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In case you missed it: Combat logs are coming, but only for yourself


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There would be no need for combat logs if they just designed a standard damage and healing meters in de default UI. With the introduction of a combat log and addons not being allowed, its bound to happen that people will start using third party software in their system tray to scan the combat log.


Honestly, I dont need a combat log. Just give us a built-in damage and healing meters and its okay.

Edited by Kesari
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if some guilds had them it was a very select few. I played and was in the top raiding guild on my server we never used them and didn't need them. and neither did the other raiding guilds on our server.


So is he suddenly a Bad, Lazy, Casual or Care Bear? Or does the fact that he played EQ instantly make him exempt from any of those distinctions? He's the 1st EQer that doesn't reek of BS to me.

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Why would you need to lie, unless you were slacking, being a leech.


Ding ding ding ding ding! The only people who don't want to see these meters are the above.


People are going to talk crap no matter what. The only way to prove them wrong is with hard data.


By not having that data they're just going to talk crap.

Edited by Scoobings
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Also, EQ1 did have parsers. And most top end guilds, including mine, used one. We just didn't normally post them or talk about them in guild chat. If someone was lower then they should be we talked to them about it. If it becomes a normalcy, they were told they weren't working out.


It just wasn't something every player knew about. It was something that worked outside of the game and couldn't be posted in chat either.


It wasn't posted in chat because any form of exterior program running and interfacing with EQ1 was illegal. And I know exacty what you are talking about. It was seen as cheating...

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So is he suddenly a Bad, Lazy, Casual or Care Bear? Or does the fact that he played EQ instantly make him exempt from any of those distinctions? He's the 1st EQer that doesn't reek of BS to me.


Depends on what "top" means for him and that server. Because trust me, Top end raiding in EQ required it. I'm talking serverwide firsts etc.


Most raids in EQ1 were nerfed to hell and back after the first couple guilds completed them.

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It wasn't posted in chat because any form of exterior program running and interfacing with EQ1 was illegal. And I know exacty what you are talking about. It was seen as cheating...


No I am not talking about MQ. I'm talking about parsing programs. They existed before MQ 1 or 2 came along.

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EQ did have parsers. If you were in a top raiding guild, someone was parsing you. You just might not of known about it.


Top ending raiding guild. Being awfulley vauge. The point is moot if you were in some group that downed content and was 10th on the list. The only one people remember is the first. I could claim TOP END RAIDING guild If I wanted.


Now. The overall point people...this game will not have recount. If this will cripple you. Maybe you need to find a game that better fits...your styile of handicapped mods.

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Depends on what "top" means for him and that server. Because trust me, Top end raiding in EQ required it. I'm talking serverwide firsts etc.


Most raids in EQ1 were nerfed to hell and back after the first couple guilds completed them.


Answer the Question:)

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So is he suddenly a Bad, Lazy, Casual or Care Bear? Or does the fact that he played EQ instantly make him exempt from any of those distinctions? He's the 1st EQer that doesn't reek of BS to me.


I know for a fact our server never used them because we often got on teamspeak with many of the other guilds to discuss strats and turns for certain dungeons. it wasn't uncommon to help another guild rez after a wipe of even throw in a little extra dps for faction hits.

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Want to know YOUR PERSONAL DPS? Now you have a way to know YOUR DPS. All recount knows is promote people yelling at other's for not being in a certain spec, smashing the SAME button's over and over and yell at anyone who is not a clone of DPS/SPEC...


So as I said. I may be in your raid. Want to know MY DPS. I will lie. Want me to upload it? I will edit. You cannot beat this system. Everquest didn't have RECOUNT and we did JUST FINE. I really doubt ANYONE will quit over not having recount. But I know people might quit over recount being added.


Enjoy it, casuals like myself. Get to know people for who they are and appreciate that. Because you sure won't be knowing my DPS.


I'd quit over not having a measurable way to improve. I'd leave a group if someone refused to tell me that they were the one causing our repeated failure. If a fight is tuned properly, with any kind of difficulty, you won't get by just by mashing whatever random ability you decide you want to use. Considering the complexity of most proper rotations in WoW "Pushing the same buttons" isn't really something to worry about.


You don't need a damage meter to tell you that the sage in melee range slicing at the enemy and casting nothing is dragging you down, but it sure does make it easier to spot.

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Top ending raiding guild. Being awfulley vauge. The point is moot if you were in some group that downed content and was 10th on the list. The only one people remember is the first. I could claim TOP END RAIDING guild If I wanted.


Now. The overall point people...this game will not have recount. If this will cripple you. Maybe you need to find a game that better fits...your styile of handicapped mods.



Finding it pretty hard to believe that the "brightest and best" are in EQ and that the people outside of it are the people who are "Braid Dead" and "Handicapped";)

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Top ending raiding guild. Being awfulley vauge. The point is moot if you were in some group that downed content and was 10th on the list. The only one people remember is the first. I could claim TOP END RAIDING guild If I wanted.


