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dps for Operative healing spec


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So, I'm looking at these posts and hear the cries in general, "OMG Operatives are sooo OP! I hope you enjoy your upcoming nerf!"

I feel that healing is more important than simple dps. I'm a healer for the most part, and I enjoy questing more than I do pvp (at least until I'm 50). So, when approaching a group of 4 normals or 1 normal and 1 strong mob, what kind of rotation/sequence should I use for the MAX amount of dps?


Some info: Currently level 39, full heal spec, use Kaliyo (affection almost up to 9k, <3 that freaky goth chick), and I normally heal her while throwing darts and bombs.


So, being a heal spec operative, am I destined to have to heal her the whole way through or is there some way I can dps well without her dying (she has high endurance armor and it's like she's made of paper)?


Also, what spec operatives are good for stunlocking and wtfpwing people in pvp? I've tried doing it as heal spec, and nah, not working...maybe I'm doing something wrong, so what's the opener that most people use?

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if you are facing a group of normals (like 4-5 of them), it is easier to just throw grenades and aoe blast them (after using shiv to get the TA) - i.e. take the dmg yourself.


in other cases, use kaliyo to take the strongest mob in a pack. Then use your personal dps to drop all other mob.s At that point, you can throw a few HoTs on Kaliyo and use backstab/shiv/overload blast to finish the strongest mob up.


Unless you are using a dps companion like Ensign Temple (don't use the bug man...), it's hard to rely on the companion's dps to kill anything.

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I levelled healing op from level 10, it's pretty OP in my opinion and the 2man quests were easily solable. Just make sure you gt some gear for Kaliyo, put her into defnsive and (on the bigger groups with hard/leets) untick her grenade and emp blast aoe abilities to stop breaking sleep dart/flash bang.


I put a Kolto probe on Kaliyo first as she takes the majority of damage. (and to get ta procs)

I then send her in while I'm casting a snipe. If you cast explosive probe straight after, the probe explodes as the snipe hits, one shotting a lot of mobs until you get higher. Then run in, shiv, barrage, nade. When you get higher, ambush is pretty sweet with eviscerate. Use Corrosive dart on hard or leet mobs, you should kill them just as it expires so is a good use.


When you get higher, groups of 4 are cannonfodder with orbital strike. esecially as you can cast, stealth ambush (while orbital strike hits 1st blast) nade a mob back into the blast radius, stun another, barrage, all dead. Sometimes without taking a single hit. Epic.

Edited by Servit
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Use your stealth openers when you can to front load damage (like Hidden Strike or Eviscerate on a sleep darted mob).

When bombing weak/normal targets, you can usually immediately follow it with a headshot.

You can drop to cover and squeeze an explosive probe out just before a snipe for some solid burst damage.


But if I am healing Kaliyo exclusively through a tough fight, remember that you can Carbine burst without having to switch targets.

You are probably already applying poison darts to every mob on Kaliyo.


Starting on Hoth there were some mobs that tore through her like paper, and I found that double Heals with Dr. Lokin saved the day.


Good luck Agent

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Healers have plenty of options for weaving in DPS between heals. The most important problem you need to deal with is Energy


Carbine Burst is great AE damage, but it's an energy hog.


Speccing to 12 in Concealment and the rest in Medicine is a great way to level. You have a no-energy BS that has a huge crit rate, and Laceration to use up all the free TAs you get from healing on elites

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