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2nd day of planned 4 waves, joking surely?


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While I agree that BioWare has said we MAY get early access, I have to say 4 waves per day is somewhat ridiculously low. I understand that they don't want the servers over-taxed. However, with that said, what happens on the 20th when general access is allowed? Do you think people are going to be courteous and wait? No. Everyone who's ordered will be doing exactly what BioWare is supposedly staving off by allowing only a very small contingent of players through per day. Beyond the launch, the server will be over taxed daily as people who didn't manage to get in on the 20th, try again on the 21st and so on. From what I can tell BioWare is only delaying the inevitable. I mean, what happens at official launch? Will BioWare decide that the servers need not be overtaxed then and decide on only allowing 4-6 waves per day in?
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While I agree that BioWare has said we MAY get early access, I have to say 4 waves per day is somewhat ridiculously low.


Would 8 waves, with each wave being 1/2 the amount of people in the current 4-wave system make you feel better?



I'm pretty sure Bioware knows what they're doing, just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

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