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They are extremely bursty, much less sustained damage than a gunslinger


That is a very good point. I think the issue with scoundrel is the ability to 3 hit someone, stealth, recover, and do it again repeatedly. Or take down multiple enemies at once with or without stims/buffs.


I apologize for my rather pugnacious responses before! It is late, and I am tired, after all.


Perhaps the real issue is skill, but I still feel almost as though the very versatile classes have just a bit too much versatility in pvp.

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You don't have to be shy about it

We are pretty overpowered, especially with a half decent team

The damage we put out, at range, while still having great kiting abilities, CC, and CC counters is crazy

Not to mention that when we are in cover we are uninterruptable


You're overpowered against idiots. Snipers have one major(MAJOR)drawback: LoS. I see a Sniper use Bunker Down or whatever it's called, I simply LoS until it runs out, or they move out of it. I see them use their bubble shield, I LoS. I see them casting anything, I LoS it at the last second. It's hilarious. All they can do is Leg Shot me, get one Snipe/Ambush off, and that's it.


Every map is so full of pillars it's a cakewalk to LoS them. Of course, the same is true for Tracer/Force Lightning spamming baddies.

Edited by GuyWithFace
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So I'm somewhat familiar with the pvp in TOR by now (valor 56 on main, with several alts in the 15-30 range), and obviously there is an abundance of issues that you can learn all about in this forum.


But I just wanted to throw my voice into the mix by noting something I find quite intriguing.



Has anyone else noticed....


That the highest DPS classes are all the ones that also have healing/CC/stealth?


Mercs - 1 attack wonders + healing


Sorc/Sage - highest damage I've ever seen comes from these, plus massive CC and heals


Op/Scoundrel - we all know how bad this situation is, but even with a nerf, you still have huge damage, stealth, heals, CC




So why is it, that classes without Stealth/CC/heals, especially classes THAT ARE RESTRICTED TO DAMAGE, do LESS damage than the classes with all the goodies.




And I'm sure this has been brought up a million times by a million people, but frankly I don't care.


Why bother with Gunslinger or sentinel, (or guardian, vanguard if you want to DPS), when you can get MORE damage + MORE CC + stealth/heals from other classes?




In short: Really bioware? Really?




EDIT for trolls: I am a Jedi Guardian, and I destroy in pvp. I have no issue personally. My issue is that the healing/cc advanced class is outdamaging the pure damage advanced class in many cases.


Here is my flame armor:







Why can`t ppl just enjoy PvP?


Every class is OP in some way, and so what?


I got beaten by opratives/sorc/commandos/ etc etc many times, i have beaten all this classes to.


If a class crit 5k on me, i dont come here and whine about it.


I dont have any issues with any classes, and i bet a many ppl feels the same way, consider 50% have only tried PvP.


Ppl who destroy PvP is those who cant manage to play thirs toon and come here over and over again and whine nerf this, nerf that...

Edited by carbocat
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