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Replay Story Moments


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I'm truly sorry if this has been discussed/suggested before but in absence of search feature I can't bother to try and find out.


Basically some story moments are so epic, so amazing that I really want to have an opportunity to play them through again(without rerolling new character of same class obviously).


Any chance that this can make it to the game at some point? Personally I found obtaining Lord and Darth titles one of the best moments I ever had playing games for many years.


Don't want to spoil anything here but I'm sure people who played other classes have had epic moments as well.


If I remember correctly, LOTRO had something like this basically a "Well" where you could play through your past story moments. Seems fitting to this game as well, as it's so reliant on story.

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record it and upload it for yourself


for example


Youtube and xfire.


Pf watching is not even 1% as good as(hardcore spoiler alert)



Swaying Jaesa to the dark side or fighting Baras in the end


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