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So I play a sorc on Kinrath Spider who is max level so I started an alt. He's level 26 atm. While me and a guildy were leveling on tattooine we got ganked by 2 50's. I was all good with that. I don't play on a pvp server and expect to not get ganked. But when you camp lowbies over and over you're being an ******e. So we did the first thing that came to mind. We got on our 50's with full champion gear (my sorc and my friends merc) and came back to tatt. We found them and demolished them. It wasn't even a fight.


Then they rezed and we killed them again. Hopefully teaching them not to camp lowbies. What did they do? Ran away and kept killing other lowbies. This made me slightly mad. So I believe in an eye for an eye in this kind of situation. We started killing their lowbies. I felt like anakin killing sand people. We also found a Jedi Knight trying to kill the world boss. Killed him too. Lastly we found some 50 republic waiting on the balloon to get the datacron. If you have done this before you know you can be waiting up to 30 min for that damn thing. So we waited until the balloon got there and killed them too. Then got on the balloon and rode away into the sunset.


Also everytime we killed someone we said in /say "Tell Slerp and Derp to stop camping lowbies." Hopefully this got back to Slerp and Derp and they learned their lesson. Even if Slerp and Derp have no idea what we did oh well. It satisfied my need for vengeance.


TL;DR: Be careful who you camp.

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yay I'm playing on PvE serv. No annoying max/high lvl gankers in low level zones.


Don't get me wrong I love PvP - nothing gives me more pleasure then fighting an intelligent opponent, but I also love questing in peace.

If I want to PvP I just join warzones or duel my guild mates :)


I see the point that field pvp could be awesome(traps, surprise attacks), but not in mmorpg where level means everything and you are pretty much doomed and need to log off for an hour or so, when high level players start to gank your zone.

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Then you should register on a PvE server because that is how PvP is. Higher levels seek out and camp lower levels. I have done this myself on PvP servers and enjoy every minute of it. As soon as I read a complaint that a member of the opposite faction is ganking me over and over I think to myself you are complaining to deaf ears because as I said that is what you do on pvp servers and if you don't think it is fair then you should go else where like a pve server. I have no sympathy for you... I am sure you'll do it yourself some day and wake up that you are indeed on a pvp server and that is how it works on a pvp server. ;)


P.S. You also mentioned you are in a guild, where are those guild members and why aren't they helping you get rid of the lvl 50's camping you? Maybe you should find another guild to join that supports you when you are in trouble?

Edited by Qirwen
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if there were ANY kind of rewards for killing in the open I would understand but ganking lowbies just for the sake of it? They need to stroke their epeens obviously coz they probably couldn't do anything in WZ against ppl of their level.


No, seriously, is there any kind of achievement in killing lowbies? I know in some games there are at least kills counters but here?

Low zones ganking also is so lame especially when on Ilum ppl exchange objectives without even fighting, just to farm dailies.

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Well we only have about 6 level 50s and they weren't on. Also I don't care about ganking. It's the camping that annoys me. Why would you CAMP lower levels? It's one thing to run by, one shot a lowby, and say something funny and find another to gank. But when you purposefully prevent someone from questing over and over then you are a douche.


And in some people's opinions this may be the way pvp is supposed to be. Thats your opinion. My opinion is its wrong and if it is done to me I will to everything in my power to get my revenge plus some.


Anyways this wasn't a thread to complain. I meant it as an entertaining story of what happened on our server last night.

Edited by Paralassa
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