compared to the rest.....

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Every MMO has this issue with stealth class in PvP at some point, usually the start. Rift had it's super overpowered stealth/burst rogue problem, WoW did, we see it here. It's always a tough class to balance apparently.


The real problem is, does Bioware have the know-how to adjust classes for PvP and not PvE. That's where the whole house of cards can start to fall for the majority.



Correct me if I'm wrong but there are 3 classes that have a stealth ability. Its not a stealth issue, someone just needs to put on his big boy pants and play or sit on the sideline and watch.

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