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The "how are my stats at lvl X" thread


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I figured that keeping a running tally on Shadow stats from various people/levels/specs would be a good way of double checking how well we are leveling/picking equipment and talents, and provide a database for future Shadows to check against before asking their own questions in the forum. This stems from another thread but instead of derailing it further I thought a new one would be appropriate.


Currently, at late level 30, I'm at:

Shadow, Kinetic tree

Strength - 74

Presence - 155

Aim - 38

Cunning - 36

Endurance - 429

Willpower - 516

Exp - 0


Damage - 240-290

Bonus Damage - 120.7

Accuracy - 90%

Chance crit - 17.05%

Crit mult - 50%


Health - 5363

Armour rating - 2428

Damage deduct - 26.31%

Defense - 16.6%

Shield - 20%

Shield abs - 24%


I've been equipping based on willpower mostly, only recently paying attention to the mitigation stats (really only recently started getting those items). Have not done any PvP yet but will start tomorrow night most likely. Am I about where I should be? Am I overlooking/way too low in any important stats?

Edited by Bilirubin
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Your shield abs seems really high, and your crit is a little high, which is a combination you rarely see.


As far a gear and lvling, the main thing is just having gear on or near lvl once you start having trouble with quest.


Personally I got the lvl20 PvP gear, then bought gear off the AH at lvl31, then got the lvl40 pvp gear, which I'll probably try to replace with lvl47 blues off the AH, or heaven forbid I might break down and actually run a flashpoint. I'm a PvPer if you couldn't tell, but I did still do the PvE quest up until mid 30s. Now I pick in choose, only PvEing maybe 1 or 2 days out of the week.


The difference between gear is fairly minimal until you reach 50 imo. At that point the diff between geared and not is pretty large. But the gear grind is relatively short, meaning you don't have to have no life to compete.

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Oops, shield abs was a typo, should be 24%; have edited the OP.


I've been hearing the level 20 PvP gear, then the level 40, is the way to go. I'm planning on taking a look at it, once I run a few warzones.


Also, what is "AH"?

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Oops, shield abs was a typo, should be 24%; have edited the OP.


I've been hearing the level 20 PvP gear, then the level 40, is the way to go. I'm planning on taking a look at it, once I run a few warzones.


Also, what is "AH"?


AH= Auction House aka Galactic Trade Network

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Here are mine


Level 34:

Shadow, Kinetic 11/Balance 14 (this is Combat Technique only)

Strength - 74

Presence - 169

Aim - 37

Cunning - 37

Endurance - 691

Willpower - 584

Exp - 0


Damage - 269-339

Bonus Damage - 128.5

Accuracy - 91.02%

Chance crit - 19.21%

Crit mult - 55.87%


Health - 8215

Armour rating - 3658

Damage deduct - 34.49%

Defense - 17.48%

Shield - 20.28%

Shield abs - 20%


The only thing that seems low to me is your armor. I've been consistently maintaining at least 30% damage reduction since my low 20's at least. I have Cybertech and have emphasized keeping blue armor mods up to date, which helps my armor a lot (I used to try for purples, but have had horrible luck, so I don't even bother anymore). My belt and bracers are the only slots I have that are not moddable at this point. Your health is a bit low in my opinion, but I don't think it matters that much. I haven't been gearing for endurance, but seem to have ended up with more than I need.

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Is your armor with Combat Technique active or inactive? If inactive, then I think your rating with it on is probably higher than mine and fine. Otherwise, you must just have some out of date mods or something like that.
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Currently, at level 35, I'm at:

Shadow, Kinetic tree

Strength - 82

Presence - 173

Aim - 42

Cunning - 40

Endurance - 540

Willpower - 601

Exp - 0


Damage - 255-314

Bonus Damage - 136.4

Accuracy - 90%

Chance crit - 16.19%

Crit mult - 50%


Health - 6774

Armour rating - 3447

Damage deduct - 30.65%

Defense - 18.29%

Shield - 20%

Shield abs - 24%


Just finished Vivacar, and got a new lightsaber but those aren't included in the stats above (from the beginning of the gaming session). I could up the crit again, just a matter of adding the right mods.

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I don't have my full stats because I'm at work, but at lvl 26 with Kinetic (and 2 points in the one that gives extra defense when in Force or Shadow technique. Those were the first 2 I allocated because I didn't realize I wanted to go Kinetic or how the stances worked yet).


My endurance is around 550, willpower around 380, and health is at ~6300 at level 26. I've been modding and taking gear based on endurance and defense and power, not willpower or crit.

