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What am I doing right? Class and companion rock


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Quick note - I have a 50 Trooper Commando who will be my main. Also wanted to level up an alt tank because I happen to love tanking.* Started a Jedi Shadow because they seem versatile and can't beat the double-bladed stick. Um... nah. Light armor and stealth? Just didn't grab me. So started a Jedi Knight.


Gadzooks. Very different feel so far. Seems much easier than the Trooper. Spot bad guys. Jump. Aoe. Finish off any mobs still standing. Rinse and repeat. And that first droid companion rocks. What a beast.** I noticed that against elites consistently he'll tank then die - leaving me to finish off the elite solo. Not sure if that's how it's supposed to be.


Here's my point. Was I playing Trooper badly? Just more experienced and know how to play this game better in general? Or is Guardian + T7 just a rocking combination?


*Been playing Lotro for long time. Main is a 75 Captain so enjoy a versatile off-healer off-tank support role and Trooper Commando seemed closest. Found leveling moderately challenging - one bad pull and yuck. My "second" main is a 75 Guardian hence trying Jedi Knight as my alt.


**Found which companion to use with Commando much more difficult. Leveled with Dorne - spec dps and she generally heals pretty well. But now it's time to grow up and be a combat medic so trying to spec heal and run with a tank. Tanno Vik works pretty well - wish I had made the switch earlier - but his personality is awful and hates when I go Light side.

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Sounds like you're doinig fine to me. I'm 37 and tank spec and I roll with Kira (just got Doc, our healer, so don't have experience with him yet). T7 is bad *** for sure but I didn't need the extra tank and with Kira I have had absolutely no issues. She actually can tank decent enough for short periods of time if things get out of hand - she's not too squishy. She also seems to put out more damage than T7 so I keep her around.


I'm really looking forward to trying Doc out though. Hoping he gives me that boost I need to start soloing heroic 2's.

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Guardians feel very powerful until about 35; then every fight turns into a battle of attrition - at least with a tank spec. This is especially true if you use Doc. While your chances of dying are very low, you will find your and and wrist hurting from clicking so many buttons for each pack.
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Guardians feel very powerful until about 35; then every fight turns into a battle of attrition - at least with a tank spec. This is especially true if you use Doc. While your chances of dying are very low, you will find your and and wrist hurting from clicking so many buttons for each pack.


I couldn't disagree more.


By 37 tank spec not only have you gotten access to Opportune Strike and Pommel Strike (both very hard hitting mob-clearing abilities), but you're also high enough to start putting points into the talent that nets you more Focus from Soresu. I was so used to the amount of Focus Soresu built that now I feel like I have a tremendous overflow.


Leap into a pack, drop the first guy with Opportune Strike + Bladestorm (giving you blade barrier through talents which absorbs damage), drop a Force Sweep to damage and stun the remainder and hit the next guy with Pommel Strike. Finish him off with a Slash and wipe up the final dude with Master Strike and you'll be tearing through groups with no problems.


I've noticed that the higher level that I get the more damage I put out.

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Here's my point. Was I playing Trooper badly? Just more experienced and know how to play this game better in general?


Way trooper handles a pack of normal mobs: Mortar volley and all are dead. If mortar volley on CD, Nade + that other AoE + catman nade and all are dead.

Started levelling a commando when I needed to just faceroll a bit and relax from the intense mayhem that is Guardian PvP and it's retarded how fast I clear mobs, seeing some guardians running around next to me and they don't stand a chance compared to me. Admittedly I'm only level 19, so I guess I'll have to use more abilities once I level up a bit.

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Way trooper handles a pack of normal mobs: Mortar volley and all are dead. If mortar volley on CD, Nade + that other AoE + catman nade and all are dead.



Interesting. I don't disagree but the CD issue is part of why Guardian seems easier so far. Mortar volley is great but (a) CD is long enough I use it every 2-3 pulls (b) activation time and © can't use it too close. I suppose one important difference though is when the p00p hits the fan my Commando can heal self or companion - which the Guardian can't. Commando stays main but so far enjoying Guardian.


Nade? :)

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