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My dual lightsaber dissapeared!


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I was in the middle of a battle and all of a sudden my dual saber was gone from my inventory. After killing everything I searched for it in the room and it is not there. Any ideas what I can do to get it back or get another - I don't want to have to start over if I can avoid it. This is the first MMO i have ever played and I was only at level 7 but I don't want to have to replay everything up until this point.



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Ok now I am pissed off - Now my other lightsaber disappeared also. I now have NONE to battle with. I went and bought a challenger blade, and I don't seem to be able to fight with it. I click on it and nothing happens. *** am I supposed to do with no sabers, some battles are impossible to win. Is this going to happen again if I start the whole damn game over? Any ideas how to fix this issue? Has anyone else had this issue?


I tried to go to a vendor and repairing my weapons. I have none to repair. They are not in my quick slots - they are not in my full inventory.


Oh I am Sith Inquisitor level 7 right now, fyi.




Edited by KhalSith
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What are you doing to loose it? Once equipped it should never move. Is it broke , try repairing.


Are you dragging and dropping it out of your inventory? That how you through away stuff, but there is a prompt when you do so.


In short, you must be doing something wrong.

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I lost them both in the middle of battles - i clicked on it to hit the opponent, and then it was gone - same thing for the single blade now. So frustrating. No I did not drop it - I have dropped stuff in the past and know I get a prompt first. I have my quick slots locked from dragging so I don't think I dragged it out and dropped it.
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Something isn't adding up here......Inquisitors cannot dual wield lightsabers; the Assassin advanced class can use a double-bladed lightsaber, but that isn't available until level 10. Are you sure you aren't talking about training sabers? Can you give us the sequence of events from when you had the saber to when you no longer had the saber? In other words, did it disappear in the middle of a fight, or did you notice it gone when you tried to attack? Do you remember the name of the saber you were using? Have you completed your class quest on Korriban yet and been sent to the Fleet?
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I lost them both in the middle of battles - i clicked on it to hit the opponent, and then it was gone - same thing for the single blade now. So frustrating. No I did not drop it - I have dropped stuff in the past and know I get a prompt first. I have my quick slots locked from dragging so I don't think I dragged it out and dropped it.


As the above poster said, something isn't adding up. I think you might be confused about something.


First your weapon shouldn't be on your hot bar. Are you sure you arnt talking about loosing you ability? Maybe you dragged that off the hot bar before it was locked? In this case, press P to bring up your ablilitys and and re bind it to the hot bar.

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OP, from reading your posts, are you clicking on your weapon to attack? Because that's kind of what it sounds like. If you are right-clicking on your weapon to try to attack, that would unequip your weapon and put it in your bag. Right-click on it in your bag to re-equip it.


To attack, you need to use your abilities not the item itself. They are on your hotkeys bar at the bottom of the screen. Not sure what else it might be because a lot of what you have said just doesn't really make sense.

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I'm pretty sure the OP is referring to their attack abilities, not the actual weapon. The reason I say this is because

A) you don't click on your weapon to attack

B) inquisitors don't get lightsabers much less dual lightsabers until lvl 8 at the earliest (lvl 10 for double bladed)


OP check this out:


- Hit the "C" button to bring up your character screen and see if you still have your lightsaber (or any weapon for that matter) equipped at the bottom of the window. Right below the pic of your character will be 2 equipment boxes for your weapon.


- If yes, then hit "P" to bring up a list of your attack abilities. Your "dual lightsaber" is actually just the icon of one of you attacks (the icon is 2 lightsabers crossed). You should be able to find the attack and drag it back into your action bar.


Also, if I'm right here there's a way to prevent this in the future. To the left side of your action bars (at the bottom of your screen) there's a tiny little padlock icon. You can lock and unlock your action bars so as not to accidentally move/delete them in the future.

Edited by Jakyre
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Sorry if I have confused anyone - As I said this is my first MMO I have ever played. I have been a gamer for 20 years, but never a MMO. Ok I think I was confused - it is the two training blades I am missing. .The single ended and the double ended ones. they are not in my inventory, nor my quick launch bar. I bought another blade, put it in my quick bar, and I can't do anything with it during battles. Clicking on it does nothing. They where there at the beginning of the game in slot 1 and slot 3. Both of those slots now show no items in them. When I click the inventory thing at the top of the screen - they are also not in my inventory. Hope this clears up my issue. I was talked into buying this game by friends who want me to play with them, but I am getting so frustrated now with this issue. I am trying to get up to their levels so I can play with them. they are all 15-20.
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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU - this did the trick - I see now it wasn't the weapon I lost - it was the ability in my quick launch bar that disappeared. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help. WHEW...



