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Mercenary Mobility


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So I just read this developer reply to a juggernaugth topic:


"Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary."


I have to say I am absolutely disgusted.


I have absolutely zero mobility as a mercenary what so ever. The only thing I got that looks anything like mobility is a knockback that saves 1 sec of my life (possibly a big more in huttbal) but in PvE it does absolutely nothing.


Juggernaughts got charge and intercede and yet they get the ability to reset their CD on charge once every minute as I understand it. I mean *** is up with this?


I am sure I am not the only Mercenary hungering for some mobility, we got a jet pack that we use for what? Death from Above and Rocket Punch I believe, but that is it, how about giving the ability to make us fly to a location, fly 20 meters backwards, forwards or whatever, just make some use of the jetpack, because quite honestly when a melee jumps me I have no opportunity to get away and I find it quite frustrating sitting there like a duck.

Obviously we are able to kill them, but if a sentinel or any melee play good for that matter they can kill any mercenaries due to interrupts and stun. I am not complaining about anything else than mobility, since I think we are overall fine, but the mobility is something we really are in need of.



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So I just read this developer reply to a juggernaugth topic:


"Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary."


I have to say I am absolutely disgusted.


I have absolutely zero mobility as a mercenary what so ever. The only thing I got that looks anything like mobility is a knockback that saves 1 sec of my life (possibly a big more in huttbal) but in PvE it does absolutely nothing.


Juggernaughts got charge and intercede and yet they get the ability to reset their CD on charge once every minute as I understand it. I mean *** is up with this?


I am sure I am not the only Mercenary hungering for some mobility, we got a jet pack that we use for what? Death from Above and Rocket Punch I believe, but that is it, how about giving the ability to make us fly to a location, fly 20 meters backwards, forwards or whatever, just make some use of the jetpack, because quite honestly when a melee jumps me I have no opportunity to get away and I find it quite frustrating sitting there like a duck.

Obviously we are able to kill them, but if a sentinel or any melee play good for that matter they can kill any mercenaries due to interrupts and stun. I am not complaining about anything else than mobility, since I think we are overall fine, but the mobility is something we really are in need of.




If you are serious, I am worried about you. Merc is a ranged class; Sith Warriors are melee. You can hurt someone over and over within the same distance than a Jug can reach them for one hit.


Do you understand the issue now?

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Yes, the OP doesn't seem to have gotten the point of that buff. It was not about mobility in the sense of attacking while moving but rather in the sense of getting to the target so that AS A MELEE you can do any attacking at all. Mercenaries can use most of their abilities at range, so their lack of mobility is a very minor setback compared to a melee class that can only make mean faces from range.
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I have no issues what so ever doing my job. Standing at range being a mother *********** turret doing almost 500k dmg in each warzone and getting 11-13 medals. But the simple point of lack in mobility is *********** annoying when 3 melees jump on you and u can just stand there while some people can go into stealth, run away, jump away and we can pretty much just surrender.

My main reason for wanting some mobility though is for PvE since most other people seem to have so.

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If you are serious, I am worried about you. Merc is a ranged class; Sith Warriors are melee. You can hurt someone over and over within the same distance than a Jug can reach them for one hit.


Do you understand the issue now?


I am insulted as a class that people are ************ about that comparisson. I agree with jack here, we don't have mobility but the issue being adressed is the melee vs range issue, not the dps while moving issue.


Inquisitors get force speed and force slow, marauders get all kinds of leapyness. juggs definitely need something to make them more than huttball QBs

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I have absolutely zero mobility as a mercenary what so ever.


We have great mobility. However, we lack PVP utilities. It is quite annoying. But considering we're a ranged class, a leap or grapple wouldn't be very good. We should have more pushes and ways to gain distance.

Edited by Mrs_Murder
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We have great mobility. However, we lack PVP utilities. It is quite annoying. But considering we're a ranged class, a leap or grapple wouldn't be very good. We should have more pushes and ways to gain distance.


we have great what?,we dont have any speed boost,unless you are pyro,you have to stand still to activate anything,plus we have a jetpack on our back and we cant frikking use it,is this is your idea of great mobility?

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we have great what?,we dont have any speed boost,unless you are pyro,you have to stand still to activate anything,plus we have a jetpack on our back and we cant frikking use it,is this is your idea of great mobility?



