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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In case you missed it: Combat logs are coming, but only for yourself


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Why is it irrelevant?


Because they have already said they 'are working on a way to provide you with YOUR own combat data. And the same 3 or 4 people keep screaming they have to have that info. It's ridiculous. If the truth be told it's probably the same guy with 3 or 4 accounts and he's agreeing with himself.

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Because they have already said they 'are working on a way to provide you with YOUR own combat data. And the same 3 or 4 people keep screaming they have to have that info. It's ridiculous. If the truth be told it's probably the same guy with 3 or 4 accounts and he's agreeing with himself.


By three or four do you mean more than half the posters?

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Well I'm against them.


One example. Myself and another player were in a 2 healer chain. We (the healers) agreed to do a full/top type heal. She did the full heals, I did the top up.


Later the tank and group leader wanted to know why my healing was less than the other healers. I told him what we had agreed and he demanded I use full heals. So I explained we'd run out of mana, he still demanded the full heals on a fixed rotation and time.


Long story short, we ran out of mana and told him he was going to die. He disconnected but still died and we just sat there in amazement.


He was so reliant on looking at his figures he was oblivious to everything else.


Just one example where meters are bad.


Having to put up with one bad experience with a Bad Tank is not a strong argument against what I listed. Sorry.

Edited by Chosenxeno
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Well I'm against them.


One example. Myself and another player were in a 2 healer chain. We (the healers) agreed to do a full/top type heal. She did the full heals, I did the top up.


Later the tank and group leader wanted to know why my healing was less than the other healers. I told him what we had agreed and he demanded I use full heals. So I explained we'd run out of mana, he still demanded the full heals on a fixed rotation and time.


Long story short, we ran out of mana and told him he was going to die. He disconnected but still died and we just sat there in amazement.


He was so reliant on looking at his figures he was oblivious to everything else.


Just one example where meters are bad.


The meters were not bad - the player was. Why do people attribute malice to tools instead of the people using them?

Edited by EternalFinality
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They're whiners because they don't want a feature that exists in every reputable MMO


The inference there is SW:ToR is not reputable MMO.


that provides only benefits because they don't like the behavior of OTHER PLAYERS.


So the other group of whiners have some form of monopoly on forcing their requirements upon the other?


I don't think so.


A combat log is just a tool.


I agree, but a lot of players use it as a basis for the rest of their game play. Which in my opinion ruins the community.


It was in beta. It was removed for seemingly no reason.


This is irrelevant. But BW have stated you will eventually get some form of combat log. But I feel it will not be enough for the some players.

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Christ I just wanted a game to play for a few hours a night after work to unwind a bit. Some of you take these games way too seriously and need to question why you're so obsessed with performances within a video game world.


Aren't there guilds that cater to you people? If the game is that important you should not be in a pick up group to begin with

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Because they have already said they 'are working on a way to provide you with YOUR own combat data. And the same 3 or 4 people keep screaming they have to have that info. It's ridiculous. If the truth be told it's probably the same guy with 3 or 4 accounts and he's agreeing with himself.


In an ideal world you are correct, the entire thread is irrelevant if BW actually do provide combat logs.


But, as this is a forum, it is still available for debate, as are class mechanics and everything else.


But yes, I agree with you.

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Well I'm against them.


One example. Myself and another player were in a 2 healer chain. We (the healers) agreed to do a full/top type heal. She did the full heals, I did the top up.


Later the tank and group leader wanted to know why my healing was less than the other healers. I told him what we had agreed and he demanded I use full heals. So I explained we'd run out of mana, he still demanded the full heals on a fixed rotation and time.


Long story short, we ran out of mana and told him he was going to die. He disconnected but still died and we just sat there in amazement.


He was so reliant on looking at his figures he was oblivious to everything else.


Just one example where meters are bad.


I have seen this happen to healers in groups/raids I was in. It boils down to other people trying to tell you how to play your character, when you know how to play it. It's tiresome.

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The inference there is SW:ToR is not reputable MMO.




So the other group of whiners have some form of monopoly on forcing their requirements upon the other?


I don't think so.




I agree, but a lot of players use it as a basis for the rest of their game play. Which in my opinion ruins the community.




This is irrelevant. But BW have stated you will eventually get some form of combat log. But I feel it will not be enough for the some players.


I'd say give it a rest but your weak arguments are doing so much to help the Pro-Parser People. I want everyone to be able to see that it's not me(the Healer) that's holding us back.

