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Bioware doesn't know their vocabulary?


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I can criticize your grammar to, like the fact you didn't capitalize "Sentinel" when it was the subject.


*Ahem* It is "too" instead of "to". Also, you don't capitalize every noun just because it is the subject. In fact, take a look at the previous sentence where I did not capitalize "you" in spite of the fact that you were the subject.


In addition, the premise that you base your conclusion of "Bioware doesn't know their vocabulary" on is shaky at best. Synonyms don't always transpose perfectly. For example:


Interest (verb): To hold the attention of.

Synonym: Affect


Affect (verb): Influence, affect emotionally.



Interest and affect are synonyms, but do not have exactly the same meaning.

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*Ahem* It is "too" instead of "to". Also, you don't capitalize every noun just because it is the subject. In fact, take a look at the previous sentence where I did not capitalize "you" in spite of the fact that you were the subject.


In addition, the premise that you base your conclusion of "Bioware doesn't know their vocabulary" on is shaky at best. Synonyms don't always transpose perfectly. For example:


Interest (verb): To hold the attention of.

Synonym: Affect


Affect (verb): Influence, affect emotionally.



Interest and affect are synonyms, but do not have exactly the same meaning.


I didn't capitalize "you" because it is a PRENOUN

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They just didn't add this to TOR, you know. It makes perfect sense in the lore if you played KotOR I. Sentinels would "seek out users of the dark side and ferret them out to the light." In this case, the second definition would be what inspired the name choice.


2. a soldier stationed as a guard to challenge all comers and prevent a surprise attack: to stand sentinel.


In KotOR II, the proper AC for a Sentinel would be the Watchman class. They would also be on guard for darkside users, thus referencing the first definition.


1. a person or thing that watches or stands as if watching.


Does it make complete sense when you take the definitions completely literally? No, but titles and names can stretch definitions. Besides, Bioware isn't going to just change lore to suit the literal minded, nor would it make much sense if the Jedi Order, an institution that does not change often, at all, just went and renamed their forces between games for the sheer reason that it does not completely adhere to definition.

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I mean, if you're going to criticize BW for their grammar... you may want to get yours in order first.


I never said anything about their grammar, nor never claimed I knew the best about grammar, in fact, the title is really misleading because I wanted someone to answer why they would name an AC that, which I didn't know, instead I got harsh responses instead of helpful responses, that could've ended this discussion 10 minutes ago.

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I never said anything about their grammar, nor never claimed I knew the best about grammar, in fact, the title is really misleading because I wanted someone to answer why they would name an AC that, which I didn't know, instead I got harsh responses instead of helpful responses, that could've ended this discussion 10 minutes ago.


My answer is on the last page, if that helps.

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I never said anything about their grammar, nor never claimed I knew the best about grammar, in fact, the title is really misleading because I wanted someone to answer why they would name an AC that, which I didn't know, instead I got harsh responses instead of helpful responses, that could've ended this discussion 10 minutes ago.


You have received responses explaining the difference between the two names and also stating that the two names have been used previously in the Star Wars universe.

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Hello everyone,


While we do welcome all forms of feedback, especially constructive feedback, we're going to close this thread. This thread has gone off from its original intent, the lack of naming creativity, and has become an argument in naming conventions and semantics. Neither are on-topic for General Discussion.


For anyone who'd like to submit suggestions, please do use RuinGaming's suggestions compilation: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=87349


We appreciate your understanding that we've closed this thread.

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