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This que is horrible


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Exactly 100% correct, leaving some pretty gaping holes in logic but everyone can have their opinion here, and BW is likley watching ^^


yeah how can this be the worst launch people have been apart of when it hasn't even launched lol

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This is my third launch of a MMO and I must say it is by far the worst that I have experienced. I do not like the mushroom treatment I feel we are being given. They should have given us some clue of when to expect to get invited rather then have us sit in limbo for seven days possibly. This is a terrible way to treat customers.



Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.


If you used your head you would see what they are doing so think before you wonk.


1. The first thing they said was you may get up to five days EGA right?

2. They decided that they would spread it out over seven days right ?


This is the part that may require you to use the one Grey cell you have left


They are being super nice in that they are going to make sure that we are all in before the weekend gets into to full swing . I would say the last of the pre orders will be in on Saturday.


Is this written anywhere offical ? No its not just incase something happens with the servers . I knew the day that they bumped it up to 7 days that this was the case . How do I know ? I looked at the calender I though hmm they are starting on the 13thand that it would make sense so that everybody in EGA got the weekend to play .


Do I wish I was on the 13th kinda but I have work and a child so the weekend makes better sense for me anyways . Also I just dont care really becuase a couple months from now It wont make a difference to me .

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Wow! Who needs politics when you've got forums! All this back and forth makes me want to nail my doors shut!


Can someone at least say where they are in the queue? What servers? Anything else informative for those of us who haven't been given access yet can learn from? Just curious, is all.


I agree, I thought this was about the queue, not the launch date

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Im saying the Launch Date is December 20th, therefore it could not have happened yet. Im not going to get into a big silly debate over something this trvial hehe


Sorry, id rather trust the devs than some random guy on the forums. Devs said launch was 13th. Ive yet to see them retract that statement or make another statement saying otherwise.

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Thats funny, the package i paid for said that I would get some Early Game Access, it said nothing about it being a privledge that comes later. It was stated, its part of what I purchased. A bottle of Shampoo that says it now has 25% more free, is lying. You bought the whole friggin' bottle of shampoo, you paid for all 100% of it at the register. I was not promised full EGA time, i was promised 1-5 days. This isn't a reward, its what I payed for =)


It is 6 days out from launch.


What is your point? Bioware can give you 1 day of early access and fulfil their obligation.


This is why all these threads and all this whining is pointless. Everyone is complaining simply because they aren't in game at this very moment ... when they have been told clearly that they will get 1-5 days based on date of code redemption.


What makes these people look like idiots is that they agree the above terms are accurate ... but then continue to whine because they didn't get in on day one. Is the idiocy beginning to become clear yet?


It comes down to this:


Did you pre-order?


Yes? Then you will be granted early access based on date of code redemption.


Did you submit your code within the 1st month of pre-sales?


Yes? Then you will likely get in within the first 2 days.


No? Then you will get in 2-3 days after most likely. The devs have stated that they plan on getting in most everyone by weekend allowing them some solid playtime.


How is this so utterly confusing for people?

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It was a clean launch for a small group of players! The rest of us are stuck in limbo with no information on when WE get to play.


Oh no that is not true at all there is lots of information as to when you get to play based off when you pre-ordered. The problem is your focused more on crying over something everyone else already knew AND they stated from the start then taking the time to look at posts and tweets from the directors to see when you might be getting in.


I ordered in Dec and just as they stated I am only promised one day of early access. I will be happy if I get in BEFORE the 19th.


The amount of people crying over something that was made public information FROM THE START is just amazing. I have been in MANY MMO launches starting from DAOC. NEVER before have I seen so many people cry about something that was stated BY the company MONTHS in advance.

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Ah I see what you did there. He may have called it "Launch" but it's not. This is Early Game Access, a special program for those who went ahead and put their money and faith into BW and their game.


Officially, for the WORLD, Launch is December 20th. That is the official, "HOLD ON TIGHT!" time.


Because you know more about it than the BioWare founders?

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I can't wait till I get to play, so I can leave these forums forever. And not because of the QQ'ers, because of you fan boys that talk down to anyone that thinks anything is wrong with your precious god.


Have fun kissing each others rears when we all get to play.


So dramatic, good use of hyperbole. I give you a 7 out of 10. You can really do better I think. Try better use of pejoratives.

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Sorry, id rather trust the devs than some random guy on the forums. Devs said launch was 13th. Ive yet to see them retract that statement or make another statement saying otherwise.


