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Jedi Knights: How do you time Riposte between other attacks?


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Here's a description of the Jedi Knight ability, Riposte:


Ripostes a parried or deflected attack, striking back at the target for X weapon damage. Riposte can only be used after a successful melee or ranged defense and does not respect the global cooldown. Attacks with both weapons if dual wielding. Cannot miss, be parried or dodged.



That part in bold is important. When my character successfully defends an attack, he has few seconds to use the Riposte skill. While this ability is available it can be used at any time, even in the middle of other moves.


Here's my question: does Riposte interrupt moves? And if so, how do you tell when an attack is complete? Can I just use Riposte immediately after selecting another attack, and have both do damage?


That seems unlikely, since the damage text pops up when you actually swing your blade, not when you press the hotkey. So instead I time my Riposte attack based on the actual swings of my characters blades, ie when the damage appears to be done.



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Actually that is not true. It doesn't hit and do damage everytime, even if the tooltip says, that it doesn't care about GCD. It sometimes just starts the thrust like animation when using it "after" or during simple slash or blade storm animation for example, and doing zero damage just like master strike sometimes. However using it before any abilities it allways fires off for me and works like as intended. Edited by Guinden
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Ive noticed the same thing, it goes on gcd if you use another ability, but if you use it, it wont trigger the gcd, meaning if you use another ability then immediately use it, it wont go off, and by the time the gcd goes away, it wont be useable again. Thats why I only use it before using another ability.
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riposte is good for BURST DAMAGE.


basiclly you should time it so that you can hit Blade Storm first then follow that up with SUNDER STRIKE and then flow right into Riposte.


OR rotation number 2


You can go MASTER STRIKE then flow right into riposte and then blade storm and then sunder strike.


you do mega damage that way.

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