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Free Game Time


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I feel that because all of the down time, and issues SWTOR shipped with, we the customers should request free game time.


First of all, servers where down often due to fixes. Second there are many issues in game that make the game very frustrating. Loot being broken in hard mode is one of those reasons, ability delay in pvp is another, quest being broken, queue times, frequent disconnects and/or crashes, I can go on and on. I think that because of all these issues, free time is warranted.


I understand that the game comes with 30 free days but that is a package that is included with the sell price. That said, Bioware should not come in and say we did give you free time, or that this is why free time is given. 30 days is given as a standard across the industry so don't try to pull that **** off as free time for your fixes.


World of Warcraft gave their customers free time when the realms where down. I think it would be a great move in the part of bioware, and a step towards a better consumer and customer-service relations.


How much free time should be given, I think maybe a week or two would suffice.


I would like to hear others opinion's on the matter.

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All the down time? You mean the times the servers needed to go down for patches and for regular maintenance?


As for free time for issues, most of them are user issues. The others, Bioware are tracking them down. If any free time is coming, it wont be mentioned or given until the problems have been fixed.

Edited by renegadeimp
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There are plenty of game issues that alone warrant free time. For example, the hard mode instances being bugged and not giving loot, the one boss raid was unavailable for about a day or more, quest where not able to be completed due to server issues, pvp quest where not giving credit for matches won, those issues are right from the top of my head, and none of these are user issues; and all of these are extremely frustrating.


I don't care when free game time is given, I just hope that it is something bioware should offer just as a sorry to all its customers. This would be a step in the right direction.

Edited by ochow
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The server have only had minor downtime. So there is not reason for account credit. You may also need to reread the contract you agreed to. http://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBTERMS/US/en/PC/


When WoW launch their downtime was insane. 12 to 18 hours and 2 to 4 times a week. That is a case of extreme downtime. In return they gave use free days.

Edited by Romiz
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I feel that because all of the down time, and issues SWTOR shipped with, we the customers should request free game time.


First of all, servers where down often due to fixes. Second there are many issues in game that make the game very frustrating. Loot being broken in hard mode is one of those reasons, ability delay in pvp is another, quest being broken, queue times, frequent disconnects and/or crashes, I can go on and on. I think that because of all these issues, free time is warranted.


I understand that the game comes with 30 free days but that is a package that is included with the sell price. That said, Bioware should not come in and say we did give you free time, or that this is why free time is given. 30 days is given as a standard across the industry so don't try to pull that **** off as free time for your fixes.


World of Warcraft gave their customers free time when the realms where down. I think it would be a great move in the part of bioware, and a step towards a better consumer and customer-service relations.


How much free time should be given, I think maybe a week or two would suffice.


I would like to hear others opinion's on the matter.


lunatic, your first mmo i assume ?

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People whose maintenance happened over night don't lose game time much. It's the day time maintenance for other regions that invokes the feeling that a refund of game time is needed.


Some other MMOs are very good at crediting lost days others are not. I have a feeling BW is not remotely interested in giving anyone back lost time. It's one of those good will gestures that is down to individual companies outlooks.


By all means keep asking for it though :)

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I would like to hear others opinion's on the matter.

If you expected no problems at all at launch, you are more naive than me (I'm Epic Naive level Bazillion btw).


If the servers were totally broken and people could not log in for long periods of time, or stuff like in FF XIV (just to mention one), then it could be justified.


But it's not.

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I kind of agree with this, ability delay has actually ruined playing consular for me because i finish my healing ability and the delay is so bad that Qyzen is killed before the heal is applied. But they should only give us free time after the first month is over and we've put in a time card or something to continue playing.
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How much free time should be given, I think maybe a week or two would suffice.


I would like to hear others opinion's on the matter.


I was agreeing with your post untill this line.

Yes, servers have been down a bit to much. this is because of bugfixes everyone is yelling about.

Yes, there have been some que's (some where very long indeed).


But asking for 2 weeks!? of free time for a game that has been out 4 weeks!? Are you kidding me.


I'd like them to acknoledge the fact that there has been more then standard downtime *not i didn't say more then expected)

But for this acknoledgement 1-2 days is more then enough. It realy has not been that bad people, hell, i had an easyer time getting this game going then i did with BF3!

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lunatic, your first mmo i assume ?


No its not my first MMO. I've played others like WoW, City of Heroes, Aion, FFXIV (absolute piece of crap), DC Universe, Rift, EVE, Warhammer.


Of course I did not expect this game to be perfect, but I sure as hell not expected the issues I've mention. Quest being broken is an issue that should not have made it to launch, hard modes not working as intended, these are issues that should have been identified in testing.


The only issue that is justifiable are long queue's and performance issues that some are having. But Issues that come down to the very engine of the game like the ability delay, cmon, really?


I enjoy this game, the story driven aspect of it in particularly, but the customer service has been horrible. They fix something and in the same exact patch they break something else, like the Darth Magus fight in ilium. Was working fine then the next patch boom its broken. How does a professional company commit these sorts of mistakes?

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I was agreeing with your post untill this line.

Yes, servers have been down a bit to much. this is because of bugfixes everyone is yelling about.

Yes, there have been some que's (some where very long indeed).


But asking for 2 weeks!? of free time for a game that has been out 4 weeks!? Are you kidding me.


I'd like them to acknoledge the fact that there has been more then standard downtime *not i didn't say more then expected)

But for this acknoledgement 1-2 days is more then enough. It realy has not been that bad people, hell, i had an easyer time getting this game going then i did with BF3!


To be honest I don't care how much time is given. I agree with you an acknowledgement that them Bioware have made more mistakes than they should have and an apology would suffice. Free game time no matter how much of it would show me that Bioware does care and that they are truly sorry.

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As you have played other games of this genre you will know that there are more issues early on. I haven't experienced anything that I would class as more than an inconvenience.


You don't want to experience these inconveniences then play a few months after release. Don't come in here trying to justify why you should get free time for things that you should have been expecting for some degree.

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Either pay up or leave


Honestly people on one hand cancelling coz of xyz problem then requesting free game time its ridiculas roll on the 20th and the great whiner purge begins and all the haters are forced to leave unless they pay

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