Ok, thats fine, just dont get all upset if BW does not take this bonus EGA as seriously as you want to. As in 24/7 invites when servers become too light, whatever. I guess im the minority but im just glad I get to play before the 20th. If I had not pre-ordered I would likely be stuck wondering when my Walmart will have the game (I live out in the middle of nowhere). I would be trying to elbow my way onto the patcher, onto a server, etc.


Maybe I should be EMO!

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Sorry, id rather trust the devs than some random guy on the forums. Devs said launch was 13th. Ive yet to see them retract that statement or make another statement saying otherwise.


The official, world-wide, public launch of the game is different from the servers going live. They meant that the servers have been launched and that playing has begun. Think about the meaning behind what they say before you just take it for face-value. The launch date of any game is when anyone from the public can go, buy the game, and play the same day. This is the Early Access period and, last I checked, Early Access is EARLY hence PRIOR TO LAUNCH. If the game is launched then this is not early access which I'm pretty sure it is thus the game has not launched.

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Ok, thats fine, just dont get all upset if BW does not take this bonus EGA as seriously as you want to. As in 24/7 invites when servers become too light, whatever. I guess im the minority but im just glad I get to play before the 20th. If I had not pre-ordered I would likely be stuck wondering when my Walmart will have the game (I live out in the middle of nowhere). I would be trying to elbow my way onto the patcher, onto a server, etc.


Maybe I should be EMO!


Yes, completely change the topic when you realize how stupid you have been... good job. Getting in before the 20th and you living in the middle of nowhere next to a walmart have nothing to do with the launch date of the game.


launch =13th.

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Yes, completely change the topic when you realize how stupid you have been... good job. Getting in before the 20th and you living in the middle of nowhere next to a walmart have nothing to do with the launch date of the game.


launch =13th.


errr..wah...i dont understand? lol.


i didnt say i agreed that launch was the 13th, the servers came up on the 13th for EGA. That does not change the launch/release day. why are we still talking about this btw I thought we cleared this up.

Edited by Aisar
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Spoiled little ham sandwich!!!


Let me translate, "I didn't get my way, I don't know when I will get my way, what you have to say is irrelevant, so leave me alone while I go over here and pout!"


That is not at all what the poster said. Here, let me repost it, and you can explain where the person is qq-ing


I do not like the mushroom treatment I feel we are being given. They should have given us some clue of when to expect to get invited rather then have us sit in limbo for seven days possibly. This is a terrible way to treat customers.
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Exactly 100% correct, leaving some pretty gaping holes in logic but everyone can have their opinion here, and BW is likely watching ^^


LOL frikkin sheep :(


Bioware: This is NOT the launch you are looking for (launches game to half a million players anyways)


Fans: Okay master, this is NOT launch. All hail the hypno toad.


Sheep? Baaaa

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LOL frikkin sheep :(


Bioware: This is NOT the launch you are looking for (launches game to half a million players anyways)


Fans: Okay master, this is NOT launch. All hail the hypno toad.


Sheep? Baaaa


Once again, I will use my powers of logic and reasoning. Ready?...ok...im seeing...a front page...a huge star wars logo, and it says launch is December 20th!


wow, that took a lot out of me.

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Their rough schedule was, and is, "Up to five days" and based upon "time of preorder." You've had one for a while. What you're asking for is a very specific schedule of when each individual should expect to gain access to the servers. They've given you an estimate. Giving you exact dates would only make any unexpected problems worse as you would say "but you PROMISED this date." Promises are never good for a company to make, which is why they keep them broad.


I specifically said "rough estimate."


Although honestly, my post was intended to be sarcastic. The person I was replying to said there is no lack of communication. I only pointed out that there is a rather large lack.

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The official, world-wide, public launch of the game is different from the servers going live. They meant that the servers have been launched and that playing has begun. Think about the meaning behind what they say before you just take it for face-value. The launch date of any game is when anyone from the public can go, buy the game, and play the same day. This is the Early Access period and, last I checked, Early Access is EARLY hence PRIOR TO LAUNCH. If the game is launched then this is not early access which I'm pretty sure it is thus the game has not launched.



Explain how servers are launched prior to being launched... You might want to make sure your timeline is accurate.


Also "The official, world-wide, public launch of the game is different from the servers going live." is not the launch... its the RELEASE DATE. the launch was the 13th.

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