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They're whiners because they don't want a feature that exists in every reputable MMO that provides only benefits because they don't like the behavior of OTHER PLAYERS.


A combat log is just a tool. It was in beta. It was removed for seemingly no reason.


I'd say the ones complaining about what the game isn't are the whiners. It can seen either way but, the ones you are labelling just want the product they bought to remain as is. SWTOR was pretty clearly released without add-ons with no promises to include them. Probably a fair amount came to SWTOR to get away from such features in those other games.


It's a little like following someone out of a steakhouse to a vegan restaurant, demanding they serve a sizzling steak to you and calling the clientele whiners for objecting. Not a perfect metaphor but, you are trying push what can be had alot of places on a game that many view as a haven from what you desire.

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I'd say give it a rest but your weak arguments are doing so much to help the Pro-Parser People. I want everyone to be able to see that it's not me(the Healer) that's holding us back.


Why are you so worried what other people think? Such negativity leads to inferiority complexes.


If someone is not happy with the way you play, why play with them at all?


Personally, I don't care what anyone says here in favor of combat logs. I don't agree with them. If they (the pro-log players) want my help, they get it on my terms, not theirs.

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Christ I just wanted a game to play for a few hours a night after work to unwind a bit. Some of you take these games way too seriously and need to question why you're so obsessed with performances within a video game world.


Aren't there guilds that cater to you people? If the game is that important you should not be in a pick up group to begin with


Yes there are guilds that cater to us. Those guilds like to have as much information as possible. If you like pugging then pug. Kudos though for realizing that joining those kinds of guilds are and option not a MUST though.

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Yes there are guilds that cater to us. Those guilds like to have as much information as possible. If you like pugging then pug. Kudos though for realizing that joining those kinds of guilds are and option not a MUST though.


Which is another reason why the topic is at it's core for guilds is irrelevant. Players like me will not seek to join a guild where combat logs are required.


PuGs are an entirely different debate.

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Which is another reason why the topic is at it's core for guilds is irrelevant. Players like me will not seek to join a guild where combat logs are required.


PuGs are an entirely different debate.


So don't join a guild that requires combat logs, problem solved.

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Which is another reason why the topic is at it's core for guilds is irrelevant. Players like me will not seek to join a guild where combat logs are required.


PuGs are an entirely different debate.


Here's an idea. PuG with your guild:eek:


That's what I did. According to you this is somehow impossible.


We used to do shard runs, material runs, gear runs :cool:

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This is completely irrelevant as the number of for or against in this thread is not indicative of the community as a whole.


Thank you for pointing this out^^ this is how the people who want to scream on the forums until they get what they want actually get what they want in the game. They take something and BLOW it out of proportion by stating a totally false piece of information as fact and then someone else takes it up because it was said by someone else in a earlier post and so on and so forth. Yet as you read it you know the person just does it because they THINK they are clever and THINK they can get away with it. Most of the time others see right through it. I don't see over half the people in this thread agreeing with him though and there is no way to know it.


That person is just pulling false info from a place the sun doesn't shine. That is why this topic needs to be locked now, it's just a flame war, with people who don't want anyone else to disagree with them or have the last word. Sad but true and now I am out of here.

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Good, I don't care if the player can only see his combat log. That makes sense. Seeing other peoples is pure Stupid refined from the greatest Idiotic Mines in the region of Dumb. In my opinion of course



"Guess who sucks and is preventing you from killing a boss" is an intelligent Instance/Raid design.:rolleyes:

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Thank you for pointing this out^^ this is how the people who want to scream on the forums until they get what they want actually get what they want in the game. They take something and BLOW it out of proportion by stating a totally false piece of information as fact and then someone else takes it up because it was said by someone else in a earlier post and so on and so forth. Yet as you read it you know the person just does it because they THINK they are clever and THINK they can get away with it. Most of the time others see right through it. I don't see over half the people in this thread agreeing with him though and there is no way to know it.


That person is just pulling false info from a place the sun doesn't shine. That is why this topic needs to be locked now, it's just a flame war, with people who don't want anyone else to disagree with them or have the last word. Sad but true and now I am out of here.



I disagree. They need to get in here to see the "against" people's arguments and do what makes sense. Raid/Groupwide parsing available for all to see. I do not want to put up with people making assumptions that i'm not doing enough healing because the Rogue isn't interrupting fire balls of death or That some caster isn't dispelling because he's decided that shooting the Boss' is more fun.

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