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Inquisitor vs. Warrior (Sith Tales!)


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So I'm on Nar Shaddaa with my level 25 Immortal Juggernaut. The story, without giving it all up, is full of Sith intrigue and I'm thinking is leading up to making a power play. I have not played the Sith Inquisitor story much, but was wondering what the general opinion of players is as to which story is more interesting, captivating, fun, and most importantly "sith-ey"?


I wonder how much of the inquisitor tale really is Sith politics, or if I could expect a similar relationship with my master and feel just as motivated to go out and just do what I'm told to get to the end. I want to tank, and Juggernaut tanking has worked out alright but I would happily Assassin tank if the story is great (Plus I could maximize my hooded sith quota for this game, where the juggernaut is severely lacking!)

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Sith Inquisitor Spoiler Alert



My lvl 30 sorc is betrayed by my Master and the only way you can survive is with the help of your deceased ancestor through the force. Later on in the story another Darth of the Sith thinks he kills you and you attempt vengeance. Not sure why he tried to kill me yet tho


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The Sith Warrior quest is just about to multiply it's greatness. You'll head to Tatooine and Alderran in search of the Jedi padawan and things start getting really good. My Juggernaut (who is lvl IV darkside) just finished act one and I was really happy with the story.


So happy in fact that I've now created a Marauder (who is going light side to see how it affects the story) and he's now lvl 25 on Nar Shadaa.



I haven't played the Inquisitor story past lvl 15 or so, but from what I've read it seems to be a lot more political/mystical whereas the Warrior is more militant. Both are striving for more power but in very different ways.

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Love the quest story line for the Sith Warrior. The romancing is great and like the other poster said, once you get the padawan the story line just gets better. Level 46 I found myself gasping, "Twist!" as I watched the next part of the quest story line play out.
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Haven't played the sith warrior quests yet but the inq quests are very much about sith politics, and power plays with murder, betrayal, and the like. From what I have read about the jugg its similar but different




Have you actually played Sith Inquisitor? The story is nothing like you described. It's extremely weak.

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