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Operation Schematic Drops are BOP and the item it crafts is BOP...


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You know all the threads complaining that Biochem is the only worthwhile Crew Skill? This is exactly what needs to happen to end that complaint. BOP recipes for BOP items is what makes other Crew Skills worthwhile in the game.


It requires you to make a choice and know that there are positives and negatives to it. You get a cool earpiece (like you linked) but not reusable medkits/stims (for example).

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You know all the threads complaining that Biochem is the only worthwhile Crew Skill? This is exactly what needs to happen to end that complaint. BOP recipes for BOP items is what makes other Crew Skills worthwhile in the game.


It requires you to make a choice and know that there are positives and negatives to it. You get a cool earpiece (like you linked) but not reusable medkits/stims (for example).


Well..I was kinda hoping for SWG type crafting but yknoe...guess not... :(

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You know all the threads complaining that Biochem is the only worthwhile Crew Skill? This is exactly what needs to happen to end that complaint. BOP recipes for BOP items is what makes other Crew Skills worthwhile in the game.


It requires you to make a choice and know that there are positives and negatives to it. You get a cool earpiece (like you linked) but not reusable medkits/stims (for example).

Wrong, it just turns the game into another raid-or-die-and-min-max-your-professions-to-match. Kinda like all the clones at levelcap in that other MMO.

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Wrong, it just turns the game into another raid-or-die-and-min-max-your-professions-to-match. Kinda like all the clones at levelcap in that other MMO.


Let me rephrase:


In every aspect of the game (PVE, Raiding, PVP) there should be Crew Skill equiment/consumables/mods that are for that profession ONLY. I don't care if the recipe is a world drop, flashpoint drop, operation drop, or bought with PVP commendations - there needs to be items that give a benefit to the crafter only to justify having that Crew Skill in the first place.


Think about it within current game terms. If everyone could use the purple replaceable Medpacs/Stims, there wouldn't be a reason for your character to be a Biochemist (you could pay a one time fee to purchase the reusables instead of spending all the time/money on leveling up Biochem).


Armormech, Armstech, Artifice, Cybertech, and Synthweaving need similar "this is only for me" equipment (regardless of where it comes from) to justify them as worth taking.


Don't make this a Raider vs. Non-Raider debate, it isn't.

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There's definitely some changes that need to be made.


I'm in favor of the patterns being BoE, but the items being BoP. It would at least create a sub-market within the profession, and would still mean you require Synthweaving to benefit.


As of right now, I am a Sentinel with multiple schematics for BoP heavy armor and BoP light armor, which doesn't help a whole lot :).


To a degree, I am OK with that, I like the concept of raiding for schematics to make myself better armor as a reward, but its rather flawed that in theory you would need 1 class of each armor type all having Synthweaving within your raid to eliminate getting a schematic that, for all intents and purposes, is being vendored.


Alternatively, they could change the schematics into a redeemable crafting token, the way class gear currently works, and just tier them.

Edited by Knighty
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There should be two types of recipe drops for EVERY craft skill, a BoP personal benefit thats BiS and a BoE recipe(such as a mod) that you can make to sell/trade with other players. Both recipes should be (IMO) BoP, and better than any equivalents.


So for example Armormech should make the best BoE "Armoring" mods, and should also be able to make themselves a BiS item(only one per tier) such as bracers or boots or something. The recipes of which drop from Ops, with new versions added each tier.


There should also be PvP recipes bought with commendations, but tilted more for PvP stats. Not to the extent where theyre useless for PvE, but enough so that using a PvE item would still be more beneficial.


And of course there should be the same sort of thing for solo PvE players, but probably a tier down from Ops recipe gear. Actually it should be the last tier when they come out with new content the old previous tiers recipes should be made available for either credits or commendations to all players.

Edited by Achromatis
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BOP recipes for BOP items is what makes other Crew Skills worthwhile in the game.


What are you smoking dude? It is completely opposite. If you cannot reuse your crafting skill, there is no point - it is easier and faster to farm pvp/rakata tokens to get even better gear (or get a full drop in the process). But if I could craft and than sell it in unlimited numbers than it starting to make sense.



If everyone could use the purple replaceable Medpacs/Stims, there wouldn't be a reason for your character to be a Biochemist


Everyone CAN USE replaceable Rakata med/stim packs (you just have to make it yourself, and than drop Biochem). There are some rumors that today's patch is going to change that, but it is not mentioned in the patch notes...

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What are you smoking dude? It is completely opposite. If you cannot reuse your crafting skill, there is no point - it is easier and faster to farm pvp/rakata tokens to get even better gear (or get a full drop in the process). But if I could craft and than sell it in unlimited numbers than it starting to make sense.


You missed the point. The BOP recipes that he's talking about would make BOP items that were better than equivalent items (pvp/rakata/ops whatever). That's the benefit. There's no need to make the items resellable because that breaks the incentives for people to do those other things. Instead of the best reward going to someone who participated in an Op, they would go to anyone on the server who could purchase it from a crafter who participated in an Op.

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