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PVP Brackets and Queues


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I agree - it makes me worry that they are going to tweak the game based on forum QQ - Queues for 50s and lowers lvls will increase by a huge margin - heck most of the games I play is almost all 50s and you dont see me complaining (im 34)
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I feel like this should be delayed a bit. Perhaps another few weeks to a month or another solution should be put in place. Queue times are going to be insane, especially after midnight.


Game just seems a bit light on the content side for longer pvp queues.


A bit too heavy on the frustration and boredom side as it is. Queues? Not my problem. I can wait to play balanced game and have fun.

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IMO the timing is perfect. About 80% of players in my recent WZ's are 50 so if anything, it's a week late. The 50 WZ community will be thriving with plenty of games.


10-49 on the other hand I worry about. Queues will be longer but at least they'll be more fair. It's a decent trade off IMO.


We'll all hit 50 before too long and then we'll get farmed by those with full gear sets and the cycle begins again.

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OTOH, if queues are not in place by Thursday (when my sub runs out), I'll be done until they are. I"m sure there is a sizeable group of folks who feel the same way. I'm not paying for a game where I get hit for 6k, and my normal hit on a 50 is 800.


Either way, looked forward to increased q times on your 50's ... enjoy this mess.

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A bit too heavy on the frustration and boredom side as it is. Queues? Not my problem. I can wait to play balanced game and have fun.


It is your problem because this change will affect you too. I play on a populated server, with a fair amount of 50's and queues past midnight are already at 10 minutes. If this change happens now, could easily be 30 min queues.


Think this wont happen for lower levels too? lol. I have no problem waiting but this change at this moment in time is really going to cause issues for everyone. It's kind of lol you think the game will be balanced at low level play too just because 50's aren't there.


A working solution should be to just increase the stat buff lower levels get.

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OTOH, if queues are not in place by Thursday (when my sub runs out), I'll be done until they are. I"m sure there is a sizeable group of folks who feel the same way. I'm not paying for a game where I get hit for 6k, and my normal hit on a 50 is 800.


Either way, looked forward to increased q times on your 50's ... enjoy this mess.


and you think suddenly hitting 50 is going to change this? A brand new 50 has less hp/damage than a 49. It's all about pvp gear, which you can get in your 20's and 40's (expertise stat inflates well with expertise gear at those levels).

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