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Please implement companion need on rolls


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I think pretty much everyone can certify they have run in this kind of situation lately.


You came upon some neat phat loot, you pressed the Need button... but some other person in your group, who cannot equip that kind of gear, or does not necessarily has the stats for it, will still Need it for its companion.


How enraging is that when you lose the item to someone else's NPC character?


I suggest the implementation of a Companion Need button on rolls. The Companion Need would be higher in priority than greed, but lower in priority than regular Need.


So if no one is "reg-needing" the item, whoever "companion-needed" the item will get it.


The other issue to be adressed is class related gear. People should not be able to roll need on gear of a different class than theirs. Companion Need can still work... but seeing Need gets the higher priority you see how it works :p

Edited by SnapWolf
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I think pretty much everyone can certify they have run in this kind of situation lately.


You came upon some neat phat loot, you pressed the Need button... but some other person in your group, who cannot equip that kind of gear, or does not necessarily has the stats for it, will still Need it for its companion.


How enraging is that when you lose the item to someone else's NPC character?


I suggest the implementation of a Companion Need button on rolls. The Companion Need would be higher in priority than greed, but lower in priority than regular Need.


So if no one is "reg-needing" the item, whoever "companion-needed" the item will get it.


The other issue to be adressed is class related gear. People should not be able to roll need on class specific gear. Companion Need can still work... but seeing Need gets the higher priority you see how it works :p


I agree with this

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Yes... please... NEED button only clicky for characters that can equip item and has their primary stat.


At least make it an option that can be enable/disable at formation of group, so someone has the ability to basically say look... this is how it is.


You say what about master looter? Well first off I wouldn't trust a PUG master looter. And then to boot there is no roll ability!

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indeed, usually when im in a grouyp i try to make it clear about this ery situation, however the addition of companion need being a lower priority than generic need and higher than greed would stop me having to explain each time i group up
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Yes... please... NEED button only clicky for characters that can equip item and has their primary stat.


At least make it an option that can be enable/disable at formation of group, so someone has the ability to basically say look... this is how it is.


You say what about master looter? Well first off I wouldn't trust a PUG master looter. And then to boot there is no roll ability!


I would not trust a Master Looter either.

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I think pretty much everyone can certify they have run in this kind of situation lately.


I haven't, and I'm not even going to use the old "I don't PUG" reason, because I do.


That said, I don't see a need for a "companion need" button. Especially at higher levels, when everyone will have companions that fill every possible slot, at which point it would become absolutely redundant and useless (and frankly, at lower levels, it makes so little difference that it's of questionable use there, too). And someone who's just loot whoring is going to roll "need" anyway. Adding another button won't change that.


If you don't want people rolling "need" for companions, say so up front. If the rest of the group doesn't agree to your loot rules, drop group. There's no need to force your looting philosophy on the entire player base, especially when the implementation wouldn't do much good, anyway.

Edited by imtrick
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i see one problem with this. we have multiple companions; let's say we have one medium cunning wearer, one medium force wearer, and one heavy aim wearer. so. that's three possibilities to "companion need." is this ok to everyone?
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I did like it that WOW would not let me roll on gear that was not specific to my class.


This would work for me as long as the NEED button is greyed out to those players because it is not class specific.


Anywho, I use PVP and PVE gear to outfit my companions mostly.

Edited by Fraxture
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Wouldn't stop a person from rolling Need to beat out your Companion Need roll


This is the truth and why a "Need for Companion" button is useless.


There are 1500 threads on the "Rolling Need for Companions" issue.


This is the fact:


The only solution is to have a conversation and agree how to handle the issue before you enter the instance.


Yes, you will still get Dbags that go against what you agreed on. Boot/quit and /ignore.


There will *not* be a Need for Companion button because ninjas will just stay/move up to the Need button. There will always be a button that puts the ninja's roll against your roll. Adding 27 buttons will not change this.


Talk to your group. Come to an agreement. Boot/quit when people break their word.


Only solution...


Griping in forums will not change issue. Some people are selfish Dbags and always will be.


(Sidenote, next proposed solution is also not going to happen and is also unworkable. Next proposed solution is that only BH can pick up heavy armor, etc. This ignores the fact that BH may already have that piece and is OK with Quiz taking it for Khem at that point. "Only class picks up" brings danger of doing entire run and getting dupe objects no one can use the entire time.)


I wish the forums had search so people could add their thoughts on Companion Need to the other 876,452 threads on the moot topic.


Mooty McMooterson says, "This topic is moot."

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Instead of flaming the entire thread to oblivion, maybe trying to find a solution to the problem of ninja looting would be constructive.


You're not helping out in any case. You point has been noted, however if you're only going to say "This is nothing new, search the threads", please don't post. We're here to discuss about a problem, not waste our time.

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I did put a solution in and apologize if you think it was flaming.


This problem is endemic to the genre of gaming.


No new workable solution has been found by many, many people that design games for a living.


The solution is to talk to your group before you run. How is this not a solution?


(Also, you don't actually need the search function to find this thread. There are 3 on Page 1 that I am looking at right now.)

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I think pretty much everyone can certify they have run in this kind of situation lately.
Nope hasn't happened to me, and it wouldn't bother me if it did.


We've already got a need button for companions. It's right next to the greed and pass buttons. It's even labeled need.


How enraging is that when you lose the item to someone else's character?
(Fixed, since companions are part of your character) It isn't
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I haven't, and I'm not even going to use the old "I don't PUG" reason, because I do.


That said, I don't see a need for a "companion need" button. Especially at higher levels, when everyone will have companions that fill every possible slot, at which point it would become absolutely redundant and useless

Why would it be redundant? Sure, I may have 5 companions, but I may not plan on using them all. Or I may already have something better for them - the same reason I would skip rolling need on a piece that was inferior to what I was already wearing even if it was the correct type and stats.


There are always cases where you really don't need the item in any way, but still wouldn't mind the money, so greed remains a valid option separate from a companion button.

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It would if the original NEED button is greyed out because the item isn't usable by your class.


This worked for other games because they did *not* have companions.


Companions change the dynamic.


Again, as previously stated, if my BH already has the Chest, I am ok with the Quiz rolling Need for Khem and I will Roll Greed.


Again, it's conversation that is the solution.


Tell me you have had this ninja issue over and over after you have had explicit pre-Instance conversations with people... no one that I know has...

Edited by pjskull
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This is actually a pretty neat idea. I've no idea what sort of effort it would take for it to be implemented, but I say "yes, please!". Just one extra button with an intermediate tier of priority between Need and Greed.


I personally only hit need if my character needs it as an upgrade. If I really want it for a companion I stop and ask if it's ok to hit need on it, but to be honest I usually just hit greed and cross my fingers. I don't like to slow folks down over minor stuff, especially in a pug where I don't know anyone. :o

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