Highlighted the issue.We do need some PVP utilities though. Jet boost is not enough, it is weak and it's only good for knocking people off the ramps in huttball and making melee classes slow.

Just don't use a spec that requires you to stand still and then complain about having to stand still.

Edited by Mrs_Murder
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if i wanted to play pyro,i would have surely rolled Powertech,they pyro tree is insanely better than ours,considering 30-40% of their ability are flames attack,arsenal on the other hand does much more damage and allow us to take down healers(unless they are sorc/sages,in that case they can just run away)
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We have great mobility.


Yes, we have 3 instant casts which only one of them does good damage and one requires spamming of another ability with CAST TIME.


Oh joy the mobility we have!


Tracers, just plain sick mobility on that.

Unload, wh00p! yeah...

Death from Above! mkay!


With such a statement, were you high on crack at time you wrote it???

Good job!

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I debated heavily re-rolling to PT. But the Merc is just too much darn fun and I agree going Pyro wasn't why I rolled a Merc. I've tried Sin / Sniper neither of them work for me as a class -- the Merc feels right.


The solution I've gone with is hybrid arsenal / bodyguard and added biotech to that and r/e'd the purples. I won't use a disposable stim in a WZ but a purple hell-yeah.


We have rubbish mobility. There's no two ways about it. Few PUGs I've seen in WZ have good healers. It's rare if there's one there. So I need to focus on 'MY' survivability so I can contribute to the objective. People know we can hit hard and very rarely as a Merc do I get left alone to spam turret moves. So I need to be able to tank.


I can't mitigate with armour so it has to be through heals. I don't want to lose the damage and hence the hybrid with biotech. In OPVP I run with Mako and try to beat opponents through attrition if they're a few levels above. Concussion missile is fantastic for locking down the player so as to remove their slave from the battle.


Merc's got problems but decided to make the best of them. All classes seem to have problems. Well the ones I look at (Maurader / Merc / Sniper).

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From a bodyguard healer perspective, it is nearly impossible to kite and attempt to LOS to get an uninterrupted heal off.


This game has far too many interrupts for the heavily cast reliant bodyguard.


Mixed with the constant slows and inability to speed up our movement, the moment a melee class is on me, I know there is no escape and no chance of outhealing the damage.

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Yes, we have 3 instant casts which only one of them does good damage and one requires spamming of another ability with CAST TIME.


Oh joy the mobility we have!


Tracers, just plain sick mobility on that.

Unload, wh00p! yeah...

Death from Above! mkay!


With such a statement, were you high on crack at time you wrote it???

Good job!


You do realize we have another dps spec right

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I feel that as a healer if I am not taking damage i can easily run with a ball carrier and keep them up, stopping to cast only when i have enough time without the carrier getting out of range.


The issue i have is the fact that I cannot heal myself in the same way. I think rapid shot should be usable as a self heal. Shoot yourself in the head for all i care but it's dumb that i can heal others with my pistol but cannot heal myself.


For the sake of physics. You can kill yourself with a pistol pretty easy. why can you not use the heal in the same fashion?

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I am insulted as a class that people are ************ about that comparisson. I agree with jack here, we don't have mobility but the issue being adressed is the melee vs range issue, not the dps while moving issue.


Inquisitors get force speed and force slow, marauders get all kinds of leapyness. juggs definitely need something to make them more than huttball QBs


marauders... leapyness? you mean force charge? One ability which juggernauts get? Just wondering what else you thought they got?


As in, mercs are up there with the most annying classes to kill as melee, 2 lots of knock back, a stun, heals, great DPS. If i get jumped on my assassin by a commando, I have to really work to even come close to killing him, if i start next to him, its still an interesting fight, especially if he isnt alone and im with another melee. Melee classes need something.

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I feel BH are balanced fine . I have no problem taking on any other char type. Yes healers can generally out heal my dps but while doing that they cant kill me either. That being said....


The only time when I wish we were more mobile is when playing huttball. I dont even bother trying to carry the ball because well although we can take some damage we are easily locked down. Only reason why I want a mobility move is so I can play something other then support/defense in a match.


It can get frustrating when in a pvp match everyone runs from you and always getting 2x teamed but on the other hand mercs are not squishy and can out dps most classes with a couple spot heals you are invincible.

