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Are Marauders really that hard to play?


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Talking strictly PvE no PvP are they really that hard to play? I keep hearing that they are the hardest DPS to play, require tons of keybinds, and also do the least damage and have the most issues along with their Jedi mirror. But when I do a /who it turns up a ton of them, more than some of the other classes. Usually the class with the most people playing it is good and easy to play because why would you want to play something thats not only bad but also hard to play? So either they are all masochists or they are master gamers neither of which I believe. Is all the "Marauders suck and are hard to play" talk just trolls or is their some truth to it?
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A little bit of trolling/exaggeration, a little bit of truth.


What this guy says.

I'll add that the class needs some attention. I don't think it's hard to play I think it's fundementaly designed wrong. Too many worthless skills(savage kick,pommel strike) that could use a tweek. Such as savage kick becomes our stun. Extend the range on deadly throw 5 meters. Fix ravage to lower the channel time .5 seconds. Give us force push and dump pommel strike it's a useless fluff ability. Never mind fixing the ability bugs that's a given. We have a few too many key binds IMO but macros could solve that easy.

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What this guy says.

I'll add that the class needs some attention. I don't think it's hard to play I think it's fundementaly designed wrong. Too many worthless skills(savage kick,pommel strike) that could use a tweek. Such as savage kick becomes our stun. Extend the range on deadly throw 5 meters. Fix ravage to lower the channel time .5 seconds. Give us force push and dump pommel strike it's a useless fluff ability. Never mind fixing the ability bugs that's a given. We have a few too many key binds IMO but macros could solve that easy.


Screw force push, give us force pull! More fluffly to want to bring people to us. Rest of your post I agree with 100% Few tweeks and we'll be a great class to play.

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But when I do a /who it turns up a ton of them, more than some of the other classes. Usually the class with the most people playing it is good and easy to play because why would you want to play something thats not only bad but also hard to play?


That isn't true, people want to play the class because of what Sith Marauder is meant to be. The class is broken but Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight was the class that most people wanted to play when the classes were announced. Some people around here are trying to justify the class and attempting to claim the issue is simply one of skill or their lack of but that isn't the issue at all. The issue is the weak defense and sub-par damage, the class needs a boost and as many times as it's been said that the class needs more defense/damage bioware doesn't seemed to have listened.


To be honest I don't care about the more complex rotations, I think that Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior should be a bit harder to play but that they should be a bit stronger because of it since becoming a Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior isn't suppose to be an easy thing, the issue is more simply damage/survivability, it's like Bioware has assumed you're getting top notched legendary armor every single level or something....


the reason there are now strong level 50s walking around is because once you do hit 50 all there is left to do is to gather stronger gear and that's what appears to balance the class which in my opinion just shows the class is too gear dependent if the only way we can survive is to have a full set of specced out legendary gear...


and I think even a lot of these diehard "sithmarauderisn'tbrokentheissueisyou" types will start to slowly disappear as they start rolling alts and seeing how much stronger/better some of the other classes actually are.

Edited by nonumbers
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Stricly PvEwise marauders are not that bad in terms of complexity, usually I can get away with using only 8-10 abilities in most pve encounters (actually, 12-14 if you count in frenzy+beserk, but you can usually just click those until you get a good enough grip on keybinds), however that is only because ive decided to ignore the 3-4 completely situational abilities we have, such as force kick and pommel strike, and mostly also rupture as ive run out of keybinds when i also need to be able to force choke and interrupt on demand.


That is for carnage, I don't know the situation as annihilate. Also the lack of a DPSmeter makes it a bit hard to give a clear picture of how you are dpswise, but from what I hear we are amongst the weakest dpsers and as melee dps, we suffer from losing a LOT of dps if we have to move, such as the the droid boss in Red Reaper, or anything that involves kite-tanking.


Overall, it's a thankless job and you won't get much praise, but it is manageable once you get used to the class and the keybinds.

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the class cannot be be played well by a basement dwelling mouth breathing neck beard, hence why the forums are full of QQ.



The class is harder to play then everything else in game. That does not mean its really that hard just that people for the most part recently came from wow, and in wow a class was considered complicated if you used more then 3 abilities in a strict rotation.

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What this guy says.

