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Who Hasn't Watched the Movies?


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Just wondering how many other players haven't watched the movies. For those that have, are there a lot of character tie-in's and references that would add to the gameplay?


Hit 50 on my first character last night, and not sure if I should watch some film before playing through another story.

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If people that are playing this game have never seen the movies, they should not be legally allowed to play this game...lmao



I personally LOVED just riding around Alderaan exploring it and taking in the scenary..knowing that someday Darth Vader would come along and blow it up ;)

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It should be law that people need to watch all the star wars movies, don't gotta like em but they gotta watch em. :p But really, there are a few movie references in the game that you wouldn't really get if you haven't watched em. In fact tbqh, if they taught Star Wars in school(yes there is some actual educational value in all the movies) it wouldn't be out of place. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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My past three girlfriends had never seen any of them. First one wouldnt even give them a shot. Second one made it through the first two prequels and said Jar-Jar was her favorite character. Third one has now seen them all and prefers the OT(and actually wanted to watch them a second time to pickup on anything she might have missed). You see why the other two had to go :cool:
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