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what is this bug for warriors !!!!!


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You use Force Charge to someone who is on a bridge in the Void Star WarZone ,








And there is at least ONE ANTI-AFK BOT queing warzones ALL THE DAMN DAY, when are you going to take care of them ?


This plus ability delay (latence, lag , whatever) for melees at least, makes the whole pvp hideous.

(People disappear/randomly teleport all over the place, you have one ability channelling for 3 sec, ROOTING YOURSELF while you hit the air, you can Force Choke people BUT YOU NEED TO HIT THE gosh darn KEY TWICE before it works (or breaks and root yourself in place))


I REALLY hop you're gonna do something cause it's aweful in the current state (don't get me started on HUTTBALL WITH 3/4 of people rolling a Sorcerer/Sage you get knockbacks all over the place, 2 or 3 of them can solo the game :eek: )


And what is going on for Marauders ??? We get some fugly robocop armors as medium armor and heavy armors users get THE MARAUDER LOOK WE WERE PROMISED ??




This issue is all over the place for Marauders (check their forums), Jedi Sentinels are full of hooded up robes, we ONLY GET ONE (Black Talon Marauder's robes, and it's hooded down)


What's the point of allowing to extract epic mods (armor and set bonuses) if the only orange gear we can wear are ... ONLY ONE PIECE ??


And our set bonuses are craptastic at best !


I swear this is trolling us :eek:





I hope the game gets a "real" retail stat before my month ends, I don't wanna pay for a beta game, kthxbye.

Edited by Meluna
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How dare you blame bioware!!!


Its not their fault!


Its the beta testers!




/sarcasm off


Your going to have to wait around 6 months too see them fix anything.


Un-sub for now, wait till they actually fix the the skill then re-sub.

* Ability delay is already game-breaking.


I say about 6 months, since it took them that long to fix any skill in the "General Tester Beta".

Edited by Valperion
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How dare you blame bioware!!!


Its not their fault!


Its the beta testers!




Yeah people are all "my gosh the game just started all games have bugs"...


/facepalm really... This is why Bethesda is always welcome with their games (PotC and Elder Scrolls come to mind, not one didn't have bugs on release)


BUT HERE, we dont have a mods community to take care of it, no we have to wait and hope for Bioware to fix what they broke/didn't know how to do it in the first place, EVEN if there were LOTS of beta testers that reported those bugs :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Even some things were good, but NO THEY HAD TO BREAK IT :mad::mad::mad:

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Your going to have to wait around 6 months too see them fix anything.


Un-sub for now, wait till they actually fix the the skill then re-sub.

* Ability delay is already game-breaking.


I say about 6 months, since it took them that long to fix any skill in the "General Tester Beta".



Yeah, some people advised me to do this, and I thought about it, but it's kind of infuriating to see people A-OK to play in those conditions :eek::eek:


People are just sheep consumers that follow the sheppard nowadays, no sense of reality I swear.


Guess it's best to unsub and come back in 6 months, what a let down.


the game deserves an 8/10 at least without all those freaking bugs , but currently is only worth a 6 in my book :mad::mad::mad:

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Yeah people are all "my gosh the game just started all games have bugs"...


/facepalm really... This is why Bethesda is always welcome with their games (PotC and Elder Scrolls come to mind, not one didn't have bugs on release)


BUT HERE, we dont have a mods community to take care of it, no we have to wait and hope for Bioware to fix what they broke/didn't know how to do it in the first place, EVEN if there were LOTS of beta testers that reported those bugs :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Even some things were good, but NO THEY HAD TO BREAK IT :mad::mad::mad:


To be honest, the beta testing was quite useless, tbh.


I've tested swtor since june.


Almost every new testing client had bugs, it didn't really matter if we reported the quest.

* It would be worked only for that client.


But it didn't matter for the next beta client, since there is always another bug to take its place.


An easy way to say it, every time Bioware takes one step forward, they instead take two steps back.

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And there is at least ONE ANTI-AFK BOT queing warzones ALL THE DAMN DAY, when are you going to take care of them ?


You been reporting him?



This plus ability delay (latence, lag , whatever) for melees at least, makes the whole pvp hideous.

(People disappear/randomly teleport all over the place, you have one ability channelling for 3 sec, ROOTING YOURSELF while you hit the air, you can Force Choke people BUT YOU NEED TO HIT THE gosh darn KEY TWICE before it works (or breaks and root yourself in place))


You sure you have broadband? I haven't seen people teleporting, skipping, whatever you claim to make PvP as hideous as you make it out to be. Sure, I completely agree on the ability delay, but that's already being worked on and, according to BW, should be fixed this month. So not too much worries there.



I REALLY hop you're gonna do something cause it's aweful in the current state (don't get me started on HUTTBALL WITH 3/4 of people rolling a Sorcerer/Sage you get knockbacks all over the place, 2 or 3 of them can solo the game :eek: )


Let's remove Sorcerers/Sages from the game. Not much BW can do about that. Want them to remove the knockback or are you just butthurt for your bad positioning? I have never been pushed into the pits, ever. Am I lucky or do I know how to position, work that one out yourself.





Ability delay has already been answered, if you personally don't like the gear of your class... sorry. I didn't enjoy my classes' set in Rift either, nor in WoW, nor in other MMOs... It happens, live with it.



I hope the game gets a "real" retail stat before my month ends, I don't wanna pay for a beta game, kthxbye.


One of the smoothest MMO launches I've witnessed so far. And I've been through a lot already. This isn't a beta game, it's a full-game that just launched. So yes, there's bugs, yes it's basically still work in progress (every MMO is) and no, not everything can get fixed with the snap of a finger. You need to start realizing that when they change the littlest piece of code, they could trigger a *****torm of bugs so everything that gets changed now needs to be meticulously tested (definitely if it's as big as the ability delay).



(To all the doom-and-gloom-spreaders, I'm not a fanboy. Never have been of this game, but exaggerating isn't going to help. Don't like it? Honestly, then why are you still here? If I don't like a game, I quit and find something else, hopefully better, try the same. Didn't mean that as in "**** or ****", but more as in, stop wasting your time.)

Edited by Meluna
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Yeah, some people advised me to do this, and I thought about it, but it's kind of infuriating to see people A-OK to play in those conditions :eek::eek:


People are just sheep consumers that follow the sheppard nowadays, no sense of reality I swear.


Guess it's best to unsub and come back in 6 months, what a let down.


the game deserves an 8/10 at least without all those freaking bugs , but currently is only worth a 6 in my book :mad::mad::mad:


Well I don't blame them.


They are hardcore fans to bioware and star wars.


* Star Wars is amazing

* Kotor 1 was amazing

- Thus the hardcore fanbase.


But once they reach lv50, with no story.

* Doing the same repetitive daily/weekly pvp/pve quests.

- They will realize there is much missing from the game.


I'll continue to check the forums for updates and hopefully they will fix the issues.

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(To all the doom-and-gloom-spreaders, I'm not a fanboy. Never have been of this game, but exaggerating isn't going to help. Don't like it? Honestly, then why are you still here? If I don't like a game, I quit and find something else, hopefully better, try the same. Didn't mean that as in "**** or ****", but more as in, stop wasting your time.)


Everything you have said here is spot on. but it won't make a difference. The deliberate stupidity is strong on these forums.

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