I'll add that the class needs some attention. I don't think it's hard to play I think it's fundementaly designed wrong. Too many worthless skills(savage kick,pommel strike) that could use a tweek. Such as savage kick becomes our stun. Extend the range on deadly throw 5 meters. Fix ravage to lower the channel time .5 seconds. Give us force push and dump pommel strike it's a useless fluff ability. Never mind fixing the ability bugs that's a given. We have a few too many key binds IMO but macros could solve that easy.


half the problem comes from g ys like this, they fail to see how awesome pommel strike and savage kick are so they regard them as useless, thus not utilizing all the class is therefore thinking its "weak" because they do not play it right. For some reason less then good players think if you can not use any ability at any time it is "useless"

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half the problem comes from g ys like this, they fail to see how awesome pommel strike and savage kick are so they regard them as useless, thus not utilizing all the class is therefore thinking its "weak" because they do not play it right. For some reason less then good players think if you can not use any ability at any time it is "useless"


Wrong. I use the abilities, and the class is still weak.

This is Juggernaut mind you, but it applies to our warrior class.

When I leap in, I throw, leap, smash, by this point most normal mobs are nearly finished so i switch to the next mob, pommel strike, finish him with non cd abilities (usually one extra strike) at this point, if it is a group of four normals, i finish them off with about 70%. Against Strongs+1 normal I can finish off at about 30% hp. With elites, it's questionable, I generally have to pop all of my cooldowns just to survive. On tougher elites, I have to use a medpack. Facing two strongs is a challenge. My bounty hunter friend can take on a group of normal, champions, and even an elite patrol during the fight and come out alive. Single elites to him are strongs to me. It's a similar experience with the other classes. Either our dps needs to change (i'm dps spec) or survivability... Boosting our single target dps and/or adding some toughness might counter the gimpiness of our class due to the one difference of being melee vs ranged.

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half the problem comes from g ys like this, they fail to see how awesome pommel strike and savage kick are so they regard them as useless, thus not utilizing all the class is therefore thinking its "weak" because they do not play it right. For some reason less then good players think if you can not use any ability at any time it is "useless"


They are useless in 80% of the games content. Thus pretty useless imho ;)

Edited by Draexnael
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They are useless in 80% of the games content. Thus pretty useless imho ;)


actually they are only useless on elites and up... which is a very small part of the game... i guess you do not understand what a percentage is.

Edited by Hizoka
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actually they are only useless on elites and up... which is a very small part of the game... i guess you do not understand what a percentage is.


Right and at 50 how much of your time is spent fighting elites and players? Its a lot.. I do wonder if you're actually 50 yet - your lack of knowledge is lacking.


Leveling yes they are usefull - come 50 every single competent player will remove them from their bars as they are useless.

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Right and at 50 how much of your time is spent fighting elites and players? Its a lot.. I do wonder if you're actually 50 yet - your lack of knowledge is lacking.


Leveling yes they are usefull - come 50 every single competent player will remove them from their bars as they are useless.


actaully i was the first 50 on my server, i have 3 50s now. The bad players will remove them the good ones will not, you fight MANY strongs and normals inside of the Operations and the Hard Mode Flashpoints... which makes me wonder if you have even done anything outside of PvP... prolly not because my guess is you think this is a PvP game when 95% of the money spent on this game was for the PvE content.

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The main thing that makes them "hard to play" is having 2 resources and one being a tiny box on your ui the other being a line of thin yellow blocks.


Now for fury your skill lights up on the skillbar when it is useable, but for rage you sometimes have to look at to know if you have enough to use a skill (usually when it's lowdown). The other method would be to memorize or get yourself into a routine of recognizing how many attacks you need between those abilities.


I think it would be pretty useful if our rage abilities were only highlighted when we had enough resources to use them, I would love to see this implemented.


We also have a lot of abilities, but i'm still not convinced it is more than I use on my Assassin, but it's certainly no Bounty Hunter in terms of what you will need to use to be successful.

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actaully i was the first 50 on my server, i have 3 50s now. The bad players will remove them the good ones will not, you fight MANY strongs and normals inside of the Operations and the Hard Mode Flashpoints... which makes me wonder if you have even done anything outside of PvP... prolly not because my guess is you think this is a PvP game when 95% of the money spent on this game was for the PvE content.


Love to see a SS of your 3*50's I'd wager you wont post one :)


I've done all the HM Flashpoints, didn't ever see a need for Pommel/Savage the Silver Elites died in a few seconds, I didn't even go on normal mobs as it was pointless due to Annihilations ramp up.

