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I dont know if this is on topic or not, but where within the UK would you be promoting yourselves, do you have any plans for the UK?



Geek 2012 15-th-19th Feb

Edinburgh interavtice festival 9th & 10th August

Gamefest September 2012

Eurogamer Expo 27th - 30th September


To name some of the big ones.

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  1. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)
  2. What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?
  3. If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


1. Q&As, yesyesyes.


2. Crew skills and VAs.


3. I really doubt you'll ever make it to Vegas, but very much yes.

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That being said, I'm curious to hear more opinions on this topic. In a situation where we had future content to show (which would not be most shows, remember), would you prefer a chance to play through the majority of the new content, knowing that it was less likely you'd actually get a chance to play it, or would you prefer a shorter content tease, with a much higher chance of getting to play at all?


I would personally like shorter content, but not because of wanting to get the chance to play. Demos like these should be a taste of whats to come; if you let people see everything before it's out, it kind of takes away from the content once it is officially released. Now granted, only a small population would actually see this, but still, I think a short taste is better than a long meal.

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1. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)


I especially like content at the shows to be something that is easily presentable by fan sites. It's really them who bring the event content to the Internet. Tournaments generally don't interest me, because I think it's hard to convey how cool it was outside of the show. Q&A sessions, on the other hand, are one of my favorite parts.


What I would really like to see is interaction between the show/event and the actual live game. And just an idea, maybe more hints to already in-game content that hasn't been discovered. The Magenta Adegan Crystal is a good example. Why couldn't there be more difficult easter eggs implanted in the game that can then be revealed at shows or other events?


2. What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?


The panels should pretty much be mostly Devs, in my opinion. I'm really hoping that future panels will bring more hard core data and metrics to light. I know this stuff is most likely something you'll want to keep close to your chest, but it is definitely the most interesting. For example, this number of people that have successfully completed such and such operation. Or the number of lvl 50's with moddable gear vs non-moddable gear.


3. If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Absolutely. I would be more likely to go to the Community Meet & Greet than the show itself. Did somebody say beer?

Edited by rnot
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That being said, I'm curious to hear more opinions on this topic. In a situation where we had future content to show (which would not be most shows, remember), would you prefer a chance to play through the majority of the new content, knowing that it was less likely you'd actually get a chance to play it, or would you prefer a shorter content tease, with a much higher chance of getting to play at all?


Definitely shorter with a higher chance to play it. I'd rather not have the majority of content spoiled at a show before it's released.

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What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)


Q&As and sneak peaks at upcoming content.


What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?


Future plans, especially around guilds, social content, and customization. Voice actors would be cool, but I doubt you could get most of them to shows.


If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Yes. GenCon 2012.

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That being said, I'm curious to hear more opinions on this topic. In a situation where we had future content to show (which would not be most shows, remember), would you prefer a chance to play through the majority of the new content, knowing that it was less likely you'd actually get a chance to play it, or would you prefer a shorter content tease, with a much higher chance of getting to play at all?

Personally, I don't see the point of offering play sessions for new content at these events. There is already so much to do at these events. Standing on line for a chance to play a tease of beta content just seems counterproductive. It's not like I've ever seen the folks tending the play kiosks recording player feedback.


I'd be more in favor of standing room content presentations with no interaction. But I do realize I'm likely in the minority here.


You could set it up so that event badge holders are segregated. Blue badge can attend the 10min play session anytime between 9-11a, red badge between 1-3p, yellow badge between 4-6p, etc. Would help with some of the line rush issues that occur the first 15min an event is open for the day.

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Not sure if it has been mentioned, but I have a request for something to avoid doing at any conventions you go to. PLEASE do not give out limited edition gear, vanity or otherwise, at these events. Some of us have jobs/families that make it nigh on impossible to attend these events. :(


Swag of any other variety is fine(clothing, mousepads, keychains, etc.), but in-game items really bug me.

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This may not exactly fall under the "Events" category completely but it is definitely something I would like to recommend to BioWare/EA.


