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I got a Great idea Why not include Housing or Custom Designing your Space ship if not housing why not just make a planet just for guilds to make cities. That was one of the beast things in SWG was your house Yourself and you Ship everyone loved it and it kept people in the game for longer amounts of Time.


So I know people Miss the Customization in SWG why not import it in this game :D

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Guilds are supposed to eventually get their own guild ship, which is supposed to be like a galactic size vessel.


I do agree that more customization and player tools would be awesome to have.

Edited by Ohnoto
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The thing i miss the most in swtor is being able to actually talk to people in the game -- not in the chat box, but voice. This is sooo important in fighting when you don't have time to type or read the chat box!


nancy enwall

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