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Has anyone who did not pre-order the 21st gotten in yet?


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Its rather funny to me that they decide to let pre orders play early.. something STO and WoW did not do.. and yet people say that are loosing faith in EA and bioware because they aren't getting in fast enough. You coulda been made to wait till the 20th like everyone be stuck in horrid ques and lag and had naught to show for it but a stupid pet or ship... be happy you get in and take what they give ya.
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I will be pretty annoyed if I don't get the few days of early access I was promised (and payed £5 for). I think i can pretty much forget the early access as I pre-ordered and redeemed my copy at the end of November. If you cannot even get past the first month of pre-orders in one day of emails, then why promise up to 5 days early access to everyone in the first place? What about all of the people who pre-ordered their copy at the end of November / early December? Are they going to get the X days early access they were promised and payed for? No. Simply ridiculous. Edited by Jedidodge
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I will be pretty annoyed if I don't get the few days of early access I was promised (and payed £5 for). I think i can pretty much forget the early access as I pre-ordered and redeemed my copy at the end of November. If you cannot even get past the first month of pre-orders in one day of emails, then why promise up to 5 days early access to everyone in the first place? What about all of the people who pre-ordered their copy at the end of November / early December? Are they going to get the X days early access they were promised and payed for? No. Simply ridiculous.


quoted for truth.


It wouldn't have bothered me if everyone simply started at the 20th but promising early acces then hearing it will probably be 1 day from launch for those who pre ordered in november is lame and unfair. I am not subbing, going to go through the story then forget about this game and go back to WoW. I don't like blizzard but hell they are a lot less shady then Bioware is.

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Its rather funny to me that they decide to let pre orders play early.. something STO and WoW did not do.. and yet people say that are loosing faith in EA and bioware because they aren't getting in fast enough. You coulda been made to wait till the 20th like everyone be stuck in horrid ques and lag and had naught to show for it but a stupid pet or ship... be happy you get in and take what they give ya.


I don't care about early access or not. I want to get into the game same time as everyone else. Not fair that us that pre-ordered late, are being treated like trash. We've also pre-ordered the game, even if we did it late. WE'RE EQUAL.

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Yeah....I won't lie the whole premise of "we're just gonna keep inviting people depending on server" I still dont see why they couldnt just at least give an estimate so I'm not sitting here watching it like a hawk.


Sitting there watching like a hawk as you put it is not their problem .. its yours. No one is making you do that.


They also can't give you an estimate because they don't know themselves with them doing it in waves and letting more or less people in each wave. I'm not getting in for a while (just preordered a short time ago) but am not all nerd raging about it because I know eventually I will get in and before other people .. so just relax and go outside for a bit.

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Hmm, they did talk about people having up to five days of early access time...and then they opened it up 7 days early...I wonder if they plan on having most everyone in by the 16th :p I'm actually hoping NOT to get in until Thursday...I'll be too busy working to get much time in otherwise and work will be torture knowing that I could be in otherwise...
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I don't care about early access or not. I want to get into the game same time as everyone else. Not fair that us that pre-ordered late, are being treated like trash. We've also pre-ordered the game, even if we did it late. WE'RE EQUAL.


So for example, when you get in line at the bank, do you feel like trash there too compared to the person who is already talking to the teller. No your still a normal human being so act like one here too. You pre-ordered later than others so you will be granted access later than others, its that simple. No one is "being treated like trash" or any less equal. All the servers come down the 19th to prepare for launch anyways so the 20th you and everyone else will have their access at the same time.

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I will be pretty annoyed if I don't get the few days of early access I was promised (and payed £5 for). I think i can pretty much forget the early access as I pre-ordered and redeemed my copy at the end of November. If you cannot even get past the first month of pre-orders in one day of emails, then why promise up to 5 days early access to everyone in the first place? What about all of the people who pre-ordered their copy at the end of November / early December? Are they going to get the X days early access they were promised and payed for? No. Simply ridiculous.


People need to learn how to read...you didn't pay for a 'few days' of early access, nor were you promised this. You've been promised UP TO 5 days early access. That means somewhere between an hour of play time up to 5 days early access. Just because you chose to read more into it doesn't mean it's SWTOR's fault or responsibility.

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