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arsenal vs pyro


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I'm split right now pretty much 50/50 arsenal/pyro. I can tell you that if anything my dps went up from when I was 100% arsenal. I'm still playing with the spec and plan to respec to arsenal again to really compare the two but I can say for certain I didn't lose any dps


Burst-Never build up heat spec


Sustained Damage-Requires more heat management-Possibly more dps but not confirmed

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Arsenal DPS is more sustainable at single targets whilst you remain stationary.



Pyro is more mobile its DPS relies on RNG a little.


I personally love pyro having played as Arsenal till 30 and was tired of being gnaked in PVP and having to just spam tracer for DPS.


Pyro whilst probably not hiting the damage numbers you can with a arsenal (if not ganked) is much more mobile and is considerably better in PVP IMO although a little slower PVE due to the reliance of RNG for DPS.


To give an indication of what I mean by RNG.


You light someone on fire you spam railshot you hit unload (50% cahnce to reset railshot) if railshot is available use it if not move onto power shot which has a 30% chance to reset railshot.


So your base chain can be somehting like below for massive single target damage.


incendiary, railshot, unload, railshot, power shot, railshot


or it may not proc at all and be


incendiary, railshot, unload, power shot, power shot, power shot until the actual timer on rail is up


It is exceptionally rare for the latter to happen but believe me it does and usually at the most inopportune times for eg yesterday me full health another merc bh half health interupts for both where on cooldown and could I hell get a crit or a proc for the life of me whilst everything of his did resulting in me dieing.

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