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Hey all,

Just wondering when I might get to see some skirts instead of pants for my marauder.

I have seen one orange piece of gear from a HC quest at Balmorra but I think I took another reward from it so not sure I can do it again.


Reason being simply cause I am playing a female marauder and I just love how the skirt looks on them :D


Got any tips on where I can get my hands on one?

Currently level 30 doing some final quests on Tatooine.


Thanks in advance

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Well I'm 42 atm and I've used skirts for the last 10 levels so I think you should start seeing some nice skirts soon :) At level 40 you're guaranteed a very nice skirt for 150 or so Warzone commendations.


What sucks is you can't use skirts once you get the lvl 50 PvP boots (champion) as they stick through the skirt :(

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I don't think i've seen a single set of real pants for Marauders since the mid 20s...it's been all skirts lvl 30+. I've been anxious to get back into regular pants...that will probably be the first tier 1 raid commendation piece that i buy. Also started pvping this week because i like the pvp gear...but only valor 10 atm.
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I don't think i've seen a single set of real pants for Marauders since the mid 20s...it's been all skirts lvl 30+. I've been anxious to get back into regular pants...that will probably be the first tier 1 raid commendation piece that i buy. Also started pvping this week because i like the pvp gear...but only valor 10 atm.


This, you'll see skirts until you believe your character is sexually confused. (assuming your male)

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Me too. I don't think i've sold any orange gear. I have at least 6 chest pieces, 4 helmets, 3 skirts and 3 gloves in cargo hold...but no pants or boots (real boots...not talking about the ones that are seemingly designed to go with skirts because they have no armor plates etc that would show through the skirt).
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