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Gunslinger Dirty Fighting vs. Sniper Lethality trees...Why do we get screwed?


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So I've examined all 3 Smuggler trees and they seem to mirror the Imperial Sniper's trees like they're supposed to except for 2 abilities. Hemorrhaging Blast and Wounding Shots.


The descriptions say:


Wounding Shots - 145-221 dmg each second and does 221 dmg extra for each DoT


Cull - 667-744 dmg each second and does 255 dmg extra for each DoT


Hemorrhaging Blast - 161-247 dmg plus 30% dmg to your next 10 DoTs


Weakening Blast - 744-830 dmg plus 30% dmg to your next 10 DoTs


Now granted Gunslingers use dual blasters, but even if you double the damage for the initial blasts it still doesn't equal the Sniper's damage. Is there something I'm missing? I'm sorry if this has been brought up before but I didn't see anything posted about it

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I will guess that you got that information from Torhead. Tooltips are probably wrong. Here is the damage mine do at 50 with relatively good gear.


Wounding Shots - Fires a wave of bolt at the target each second, dealing 534-689 weapon damage. For each of your bleed effects present on the target during each wave, the target hemorrhages for an addition 235 internal damage. Fires both blasters if dual wielding.


Hemorrhaging Blast - Deals 554-708 weapon damage and causes the target to take 30% additional damage from the Smuggler's next 10 bleed effects. Last 15 seconds. Fires both blasters if dual wielding.


Looks about even when taking into account both weapons firing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Recording to Torhead and Darthhater Cull is an Instant Cast but Wounding Shots are channeled...


Is this to be true? I would rather trust the devs to have equalized the dmg but channeling vs instant is first a great lack of mobility, second it can be delayed by dmg and third its burst dmg is also a little less effective.



Can anyone confirm or decline this? Thanks a lot.





Forget about it, at Darthhater it seems to be fixed now.


Cull being channeled all the same to Wounding Shots, guess it was beta info on darthhater before and on Torhead still is...

Edited by Medimatze
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Recording to Torhead and Darthhater Cull is an Instant Cast but Wounding Shots are channeled...


Is this to be true? I would rather trust the devs to have equalized the dmg but channeling vs instant is first a great lack of mobility, second it can be delayed by dmg and third its burst dmg is also a little less effective.



Can anyone confirm or decline this? Thanks a lot.





Forget about it, at Darthhater it seems to be fixed now.


Cull being channeled all the same to Wounding Shots, guess it was beta info on darthhater before and on Torhead still is...


No it's not true. This would be an egregious error. Take literally everything on Torhead with a grain of salt.

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