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Losing affection during someone else's class quest?


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So Mako did something quite strange the other day that I'm pretty sure is a glitch, but it gave me a good laugh anyway...


I play a BH and my friend plays an IA; we've been leveling together, so we're constantly watching each other's class quest scenes. We were on Dromund Kaas, and he was having a meeting with his Intelligence folks. We got to talking RP/in-character, jokingly, about Watcher Two and I commented how nice she looked in her uniform. We get out of the cutscene and I get a little yellow message in my chatbox:


"You have lost 1 affection with Mako"


or something to that effect.


What??? :confused:


I shared that with my friend and he pointed out I shouldn't have been ogling Watcher Two. ;) I still have no idea what that lost point was about, since I was in Spectator mode in someone else's story, or if I even really lost a point, but the timing was lol-worthy. :p



Has anyone else come across weird affection losses (or gains) like this, that have no apparent context? Or is Mako really that jealous of my (female!) BH's roving eye? ;)

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You should be able to lose affection during someone else's class quest. You're in spectator mode so nothing said has any effect on you at all.


There's no way at all you could lose affection with your companion for what you say in chat.


Maybe you were scrolled up and were looking at old info?

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You should be able to lose affection during someone else's class quest. You're in spectator mode so nothing said has any effect on you at all.


There's no way at all you could lose affection with your companion for what you say in chat.


Maybe you were scrolled up and were looking at old info?


I agree that it should be technically impossible -- I just found the timing (surely coincidental) pretty funny. Dragon Age: Awakenings had kinda similar issues with companion approval where companions not currently with you would still weigh in on your decisions, so that sort of bug I could follow, but the ghost -1 point for no decisions seems odd. Still willing to write it off as a bug, though.


It's possible that I was scrolled up, but given that I was using party chat at the time, I find that unlikely. I really, really wish I'd taken a screenshot, now. XD Or maybe I did, I'll have to check when I get home.

Edited by Jenovan
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GM's gotta have their fun too! You were cat-calling another woman in the presence of Mako, she didnt like it! Not sure if they're doing this kind of thing here, but I've experienced GM antics in that 'other' game once or twice with mobs doing crazy dances, and even following us up the elevator and waiting patiently for us to heal up and buff before engaging us!
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