I'm pretty sure the OP is referring to their attack abilities, not the actual weapon. The reason I say this is because

A) you don't click on your weapon to attack

B) inquisitors don't get lightsabers much less dual lightsabers until lvl 8 at the earliest (lvl 10 for double bladed)


OP check this out:


- Hit the "C" button to bring up your character screen and see if you still have your lightsaber (or any weapon for that matter) equipped at the bottom of the window. Right below the pic of your character will be 2 equipment boxes for your weapon.


- If yes, then hit "P" to bring up a list of your attack abilities. Your "dual lightsaber" is actually just the icon of one of you attacks (the icon is 2 lightsabers crossed). You should be able to find the attack and drag it back into your action bar.


Also, if I'm right here there's a way to prevent this in the future. To the left side of your action bars (at the bottom of your screen) there's a tiny little padlock icon. You can lock and unlock your action bars so as not to accidentally move/delete them in the future.

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Sorry if I have confused anyone - As I said this is my first MMO I have ever played. I have been a gamer for 20 years, but never a MMO. Ok I think I was confused - it is the two training blades I am missing. .The single ended and the double ended ones. they are not in my inventory, nor my quick launch bar. I bought another blade, put it in my quick bar, and I can't do anything with it during battles. Clicking on it does nothing. They where there at the beginning of the game in slot 1 and slot 3. Both of those slots now show no items in them. When I click the inventory thing at the top of the screen - they are also not in my inventory. Hope this clears up my issue. I was talked into buying this game by friends who want me to play with them, but I am getting so frustrated now with this issue. I am trying to get up to their levels so I can play with them. they are all 15-20.


Ok, i understand your problem now. Those icons in slots 1 and 3 when you first started were NOT your weapon. I know they look like it, but they weren't. They were attack abilities and you can find them again by pressing "P" and looking under the Sith Inquisitor tab. You can then drag them back onto your bar. You don't actually click on your weapon or use it on your bar to attack, it just stays in your inventory.


You also don't get a double-sided saber until level 10 or so if you choose the Assassin Advanced Class. One of your attacks just has an icon that shows a double-sided saber. Read the ability descriptions (either in the P menu or by mousing over them) and see how you can use them without draining your Force too quickly. Also, after all of this is said and done, hit "C" and make sure you have a training weapon (it will just be single-sided) equipped at the bottom of your portrait in your character sheet.


Hope this helps.


Edit: Jakyre beat me to it lol.

Edited by Darthshnooky
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Sorry if I have confused anyone - As I said this is my first MMO I have ever played. I have been a gamer for 20 years, but never a MMO. Ok I think I was confused - it is the two training blades I am missing. .The single ended and the double ended ones. they are not in my inventory, nor my quick launch bar. I bought another blade, put it in my quick bar, and I can't do anything with it during battles. Clicking on it does nothing. They where there at the beginning of the game in slot 1 and slot 3. Both of those slots now show no items in them. When I click the inventory thing at the top of the screen - they are also not in my inventory. Hope this clears up my issue. I was talked into buying this game by friends who want me to play with them, but I am getting so frustrated now with this issue. I am trying to get up to their levels so I can play with them. they are all 15-20.


Okay, there's a few things that might be going on here. So, let's if we can get you fixed up.


First of all, as far as I know, you should never link your weapon/blad to your quick bar. Instead, you should equip it, by dragging it from your invetory to the correct slot on your character screen.


Once its there, you never have to deal with it again.


What may be happening is that you are losing your attack ability buttons somehow. Try this. First of all, look to the right of your quickbar and you will see up and down arrows that will move you up and down through a number of quickbars. Click these up and down and see if you have accidentally switched to a different blank quickbar.


If that's not the case, then try re-adding your attack abilities to your quickbar. Up at the top of your screen, you will see some icons. One is for a list of your abilities and powers. Find the ones that you are missing and then drag them down to spots on your quickbar.


The last thing that I can think of that may be happening is that maybe your blade is breaking? (although it hasn't happened to be before, maybe its possible?) Try this to be sure. Go to any merchant and right-click them. At the bottom of their window, you will see REPAIR. Click that and see if your equipment needs repairing.


Oh, and you can also click on the BUY BACK button at the bottom of the merchant window. Maybe you accidentally sold them? If so, you can get them back that way.


I hope this info helps you get back in the game and killing alien monsters again! :)

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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU - this did the trick - I see now it wasn't the weapon I lost - it was the ability in my quick launch bar that disappeared. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help. WHEW...


FYI there is a small lock/unlock icon near your portrait on the bar. It prevents you from accidentally dragging your icons off the bar. Keep it locked unless you are rearranging things.

Edited by Owsley
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