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Only links for best builds and why they are best builds


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Only link the best build for the one talentr tree you use .

Be it Bodygaurd , arsenal , pyro .

This way if ppl wanne respec and want to have an idea for what to aim they can check these builds first .




I use this build for pvp it gives me some good endurance and i can still blast any jedi to kingdom come .

Also you can change 1 point from costum enviro suit to gyroscopic alignment jets if you get stuns allot but this build works best for me in the pvp section.


Feel free to add more builds regardless wich BH merc tree you have

sincerly you'res




And as a final touch god created the dutch

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Best pure PVE Specc I have found so far. Basically its everything that enhances your raw dps, + everything that makes your healers life easier. Skips every PvP talent, while maxing the amount of alacrity for faster tracer missiles.

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Alacrity is also a waste of spec points, Tracer Missile has a 1.5s cast time and the GCD is 1.5s if you cast a Tracer, even in 1s, it wouldn't matter because you'd be waiting .5s for the GCD. I guess it could bring a bit of mobility to your spec since you can cast it quicker and move if need be. But that's a pretty lousy reason to spend 4 talent points.


EDIT: Also I read a few things that seem to believe that extra accuracy over the cap turns into Armor Pen so that is actually a very strong talent even with mods. Or if it isn't true then that is just a solid way to cap your Accuracy and you can save that mods for Crit/Surge

Edited by Bang-A-Rang
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Alacrity is also a waste of spec points, Tracer Missile has a 1.5s cast time and the GCD is 1.5s if you cast a Tracer, even in 1s, it wouldn't matter because you'd be waiting .5s for the GCD. I guess it could bring a bit of mobility to your spec since you can cast it quicker and move if need be. But that's a pretty lousy reason to spend 4 talent points.


EDIT: Also I read a few things that seem to believe that extra accuracy over the cap turns into Armor Pen so that is actually a very strong talent even with mods. Or if it isn't true then that is just a solid way to cap your Accuracy and you can save that mods for Crit/Surge


Accuracy over the cap does not turn into Armor Pen, it turns into Defense Reduction (Reduces chance to be resisted/deflected). Beyond 110% special you gain nothing. The whole armor pen thing was a misunderstanding of people interpreting the term "Reduces the target's defense" as meaning armor pen, it doesn't.


The 2 points in Accuracy are fine early on but later on in the highest gear you actually will be overbudget on Accuracy (I get up to about 112% in full tier 2) hence the 2 points turns into 2 points in Critical Reaction.


Also Alacrity reduces the GCD for non instant abilities. So while it won't help for Rail Shot and Heatseaker it will actually reduce the GCD of Tracer below 1.5 and let your unloads go off faster too.

Edited by Lightmgl
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i would drop the critical reaction, 5% of nothing is nothing and i assume your alacrity is pretty low, I would go for a point in supercharged gas and a point in vent heat


i know vent heat sucks kinda but it is passive and will help you every time you vent, vs alacrity which will do little to nothing for you.

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Alacrity is also a waste of spec points, Tracer Missile has a 1.5s cast time and the GCD is 1.5s if you cast a Tracer, even in 1s, it wouldn't matter because you'd be waiting .5s for the GCD.


Please top spreading bad info. This is 100% wrong. Only instants cause you to wait for the GCD.

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Arsenal is amazing in PVP, you want to use your burst combos with High Velocity Gas.


Always look for places where you can step in and out of LOS in case you get targetted or where you can knock people off a ledge or far away from you if they decent to come kill you.


Knock people down to half health while stacking Tracer to 5 (3 shots), Explosive Dart, Heatseeker, then Rail Shot. The Dart, Heatseaker, and Rail Shot will all hit at about the same time doing tremendous burst damage and if someone hasn't gotten an absorb or a heal and your gear is decent, they are likely dead.


If your heatseaker combo is down, proc a Barrage and then use Unload until you can do a burst combo to finish them off.


Also look for opportunities to AoE, a good Dart + Fusion Missile + Death

> From Above combo does wonders in Voidstar and Civil War. Try to use your

Thermal Sensor Override for one of the more expensive attacks like Death or Fusion Missile.


Keep Power Shot on your bars in case someone is actually decent enough to lockout your Tracer Missiles.


Save your Power Surge for an emergency heal and don't forget to use your Energy Shield and Kolto Overload if you are getting focused.


If someone is stupid enough to solo defend an objective, pop a Electro Dart on them, they will either break it with Determination or they will sit through it. Follow it up with a Concussion Missile and take your objective while they're CCed.




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i would drop the critical reaction, 5% of nothing is nothing and i assume your alacrity is pretty low, I would go for a point in supercharged gas and a point in vent heat


i know vent heat sucks kinda but it is passive and will help you every time you vent, vs alacrity which will do little to nothing for you.


im not sure that you read my spec at all. i have two points in improved vents. also why would i put a point into supercharged gas when i use HVGC? i dont get any of those perks unless i use SCG

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