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New to Romance


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I'm going to type my question in spoiler text just in case....



Basically, I was having a discussion with a couple of buddies who play bounty hunters (I play a Sith Inquisitor) about romancing companions - we've played WoW together, but this is a new thing for us. They know Mako can be romanced, but not sure how or when that can be started? Givingher courting gifts doesn't do anything at the moment. I know that when I get Ashara she is not going to be helpful for me wanting to reach Dark V level, but I'd like to try out the romance option to get her affection up.


Any brief insight on how/when the opportunity will come up for either character, or point me to a general guide on SWTOR romance would be helpful. I'd accept some spoiler info as well.




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Courting gifts wont work until you already have affection built with a companion. You can do a simple google search (or go to http://www.torhead.com) to find a full list of which types of gifts each companion like. They will like some more than others. Green, blue, purp, will also cause them to like them more, as will lvl of gift. In conversations, be sure to say things the companion in question will like (again, check torhead for what companions want to hear from you/will not like) I am an SI, Ashara was my first romance option being a male. I just got her to the point where we are "courting" and it was at 2000+ affection. So just keep working up their affection, and have conversations on your ship when they are available, and you will get there.
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you have to get certain amount of affection first, before you can start romancing the character


this is hard for early companions, because they get low amount of affection, but on the other hand, you have more conversations to go through with them (and gifts help)


from my experience with nadia (jedi shadow last companion), romance options start around 6000 affection, and you get to 10000 very quickly that way (but she is last companion, so you get 100+ affection with "correct" conversation choice)

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Thanks for helpful pointers.


As for affection, and this is heresay, I don't know for sure, but my friend says he's at 5k affection with Mako, and she still shrugs off courting gifts and gets 0 affection?


As I have not played a BH at all, I am not sure the level at which romancing her can start. There will come a point when you can have a conversation with her (noted by when you are in your ship or a cantina she will have a quest marker on her head) and you should be able to bring up the option of starting to romance her. Also - (just as a disclaimer) Not sure of your toons gender, but at this time, there is no same sex romancing.


I suggest looking up at which affecttion lvl Mako is possible to romance, and just spamming her companion gifts that she will like.

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- Give them gifts or +affection from mission dialog choices when they are present

- When you reach a certain affection level, they will want to talk to you in private (cantina or ship, sometimes only ship)

- ALWAYS go talk to them, I have heard the game bugs out if you continue building affection but dont talk to them before reaching the 'next level in affection'. It may mean they wont speak to you at all after a certain points.

- Eventually, as part of these private convos you start getting flirt options, the romance just starts there. You just keep on building their affection and get more 'talk in private quests'.

Edited by Karkais
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