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Target Self button SHOULD NOT target your damn companion.


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F1 targets you

F1 again targets your pet

F1 targets you again.


Honestly i wished that F2 and F3 also worked like that it would make small group healing so much easyer.


I know it cycles. The f1 thing works great in a full group, since you don't have a companion; but for soloing / solo world pvp it is a giant PAIN IN THE *** to deal with. In fact, it leads me to lose some pvp battles because i end up sheilding / healing my *********** companion instead of myself.

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What is really retarded is that it is NOT configurable.


Spamming F1 when you need to self cast something urgently is the common behavior.

You end up developing this habit to avoid all those time where you die for misspressing the key and trying to cast your heal / shield while not having targeted yourself.


And even without spamming, just the habit of pressing F1 to target yourself before important self cast will always end up to screw you up at some point where you already had yourself on target.


This default behavior show a design made by someone who has not much insight on most pvp players behaviors tbh.


This is among a bunch of other things quite poor on the control side of things.


I m not surprised that there is already a post about that.


Honestly I unfortunately think that there is too much of those issue in this game and that most pvp players will give up without posting much rants.


At least add an option to disable it, seriously how isn't it obvious :(

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Anyone else think it's absolutely RETARDED that target self cycles between you and your companion? I don't know how many times i've died or done something i didn't do because i hit the target self button and end up targeting my POS companion.




This irritates the crap out of me too Gormanster.


Glad to know I'm not the only one.

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  • 2 months later...
Anyone else think it's absolutely RETARDED that target self cycles between you and your companion?
No, no I don't.


Honestly i wished that F2 and F3 also worked like that it would make small group healing so much easyer.
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