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Story Voices


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The voice acting is great. I commend BW on doing an excellent job coordinating all those thousands of conversations.


That being said, the voices are a bit awkward for some players. I have 2 BHs that are very different, yet they have the exact same voice. The voice fits very well with my body-type 3 Chiss, but it is way to deep for my scrawny body-type 1 Zabrak. I imagine his voice should be a bit more nasal, and definitely not so low pitched. I understand you can't have multiple tracks for the same characters with the vast amount of memory that would require.


What I would like to see is a preference for each character with a "pitch" slidebar. That way you could use an equilizer on your character's existing voice tracks. This would let you set the pitch of your voice to fit the character.


It's awkward to hear my 2 BH's and 2 Inq's sound exactly the same, when they are so different from each other. If you don't want to give players the option, then maybe you can forcibly change the pitch of the character's audio tracks based on the body type they choose.

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This could be easily implemented since there is already a voice modifier in the game. When you wear certain helms, it turns your voice into more robotic sounding dialogue as you speak through the mask. They could use this voice modification to allow us to adjust the pitch of our characters slightly.


There should be reasonable limitations of course. Not so high or low that the voice becomes cartoonishly unrealistic.

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