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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Flagged for pvp


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Anyone else get flagged for PVP when entering their ship and cannot toggle it off even though your ship is supposed to be a rest zone?


It's annoying. I'm not pvp'ing on my ship so why do I get flagged for it there?


Also, going to a planet and standing in a cantina for 5 minutes does not turn this flag off, either. Seems that the only place that does it is the Rep/Imp Fleet, but everytime I leave there and go back to my ship to get to that planet, the pvp flag is automatically turned on.

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Never had this happen. I do know if you zone at all your 5 minute timer gets reset. But you can drop it in areas other than republic/imperial fleet. It's just you pretty much can't move around because even when you enter new areas it seems to reset. They need to have a visible timer on the thing...
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