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Random ideas for improving merc PvP


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So had some time on my hands today and decided to do a bit of brainstorming about how to improve merc PvP. I don't have any ideas for healers because frankly BG spec seems to be just fine. These ideas are for arsenal and pyro, and they're basically just tweaks to talents since I don't think it's realistic to expect a new ability or anything drastic of the sort. I also haven't really considered much in terms of balancing, these are just rough ideas to stimulate discussion, so feel free to tell me why I'm an idiot and these are terrible ideas. And lastly, I'm by no means suggesting that ALL of these should be added; I'm just throwing out the ideas I've had.


1. Lots of talk about mercs needing an interrupt, but I'd settle for a short duration interrupt protection on a long-ish cooldown in the arsenal tree. Not sure where to work this in though, it'd probably have to be high in the arsenal tree somewhere. Maybe add it to Kolto Vents, where you gain a 3-4 second immunity when you use vent heat. Not a great spot for it, but not sure where else to work it in.


2. I also think arsenal mercs could really use a short duration snare immunity. You could possibly toss this into power barrier, where you become immune to snares after proccing the 5th barrier or something. Realistically though it would need to be on a longish cooldown as well, so you could similarly add this to Kolto Vents (though not with #1 as well obviously).


3. Again for arsenal, how about putting a 1-2 second speed burst when you use rocket punch into the afterburners talent. As it is the knockback is really only useful for interrupts and catwalks. This would allow you to create a little extra distance. Or instead build in the snare immunity mentioned above or a snare dispel when you rocket punch. Since most melee snares are easilly reapplied/spammed anyway, this would just be a way to create a bit of extra space when used.


4. Again for arsenal, I think pinning fire could be reworked such that each tick of unload that hits the target stacks on another 2 seconds of the slow. So if you hit with all three ticks, the net effect is a 6 second slow applied on the last tick instead of just a 2 second slow refreshing with each tick.


5. For pyro, I think some dispel protection is needed. The best place to put it might be with incendiary missile; if it gets dispelled, it explodes for damage equal to the remaining duration.


6. Similarly, I think that incendiary missile and thermal detonator could use a bit of extra synergy. How about when thermal detonator explodes, it also causes the remaining duration of incendiary to apply at the same time, up to a maximum of something like 50-75% of it's total damage. Add in an extra talent to make it not consume the remaining ticks, so it keeps applying. Pretty standard DoT effect really, and would give pyro a nice bit of extra on demand burst.


Anyway just some thoughts that I'd throw out to the community.

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  1. give us some cc. 30m slow with a 4 sec cd? ill take that
  2. give us some mobility. incombat speed boost/gap closer/stun breaker/slow breaker. id be nice to get away/run right through burners like si or jump whole platforms away from everyone like sw
  3. give us some defense. 2.5k damage shield with no knockback and 20 sec cd? ill take that
  4. if we get none of the above then give is more damage in melee range. if a sw wants to challenge us then they need to pay, no more sitting duck syndrome

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1. Lots of talk about mercs needing an interrupt, but I'd settle for a short duration interrupt protection on a long-ish cooldown in the arsenal tree. Not sure where to work this in though, it'd probably have to be high in the arsenal tree somewhere. Maybe add it to Kolto Vents, where you gain a 3-4 second immunity when you use vent heat. Not a great spot for it, but not sure where else to work it in.


Tanks get interrupts, Healers get CC. Fair trade IMHO. If healers want interrupts now, tanks should also get CC.

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