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Need help keymapping...


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I've rolled a Combat spec Sentinel, and I've been having a hell of a time trying to keymap things conveniently.


Here is how i open up an attack:


(Force Leap - occasionally)

Rebuke (if i'm the target)

Zealous Strike




Precision Slash

Blade Storm

Master Strike

Blade Rush


Now, I also have Cyclone Slash, Force Sweep, Leg Slash and Cauterize, plus any other Combat spec Sentinel moves.


I'm having a problem keymapping these. I need to be able to hit the keys in succession without jumping back and forth (at least in the opening salvo).

When I used the default setup, each of the above would be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 respectively so I could hit them in succession without jumping back.

But I also need to be able to quickly hit things like Force Sweep, etc...


Does anyone have any setup i could use? I prefer the WASD setup for movement (without Q & E for strafe, instead i use A & D for strafe).


Any advice?

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Here's my keybindings - your millage may vary. I'm Watchman, so adjust as you will.


1-7 are my core attacks. The ones I use every fight. IIRC: 1. Strike, 2. Overcharge Saber 3. Zealous 4. Cauterize 5. Slash 6. Dispatch 7. Riposte


Q,E, R, F, Z, X, C, V are more conditional but ones I use almost every fight.


Q. Force Leap

E. Force Sweep

R. Merciless Slash

F. Master Strike

Z. Zen

X. Force Kick

C. Blade Storm

V. Resolute


Ctrl+Q-V are defensive cooldowns.


Ctrl+Q. Saber Ward

Ctrl+E. Rebuke

Ctrl+R. Force Stasis (okay, not 100% defensive, but close)

Ctrl+F. Guarded By Force

Ctrl+Z. Call on the Force

Ctrl+X. Pacify

Ctrl+C. Disable Droid

Ctrl+V. Transcendence


The only other two worth mentioning are the 2 other mouse buttons I have on my 5 button mouse. Mouse 4 and 5 for Pommel Strike and Opportune Strike. My window to use this skills is very narrow for the most part (I use them with Force Sweep and Force Leap respectively), so I want to make sure I can hit them FAST.


But yeah, Alt 1-5, Shift 1-5 and Ctrl 2-5 are all other stuff, some consumables/relics, though I usually don't use them and don't remember specifically what they are. I think Alt-3 is Leg Snare and Alt-2 is Awe. Leg Snare I only use in PvP. Awe, while good, is just a skill I usually don't bother with. If I aggro a second group or something, I'll use it to buy some time... if I remember. lol

Edited by McVade
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I still don't feel I've refined my setup to something I'm totally comfortable with yet but I'm getting there. Their are a few ideas that I've had to consider for myself.

Firstly, most importantly, shift all non-combat or toggle abilities to a different hotkey page. The things that you'll never be rushed to click. Sprint/speeder/quick travel and even that one which increases yours and allys endurance by 5%. The only exception being introspection which I keep on = because it's otherwise frustrating to do between each fight.

As for keys "1" to "-" (already covered "=") I so far have focus burners on the left along with strike and force leap. Zealous strike after that, and then additional thing stuns/stops/debuffs at the end including crippling throw (which I think has little use in PvE but is great for stopping stragglers in PvP if you picked the tree talent to do so, and therefore not used too often), disable droid (used only to open a fight by targetting a full-health enemy and therefore can't heal from it) and I have Saber Ward on "-". I decided to leave Riposte out recently because I found it's usefulness to be lackluster compared to other things I could fill the spaces with.

Also if you've got any additional buttons on your mouse beyond the standard 3, map those to trigger abilities from the bottom bar. I use mouse buttons 4, 5 and middle-click (3) for this, and I pair these up with V and B. I reserve all of these for abilities which are optimally used within a small window of opportunity. Things like resolve, kick, force stasis, pommel strike ect.

For the remainder of my bottom bar I have 1 slot for my most potent medpack and the rest on the right for additional self-buffs like call on the force, my centering users and rebuke. All to be simply clickable.


One other note for me is that I rearranged my targetting buttons mostly because of pvp frustration. Q to target closests enemy, E to scroll to next enemy and Tab is now to select closest teammate. Although that last one is practically useless as a sentinel.


I don't expect you to feel comfortable with all the same as me but hopefully there's something there which can be modelled into your finishing setup.

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