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Crafting Commission Window - A BoP solution or just asking for bugs?


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So you’ve gotten to 400 in craft X and you see all these wonderful purple recipes. You think to yourself, “Gee, these sure are nice. I bet I could make some of these for my friends and they would love me!” Or perhaps, “These are pimp! Time to crank these out for the market!”


But then you see the “Bind on Pickup” tag and think, “Well this is useless. Why would I make this for myself?” Or maybe it’s more like, “Oh crud, everyone is going to take craft X just so that they can make this. This sucks!” Oh and not only is the item you want to make BoP, but so is the component.


So does this seem contradictory? Counterintuitive? Does it make you want to find a few Jawas and give them the business end of your lightsaber/blaster? I COULDN’T AGREE MORE!


So why do this? Is there a better way?


I would contend that there is. There is a mechanism that was implemented in EQ2 not too long ago called the commission window. What it does is it acts as an intermediary between a crafter and another player so that BoP items and components can be used in a combine to produce a BoP item. The other player simply supplies the window with the necessary BoP items and whatever else may be needed. Once both parties accept the “trade” the crafter does his business. Once the combine is complete, the BoP item shows up in the other person’s inventory. The crafter has gotten some coin from the other player and the other player now has what they wanted. Everyone walks away happy.


I would like to think that a similar mechanism is not only feasible here but also intended. I mean.. why else would a crafter want to make BoP’s if they are the only ones that can use them? Yet so many of them are only really useful to other people?


So how would something like this work here? I would imagine it would work very similar to the trade window. Player A (non-crafter) puts his BoP items + payment in the window. Then player B (crafter) selects the schematic and which companion will do the work. Both accept the transaction and then the companion goes off to do the work. Then, once complete the item either appears in Player A’s inventory or is mailed to them and Player B gets his payment. If something goes wrong, then Player B gets his/her BoP back along with his credits.


I admit, though, it is a complicated system and runs the risk of introducing new bugs. But I felt it was beneficial enough of an idea to submit it as general feedback to Bioware.


What do you all think? Is this a good idea or just too way out there?

Edited by Tharangus
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