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Self Target Option (Targeting as a healer V2.0)


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Before I begin ... this ain't a addons thread. So please, refrain from talking about it.


As said on the beta forums, I have trouble with the targeting system as a healer. I consider myself a experience healer and I find that targeting as a full healer doesn't reach it's full potential for one reason: Self Targeting.


To be a good healer, IMO, you need to be fast and up to date. If you have to click the target BEFORE using your abilities, then you loose precious time, especially over a long fight. If there is any way you could choose the abilities and simply click on the target window (on group or raid window) please, PLEASE let me know how.


To the dev that probably won't see this, please change it so self cast is an option and that we can have better healing experience.



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I agree they definately need to improve the targetting interface.


Either target of target, or have one enemy target and one friendly target.


Edit: They also need one window where you can clearly see all members of your team/raid including companions and their respecting health/(de)buff bars.

Edited by _Darkstar
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The game has a "Target Self Modifier" Which is what I believe the OP is requesting.


Its in the options, however you cannot set it to ALT, which is the wow default, and my habitual muscle memory button.


I cannot find a better key then ALT, does anyone have any recommendations for either

a) how to set SELF MODIFIER as ALT

b) a substitue key for ALT which i can train myself to use.



Thanks in advance

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The game has a "Target Self Modifier" Which is what I believe the OP is requesting.


Its in the options, however you cannot set it to ALT, which is the wow default, and my habitual muscle memory button.


I cannot find a better key then ALT, does anyone have any recommendations for either

a) how to set SELF MODIFIER as ALT

b) a substitue key for ALT which i can train myself to use.



Thanks in advance




If you have a hostile target and cast a heal you will be healed automagically. Same with shields, or anything that is a positive for allies.


And there is a self target toggle, as mentioned. Hold the button (mine is 'z') and press the key and it casts on you, regardless of target and without changing the target.


In addition there is a Focus Target toggle. I focus on Khem Val and then can assist him and heal him easily. NOTE: The focus target frame is buggy and tends to disappear. But he is still focused and you can heal him with the toggle button.


What I would love, personally, is a Companion Toggle. So I dont need to mess with the Focus window for Khem.

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In targetting theres a target companion hotkey. It's unboud by default, but I bound it to shift+f. It's still annoying to have to hit shift f to heal/shield him the tab or click back to my target, but it's better than having to set him as your focus. Focus will be more important later.
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In targetting theres a target companion hotkey. It's unboud by default, but I bound it to shift+f. It's still annoying to have to hit shift f to heal/shield him the tab or click back to my target, but it's better than having to set him as your focus. Focus will be more important later.


Yeah, I dont want to do that though. I like having my target on the mob.


And later when I use Focus for other things I doubt I will have a companion out. But, that is another reason for wanting it. ;)

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I have found the healing system to be rather weak in this game, however I have found some ways around it that, for me, make healing less clunky.


I believe this was touched on in a few of the replies above, however none of them clearly state what each specifically is used for.


1) First, there is an option in the preferences menu that allows you to turn on a "Focus Target" feature, turn this on.


2) In the key bindings section, go under targeting and select what key binding you want to assign to "Focus Target". I used Shift+F for example.


3) Also in key bindings, I believe toward the bottom of targeting there is an option for "Self Target Modifier" and another for "Focus Target Modifier". Set your key binding for each of those. For myself I use "Q" for the "Focus Target Modifier" (Set my strafe to A and D keys and removed turn because I turn using the mouse) and I use a side mouse butter for "Self Target Modifier".


With this setup when you get in a group (or even with just your companion) I set the "Focus Target" using Shift+F to either the tank or my companion. Once this is set all you have to do is hold down your "Focus Target Modifier" key binding while casting to apply whatever you cast to that target without having to switch targets actually. So in my keybinding case, say I want to shield the tank (I have shield bound to mouse scroll wheel forward) all I have to do is hold down "Q" and scroll the mouse wheel forward to shield the tank. If I want to shield myself I hold down the side mouse button and scroll forward on the mouse wheel. This can be done with any spell.


One thing I have noticed a few times is a bug where my "Focus Target" changes in a middle if the fight, if this happens I usually just rebind it. Also there is a chance for lag delay sometimes and if you cast 2 spell in a row too quickly sometimes the heal lands on your selected target rather than your "Focus Target" or self.


Note: Make sure you Re-select your "Focus Target" every time after a cut scene or when someone dies because the game for some reason doesn't store this information.


I hope this helps some healers out.

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