Now. The overall point people...this game will not have recount. If this will cripple you. Maybe you need to find a game that better fits...your styile of handicapped mods.


In EQ1, the top 1-5 guilds had all the server-wide firsts. The top 3 swapped them between them, Triality was #1 server wide for as long as I remember.


But I'm showing my age here.

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It is the business of everyone in the group, if someone is causing a wipe due to low healing/dps. The people who fear scrutiny only do so because they are worried they will be judged based on doing badly. If they know they are doing badly, they can do something to improve. If they are unwilling to hear about how badly they are doing because they might get their feelings hurt, then I really would rather not waste my time with them.


The people who want to spend all their time scrutinizing others so they can be assured they're in a group "of their caliber" are whiny elitists who have a much higher value of themselves than they likely actually have.


See? I can make asinine, unsupportable straw man arguments too!


Believe it or not, for many players it has nothing to do with not wanting their performance scrutinized, and everything to do with not wanting to be subjected to unrealistic expectations by misinformed players who want to appear a lot more accomplished than they really are by being in groups with players who have impressive, if statistically uncommon, output.


I've never had an issue with my personal output being scrutinized. My issues only arise when you have 12 year-olds who got numbers from the best guilds in the world and decided that everyone had to be at that level to have even a baseline chance of success.


They need to realize this game isn't competitive. There are no tournaments offering money, there's no achievement system that advertises world-first or server-first boss deaths, etc.


Are bosses dying? Then everyone is doing their job. Is the party repeatedly wiping? Then no one is doing their job. That's all people need to know.

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I know for a fact our server never used them because we often got on teamspeak with many of the other guilds to discuss strats and turns for certain dungeons. it wasn't uncommon to help another guild rez after a wipe of even throw in a little extra dps for faction hits.


This isn't an answer. Is this Parser from the Almighty EQ one of the above or are your insult reserved only for those who come from other games that use Parsers?

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Are bosses dying? Then everyone is doing their job. Is the party repeatedly wiping? Then no one is doing their job. That's all people need to know.


What if the boss doesn't die then how do you respond?

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I'd quit over not having a measurable way to improve. I'd leave a group if someone refused to tell me that they were the one causing our repeated failure. If a fight is tuned properly, with any kind of difficulty, you won't get by just by mashing whatever random ability you decide you want to use. Considering the complexity of most proper rotations in WoW "Pushing the same buttons" isn't really something to worry about.


You don't need a damage meter to tell you that the sage in melee range slicing at the enemy and casting nothing is dragging you down, but it sure does make it easier to spot.


And we'd all wave "bye bye", because most people don't want players like you in their groups, who get a sense of identity from their performance in a video game, and get upset at others when those other players don't decide to knuckle under to your personal playing requirements.


Enjoy the last 8 days of your free month. You won't be missed.

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Their will be no GROUP LOGS. Their will only be PERSONAL if at all. That being said. Their is no way you can force me to upload it. Even if you could. I know how to edit a doucment. I hit the boss for 22k damage with a simple "edit doc" and write in numbers.


Now you know YOUR personal DPS and it's not affecting my fun. So YAY for fun.


LOL Yay for sucking! I'd rather edit my own sucky logs in notepad than learn to play my class! Yay!


If this game caters to the bads such as yourself, it won't be anything but a stinky burp and then it will be gone. Just like all the rest.

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This isn't an answer. Is this Parser from the Almighty EQ one of the above or are your insult reserved only for those who come from other games that use Parsers?


Well my answer is; I raided for 9 yrs on EQ1 as a tank and my highest ranking was #16 server wide.


I can put my hand on any bible you care to produce and swear I never used a dps meter or threat meter or enrage thing whatever.


Far as I'm concerned, if you need all these tools to beat the content, then you're care bear raiders.


That's my opinion, now I'm going to bed :)

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I'd quit over not having a measurable way to improve. I'd leave a group if someone refused to tell me that they were the one causing our repeated failure. If a fight is tuned properly, with any kind of difficulty, you won't get by just by mashing whatever random ability you decide you want to use. Considering the complexity of most proper rotations in WoW "Pushing the same buttons" isn't really something to worry about.


You don't need a damage meter to tell you that the sage in melee range slicing at the enemy and casting nothing is dragging you down, but it sure does make it easier to spot.


I support in saying. I would put on a song.."NA NA NA ..HEY HEY GOODBYE" you KNEW this game did not have a combat log BEFORE buying it. It's been almost a month and no combat log. Now they might add a PERSONAL combat log of YOURSELF. You want a way to ABUSE the system to know Every One's.


Quit then if you don't get your recount. One less person to complain about not being able to use a mod as a cruch and complain. I think Pokemon and Panad's may fit your style.

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