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I played my Marauder to lvl 29 o far and I feel very comfortable in PvE and PvP. In PvE I can solo almost any enemy at my level while having a healing companion at my side. The most amazing thing is, that I don't even need breaks between mob groups and silvers/golds. (playing w/ 2nd tree).

In PvP I can do a lot of damage, too. But haven't played as much as PvE.

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PvE its easy to play, PVP however takes alot more skillz


actaully i was the first 50 on my server, i have 3 50s now. The bad players will remove them the good ones will not, you fight MANY strongs and normals inside of the Operations and the Hard Mode Flashpoints... which makes me wonder if you have even done anything outside of PvP... prolly not because my guess is you think this is a PvP game when 95% of the money spent on this game was for the PvE content.

You're DPS must be dreadful if you need savage/pom. Mine die before theyre even out of stun.

Edited by Kodokai
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PvE its easy to play, PVP however takes alot more skillz



You're DPS must be dreadful if you need savage/pom. Mine die before theyre even out of stun.


see that is where you show you are bad... first Marauders do not have a stun, secondly not using an ability that can one shot a normal mob is ignorance. Its a shame such a good class is played by such bad people.

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see that is where you show you are bad... first Marauders do not have a stun, secondly not using an ability that can one shot a normal mob is ignorance. Its a shame such a good class is played by such bad people.


Guess Smash doesn't count eh? ahahaha


Still waiting on that SS, just more BS like the majority of your posts.

Edited by Draexnael
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see that is where you show you are bad... first Marauders do not have a stun, secondly not using an ability that can one shot a normal mob is ignorance. Its a shame such a good class is played by such bad people.

Lol, Charge > Scream > dead?


Bad player calling people bad, lol'd?

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The majority of the QQ comes from people who either just don't have the gear to play marauder, or are just bad. Sure, it's easily the class that takes the most micro management in the game, but it's not "hard." It's slightly frustrating due to the fact that a lot of the combat animations are bugged. I.E. Not being able to pop a defensive cooldown when you're off GCD, Not being able to interrupt at appropriate times. Unplayable for some? Maybe. A mediocre class? Hardly.
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The majority of the QQ comes from people who either just don't have the gear to play marauder, or are just bad. Sure, it's easily the class that takes the most micro management in the game, but it's not "hard." It's slightly frustrating due to the fact that a lot of the combat animations are bugged. I.E. Not being able to pop a defensive cooldown when you're off GCD, Not being able to interrupt at appropriate times. Unplayable for some? Maybe. A mediocre class? Hardly.


Yeah thats a complete nightmare.. So many times I've activated our aoe stun or the 99% damage reduction moved on to another ability to realise the previous didn't activate and I'm now about to die ;x

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Yeah thats a complete nightmare.. So many times I've activated our aoe stun or the 99% damage reduction moved on to another ability to realise the previous didn't activate and I'm now about to die ;x


One and true issue; Ability delay ! Lets hope the fix it as the have stated them selfs.


"We do however anticipate that some of the combat responsiveness improvements (AKA 'ability delay' - more on that here) being worked on by our engineering team will specifically aid both Marauder and Sentinel."

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What this guy says.

I'll add that the class needs some attention. I don't think it's hard to play I think it's fundementaly designed wrong. Too many worthless skills(savage kick,pommel strike) that could use a tweek. Such as savage kick becomes our stun. Extend the range on deadly throw 5 meters. Fix ravage to lower the channel time .5 seconds. Give us force push and dump pommel strike it's a useless fluff ability. Never mind fixing the ability bugs that's a given. We have a few too many key binds IMO but macros could solve that easy.


Savage kick is actually a decent pve skill, charging to a weak mob and using savage kick the moment you get there gives you a lot of damage for no rage, can also be used in combat by crippling them, it's a great skill to reduce the number of mobs you're fighting.


Ravage's channel time is also rather useful in pvp if you go carnage, you can spec into immobilizing them for the full duration, works great against healers trying to run away.


I do agree that they give us way too many skills, and most of the cooldowns don't match up, so it's almost impossible to actually have a rotation besides "spam this until this is up"


Marauders aren't that hard to play, you just have to be staring at your cooldowns 90% of the time.


Also it helps if you go into your options and turn that ability q timer to 0, otherwise your character will be constantly resetting whatever ability it is you're spamming.

Edited by Usire
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