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Yes, we have 3 instant casts which only one of them does good damage and one requires spamming of another ability with CAST TIME.


No ARSENAL spams abilities with cast time.


MERCENARIES are not immobile, ARSENAL is.


Try not to generalize too much, what he said wasn't wrong; you're talking about arsenal. But a pyrotech merc can be running almost non stop and still do most of his damage.

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No ARSENAL spams abilities with cast time.


MERCENARIES are not immobile, ARSENAL is.


Try not to generalize too much, what he said wasn't wrong; you're talking about arsenal. But a pyrotech merc can be running almost non stop and still do most of his damage.


arsenal and bodyguard are immobile,pyro is slighy more mobile but you lose so much dps that isnt really worth it,i have yet to find one reason to take pyro over arsenal.


wanna go pyro?,try the PT pyro.it's better in any possible way.

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arsenal and bodyguard are immobile,pyro is slighy more mobile but you lose so much dps that isnt really worth it,i have yet to find one reason to take pyro over arsenal.


wanna go pyro?,try the PT pyro.it's better in any possible way.


You clearly haven't tried pyro (or you are just bad at it) if you think you lose that much dps compared to arsenal.

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You clearly haven't tried pyro (or you are just bad at it) if you think you lose that much dps compared to arsenal.


so since i can do more damage with arsenal then pyro,im bad at it?,i wonder if you have tried arsenal,sure less mobility but the dps difference is outrageous

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Mercs can do significant damage, however for mercs to stay alive, they have to spec into healing, because we lack the ability to interupt opponents attacks, unlike every other class in the game, except the sniper/smuggler which i am not sure about.


In addition the lack of escape ability is annoying, since once melee closes on you unless you outgear them or have superior skills.


To top it all off, one of our best skills is a close combat skill that has zero use, and makes it essentially a dead skill, since its limited by mob designation.


As far as pyro vs arsenal , i have yet to find a pyro spec for pure dps that is better then TM spam. While pyro is more mobile, its not that much more mobile since your instants generate significant heat, and power shot & unload are all channeled. Could be i just have not played with it enough though. If there was a way to remove the channel requirements from powershot in the pyro tree it would be as good if not better then arsenal spec imo.

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I admit I'm a noob but I

Also get a bit miffed in PVp with our mobility. A lightsaber carrying toon can leap from platform to platform. You knock one away and boom...right back at you. .if you open up at range on one...sprints away, vanishes etc. On top of that some have some high dps range skills even if it's not their primary method of damage.

All classes have good dps but mellle being able to jump around you mashing buttons while you have to try to turn and face them while casting a > 1s activation while being spamm stunned is not that fun. I'm not saying massive changes need to come in but either giving us a bit more escapolology or changing our dps to higher burst for our long casts should be considered.

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I don't know about you guys but I would love to see another stun or some sort of spirit ability so that I can get away from someone if I need to, Like make rocket punch a 2-3 sec stun or root so that i can punch them then run off if I want. Now im not complaining because I can play the class the way it has been set up as a turret class and I get the most damage in most matches (unless theres a good consular on the other side) so doing damage isnt the problem.


But I cant survive anything, taking on a consular 1v1, forget about it lol, to many stuns and cc's for me to be effective, plus that shield they have is way more effective then mine which only stops 25% dam.


Just give me something so I can run away, a jetpack boost from point A to B so I can get 20m away from somebody quickly, idk just something so I can run away if i need to.

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I have to say I agree. I'm only a 35 atm, but the last mmo I played was wow (yeah yeah I know) where standing still for any amount to time was generally a death sentence in PvP. I'm finding the fact that any ability I have that does decent damage requires me to stand still is really hard to adjust to.


I started as arsenal but just found the tracer spam too mind-numbingly boring so I went pyro merc. It's way more fun, and a bit more mobile....but barely. Sure I can get instant rail resets....but only if I use one of two abilities that require me to stand still. I know its not wow and its a different mechanic, but to be standing still so much is anathema to PvP in general, imo....its like pve vs people, you just kinda stand there and hope you do enough dps. Add to that the fact that our ability to kite isn't spectacular, and even if it was, we don't seem to be able to do enough damage on the move for it to matter.


Idk, im not going to give up on the class, but its definitely getting irritating.

Edited by Zombifikation
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