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I've figured out why I'm hooked


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1) I feel powerful. This is the first mmo that I've felt like more than a cog in the machine. I remember when I first started playing wow, and I said "THAT's a fireball??" My sith warrior is completely bad***, exactly as I think it should be


2) Less downtime. No stupid food. I just regenerate health in half the time and force leap to the next group. As a sith warrior, I realize this may be a benefit just to a few classes.


3) .5 second speeder summoning. It seems small, but that extra second annoys me.


4) The companion system is excellent




I'm sure this will all change at lvl 50 when I'm forced to raid and the game is ruined for me.

Edited by Marlaine
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The urge to enhance his character after level 50 will force him to raid because this game is in its core designed like WoW. Your character gains power through items and items alone. And there are only two ways to get reasonably better items:

Raiding or PVP


Crafting and Questing will most likely only produce crapgear like it is with most games nowadays because gamedesigners obviously think crafting and questing is so ridiculously easy that it shall not be rewarded. Which is kind of strange since those designers made crafting and questing so easy in the first place...


Since Bioware does not plan to add new game features to the endgame, I don't see how you can not be forced into raiding, PvP (aka Battleground grinding) or quitting after you become level 50. But on the other hand that is enough to keep World of Warcraft entertaining for years (for masses of people including myself until recently).

So if there won't be things like housing, meaningful crafting, meaningful guild interaction (apart from: we are a guild so we can raid) there will be enhancing your character via gaining new items, which you mainly will do in operations.


BTW before you jump at me: If you plan on arguing that not everyone wants the best gear and always has to run after the latest epic tier loot, then you may be right but if you are 50 and you have your standard blue or tier1 epic gear will you really be content with doing some quests, collecting some wealth or achievements all day? I would think that if you are such a player you will not be in the majority. The majority will want to improve their characters if even slightly, once they have finished twinking.

Edited by Khaaan
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