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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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Personally, I would move the 2 points from Advanced Tech to Havoc Rounds since that will help both your damage output and give a greater healing return with Kolto Bomb, which I constantly use in both PvP and PvE.


Again, this is just my opinion. Try it out and if you do not like it you can always redo your skill points. I always try out different specs to try and find something that fits my play style. My advice in regards to this would be to not redo skill points more than about 4 times a week, because it starts to get really expensive.

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Reasons I use this is because if you can't keep yourself alive with an advanced probe + medical probe + techoverridden probe then you're going to die anyways. Don't give up damage and an amazing ammo regen talent to make your heals slightly better.


Not worth it to lose demo round for kolto bomb. It heals for 1000 at most noncrit in full healer spec so it'll heal even less for you.

Edited by LordKivlov
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Good point, but you will notice that this build doesn't have kolto bomb, I would need to drop demolition round for it. Still think that would be worth it?


Wow, I have no clue how I missed that. No, I retract my statement - don't loose Demo round. I think the reason I missed it is I have been leveling/playing as Combat Medic so long now that I completely forgot it was a skill point.

Edited by Intelocolypse
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