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Sentinel - Interrupt kick force cost


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I was wondering if anyone thought the interrupt kick we get should be changed so it costs no force points. I think this change would be great to increase our DPS in a minor way and help our survivability.


Many times I tried to get a kick off and found out I was 1 short. Can be very frustrating to manage both cooldowns, watching a mob's skill to interrupt and force bar.

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I was wondering if anyone thought the interrupt kick we get should be changed so it costs no force points. I think this change would be great to increase our DPS in a minor way and help our survivability.


Many times I tried to get a kick off and found out I was 1 short. Can be very frustrating to manage both cooldowns, watching a mob's skill to interrupt and force bar.


Would like to, but unlikely to happen.

I'd actually prefer a quicker CD instead.

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I also wish that our abilities that stun normal/weak enemies would interrupt casts. No cooldown, just an interrupt. at least Some of them, Like Blade Storm, force sweep and master strike. or any of those three lol.


I would take skills that did that, skill that makes blade rush silence for 3 seconds? I'm not super worried about it, I think our class is fine, Force kick would probably still be fair if it built a focus though :D

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