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Help, newb needs help keybinding with Naga


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So I'm new to MMORPG and got this Naga mouse. The first row of abilites on the UI is mapped to mouse via the number keys. How do I map the second row and the right side abilities to the mouse buttons?


Ideally, I'd like to be able to like hit alt or shift and then the mouse button to get the abilities on the second row or the right side abilites.

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That's exactly what I did. I'm not home, but I believe if you bind to the "Bottom Center" quickslots you can bind "shift + 1", etc to the second row.


I've had trouble trying to bind the 3rd and 4th quickslot rows though. I dont' know why they didn't just name them "Row 1," "Row 2" etc.


Any suggestions with that?

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Sorry for the double post, but I just noticed on some youtube videos that people have other quickslots that are visible on the left and right of the screen. That explains my question I guess. Now I just have to figure out how to make them visible. I'm assuming preferences.
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yeah, if you go to prefences, under nterface you can get activate the left and right vertical bars. Have no idea how to bind them to the Naga. if I figure it out I'll let ya know. Thanks!


In preferences, at the bottom of the window, you'll see a tab for keybindings. On this tab there is an option for quickslots or maybe it was toolbars (I believe it was just that, but I'm not near the game right now so I can't be sure; it should be obvious when you see it) in the list on the left. In there you will find listings for the left and right bars.


I have my naga on the default key setting (1 to =) and simply set the other bars as this + a modifier key (as you indicated in your OP).


*Hotkeys for quickslots only work if the slot is visible, so if you want to use the left and right bars, they have to be enabled. Additionally, if you have your companion hotbar expanded, whichever bar it is covering will not be usable, though the companion bar retains it's keybinds and does not take the bindings of the bar it covers. Also, companion bar is the exception to the rule of needing to be visible, so if it is in reduced form, the keybindings for the slots that are not shown will still work.

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