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Currently, at level 39, I'm at:

Shadow, Kinetic tree

Strength - 88

Presence - 187

Aim - 45

Cunning - 43

Endurance - 738

Willpower - 629

Exp - 0


Damage - 306-385

Bonus Damage - 146.6

Accuracy - 90.19%

Chance crit - 15.39%

Crit mult - 56.07%


Health - 9024

Armour rating - 4045

Damage deduct - 31.99%

Defense - 19.23%

Shield - 20%

Shield abs - 24.43%


Into the Balmorra bonus series. Biggest equipment changes is swapping to a level 31 purple hat (from a lower level purple), and changing a +9 Crit crystal for a +14 End, so that huge jump in HP/End was somewhat expected, but not that degree. I am wearing a mix of purple, orange, blue, and greens

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Nice thread. I'm red but hope you don't mind if I put my stats to? Lv 40 atm.


Strength - 91

Presence - 200

Aim - 52

Cunning - 52

Endurance - 980

Willpower - 687

Exp - 0


Damage - 350-449

Bonus Damage - 153,1

Accuracy - 91,36

Chance crit - 13,25

Crit mult - 56,15


Health - 11507

Armour rating - 5053

Damage deduct - 36,47%

Defense - 23,30%

Shield - 25,09%

Shield abs - 24%

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I don't have my stat's in front of me so I'l need to come back and edit this but off the top of my head:


Level 36


HP's 8900

Mitigation - 35%

Defense - 21%

Shield - 21%

Absorb - 24%


And I know my will is only about 100 points less than my end. I tend to focus the higher willpower items. I'm fairly certain my will is above average and I know I hit harder than other shadow tanks as I've dueled a number of them and I've won duels against people 4+ levels above me. I've found that going with moddable items is the best way to keep geared up. I craft my own enhancements through artifice, trade my enhancements to a guild for armor slots and buy the commendation modds.

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Ah. I'm artifice and haven't really spent a lot of time at it yet, other than to discover that everything I can make requires rubiat crystals, and I'm fresh out of them at the moment.


Probably time to burn some credits at the galactic market

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Ah. I'm artifice and haven't really spent a lot of time at it yet, other than to discover that everything I can make requires rubiat crystals, and I'm fresh out of them at the moment.


Probably time to burn some credits at the galactic market


I'm also artifice and used to get a blue hilt and blue enhancements every 4 levels with mods and armor from commendations. That said, you can get a really big boost at level 40 from the PvP gear (which does not cost much and a kinetic shadow can easily PvP from the mid 30s).

Edited by Sogar
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Shadow Tank lvl 30 :


- Damage = 219-272

- Bonus damage = 113.0

- Accuracy = 90%

- Critical chance = 17.30%

- Critical multiplier = 50%


- Health = 7632

- Armor = 3144

- Damage reduction = 31,62%

- Defense chance = 17.91%

- Shield chance = 20%

- Shield absorption = 22%




Shadow Tank lvl 32 : (after fighting vidicar and with the datacrons from Tython(all), Ord Mantell(all) and Coruscant(2))


- Damage = 268-338

- Bonus damage = 128.2

- Accuracy = 90%

- Critical chance = 17.07%

- Critical multiplier = 50%


- Health = 8406

- Armor = 3364

- Damage reduction = 31,84%

- Defense chance = 17.13%

- Shield chance = 20%

- Shield absorption = 25.55%

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About midpoint level 40 (I hit 41 last night) I was at:


Shadow, Kinetic tree

Strength - 90

Presence - 191

Aim - 46

Cunning - 44

Endurance - 732

Willpower - 658

Exp - 0


Damage - 336-430

Bonus Damage - 146.8

Accuracy - 91%

Chance crit - 17.61%

Crit mult - 52.76%


Health - 9033

Armour rating - 4220

Damage deduct - 32.41%

Defense - 18.69%

Shield - 21.78%

Shield abs - 24.42%


Have all datachrons from Tython, most from Taris, and one or two from Coruscant. Should go on a hunt again soon.

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lvl 50 infil, with ap, upheaval. Not trying to brag, just didn't notice any 50 shadows to compare to


str 110

pressence 232

aim 60

cunning 60

willpower 1342

endurance 1208

expertise 567




bonus 310.3

acc 98.70

crit 27.84

crit% 72.73



hp 15920

rating 3138

% 24.52

shield 0

ab 0



dmge 568.2

healing 241.4

acc 108.7

crit 26.96

crit% 72.73

regen 8.0

act 0




dmg 11.08

heal 11.08

dmg reduction 11.08


this is with 7 battlemaster, 2 champ, 2 centurion stalker pvp pieces, and 2 formerly known as champ relics

all planet datacrons up to corellia, only a couple beyond that plnt lvl

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