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So if and when they do implement S/S romance...


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The thing that frustrates me the most about this issue is that we don't have a clear idea of when anything is going to happen, or even what will happen. The impression I've got from Bioware is that they will be adding new companions, not adjusting existing ones... But when? Will I need to re-roll my main character to play her the way I want to play her? Or will these new romances be available to characters of any level? How will they fit into the overall story arc of the game? I'd also like actual confirmation that they will be new romances, not just adjustments of existing ones - because really, what we know right now is very vague.


We need answers.


I'm not asking Bioware to drop everything and put SGRA in yesterday, I just want to know what is happening and when. Right now, I'm reluctant to play my main character all that intensely (which is why she's only level 33) - I don't want to get her to 50 then find out that I will have to level from the start to get a natural romance progression.

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The thing that frustrates me the most about this issue is that we don't have a clear idea of when anything is going to happen, or even what will happen. The impression I've got from Bioware is that they will be adding new companions, not adjusting existing ones... But when? Will I need to re-roll my main character to play her the way I want to play her? Or will these new romances be available to characters of any level? How will they fit into the overall story arc of the game? I'd also like actual confirmation that they will be new romances, not just adjustments of existing ones - because really, what we know right now is very vague.


We need answers.


I'm not asking Bioware to drop everything and put SGRA in yesterday, I just want to know what is happening and when. Right now, I'm reluctant to play my main character all that intensely (which is why she's only level 33) - I don't want to get her to 50 then find out that I will have to level from the start to get a natural romance progression.


Same, I'm quite annoyed by this too! I stopped playing my character at lv 42 because I want to continue w/ Nadia Grell.

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You want to put same sex relationships in the same box as offensive language, yet you've made no such suggestion to do the same with ALL relationship options. You are stating, outright, that same sex relationships are offensive and straight sex relationships are not.


I can honestly see the point of applying a flag to remove ALL romance options from the game. For those people who really don't want to see those options at all, well, there's the option to completely not see it.


Having said this, here's why - even though I SEE the point - I don't support it.


Romance is a mature concept. So is running into battle and slicing someone limb from limb with a giant glowing stick of plasma. If you aren't mature enough to be able to avoid an apoplectic fit every time you see the word (Flirt) next to a dialogue option that involves a fictional, digitised character then you simply are not mature enough to be playing this game without some serious adult supervision.


Saying you don't want to see obscene language is one thing. Claiming that same sex relationship options are so offensive to you that you want a mechanical in-game option to completely ignore the existence of same-sex relationships is another thing entirely.


It's been stated that 'the majority will not like' these options. I think that's false. I think that the majority of people will either be in support of the option or, alternatively, just won't care. I think the minority will be horribly offended and, well, that's their bad luck.


The feature's coming. Deal with it.

Edited by Parali
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I hope - dearly and sincerely hope - that there are some 'do over' options in place for people who've gone past the normal flirt points in a character's development.


I'm both tremendously impatient and also quite willing to wait, too. Yes, it's Conflicted Central in here. This will be a very positive addition to the game. If they can manage to throw in some companion mini-missions to actually establish a relationship further down the track I'll be very happy.


If not, well... I'm not sure what to do. I really like the Kira Carsen character and if the option was there for my female Sentinel I'd have pursued it immediately. By contrast I just really... don't like Doc that much. I can see his appeal but I'm not that crazy about the character and, importantly, he's absolutely not the kind of guy my Sentinel would go for.


By contrast my male Guardian just... isn't interested. At all. In anyone. There's already an option for not having a relationship with any companions (ie. not choosing flirt options) so that's fine, he's set.


So my boy Knight wouldn't pursue the option. My female Knight would but as she's well past the flirt option points she might not get to.


A series of mini-discussion missions - or even just one - would solve this. Importantly, it'd solve it for ALL relationship options irrespective of gender. The option to 'change your mind', effectively, about whether you want to pursue a relationship would be an absolute boon. Particularly if it were something tied to, say, an item in your ship's bedroom.


You're sitting in your ship, thinking about things, and then suddenly decide to approach Whoever about your feelings... the ones you've been trying to hide... (Mechanically, you choose to trundle over to an interactive item in your ship and pick up a mission - one that's not available until all other flirt option points have passed - that'll start the long process of romancing your chosen companion.)


<shrugs> I think it'd work quite neatly. It'd require a but more work, sure, but it'd provide the option. Then people who've been dedicated enough to play like crazy for this intervening time, even though their chosen RP options haven't been included, wouldn't feel they're missing out.

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Greetings everyone,


Same gender romances with companion characters will be a post-launch feature.


Because this is a subject that has turned into an off-topic debate on a volatile issue, we will be closing this thread. Here is the official statement on romance options:


Due to the design constraints of a fully voiced MMO of this scale and size, many choices had to be made as to the launch and post-launch feature set. Same gender romances with companion characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a post-launch feature. Because The Old Republic is an MMO, the game will live on through content expansions which allow us to include content and features that could not be included at launch, including the addition of more companion characters who will have additional romance options.


Thank you for your cooperation.

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