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Patches starting out JUST like STO


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Same as most MMOs. Player base doesn't hang around a long time while companies fix and tweak their products. Age of Conan, Warhammer Online also shared in that response.


What this game has on it's side is it's Starwars... People will play that franchise just because it's Starwars... Think of Starwars Galaxies and how empty and broke that game was at release and how many people kept playing it the first year.

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Just like STO fans said "Wait till the first major patch!" same thing here.

Bugs, UI, Shards, combat delay....none of them fixed and this is the beginning.


6 months from now when barely anything is fixed you will see the decline.

Same pattern as STO , same death.


Why you mad?

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Hello everyone,


We appreciate the time and effort you put into creating this thread, but will be closing it as there is no constructive discussion about specific game-related features or systems to be had. Should you wish to contribute something helpful we encourage you to take a look at a couple of threads the community is using to do just that! These Bug and suggestion threads made by the community are being looked at regularly and provide a fantastic outlet for you to let us know what we can do to improve the game in a constructive manner.


We will be closing this thread but encourage you to participate in the others. This allows us to keep the forums tidy and the community compilation discussions together where we can regularly check in and you may all participate in a collective discussion on those topics.

Edited by Averran
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