Trading Card Games (TCG): This was a big project for Blizzard and their World of Warcraft product. It stimulated not only the game, but also the meta to various new levels. I judged WoW:TCG and WoW:Minis for a number of years and found that many of the players play WoW because of the TCG/Minis game. When they got bored with the in-game content, it was a way for them to stretch out the brand that they enjoyed until the next content update or expansion.


One big thing I want to recommend though. Try to keep this in house. If you ever follow the WoW:TCG Upper Deck into Cryptozoic situation you'll see why it's important to have a better direct control over your product.


"Darkmoon Faire": This was another concept taken from the World of Warcraft. Most conventions or events fell in just one area or city per year. The DMF circuit allowed for a greater audience because it moved from location to location and allowed for people to participate during various times of the year.


Additional SWTOR Product: Beverages, Accessories, whatever... I want to see SWTOR as the most recognizable MMO brand in the world one day, bigger than WoW! The Razer products are really cool and I look forwarding to owning them soon. Let's keep that up!

Edited by Komite
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For events, i don't have any particular event i'd like to see SWTOR at.


However the "Meet and Greets" do interest me.


I went to the London Meet/Greet after Eurogamer and really enjoyed it with the relaxed setting, the PCs available to play the game and the devs around to just chat to and ask questions. This was on top of the fact there was the Huttball tournament to watch and at the end of the night, entry into the Game Testing program.


Contrast this to the SWTOR London Launch Event which was unfortunately a bit of an unorganised mess, which in hindsight i probably could have avoided altogether since all i walked away with was two signed posters (which i'm still grateful for). There was no "bonus" for being there, the majority of the time there was just spent standing around or queuing and ultimately i could/should have stayed at home and played my Early Access.

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One of the things it seems a few people have already hinted at is visibility. While I live close enough to PAX East, and often attend PAX Prime and various other events throughout the year; there are many more that sadly I miss.


More often than not visibility allows me to stay informed about changes and I can still see what interests me, even when I'm not personally present for the event. Just like checking the devtracker frequently allows me to see where your priorities are, it also is a great amount of comfort just knowing that you are actively taking a role.


So my point of this is, try streaming & hosting the event for everyone to see, set up 1 or 2 computers that are capable of video sharing and allow people who are not in attendance, or even who are in attendance but have other responsibilities to still be able to view the material you all work so hard on.


Perception and Visibility go a very long way in winning over the gaming community, if they see what is going on and what is coming along the pipeline, given enough time it will grow well beyond any expectations.

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Open world pvp!! nothing else. I want a showcase on open world pvp and discussion about world pvp and ideas about open world pvp nothing else matters to me lol.






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PAX East was an anomaly, and I mean that in a good way. The specific goal of that event was to show everyone that yes, we were in fact an MMO, and we did that by letting people see some of our favorite Flashpoint content. The crowds we got were something we were completely blown away by, and if you followed the other shows we visited in 2011, you'd see that we adjusted accordingly by having shorter demos, more machines, and getting as many people through the booth as possible. So compared to the 8-hour lines you saw at PAX East, every other show had lines that were no longer than an hour or two.


That being said, I'm curious to hear more opinions on this topic. In a situation where we had future content to show (which would not be most shows, remember), would you prefer a chance to play through the majority of the new content, knowing that it was less likely you'd actually get a chance to play it, or would you prefer a shorter content tease, with a much higher chance of getting to play at all?


With all due respect, at PAX Prime 2011 I tried to demo SWTOR every day Friday-Sunday. I went minutes after the Expo Hall doors opened each day, and the line was continuously CUT OFF BECAUSE IT WAS TOO LONG. The estimated wait was 4 hours, and every time I even attempted to wait in the line, the PAX Staff told me to move on because the line was cut off at is was it it's max. So this whole 'hour or two' comment kind of threw me off.

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Something a battle ground like in cor they have gang wars. Well take avantage of that and do something like a EvE battleground were territory is gained and lost. So players can chose there side black sun or republic forces then compleat mission for each side like distory ant-air turrents so they can bomb the enamy.And player can earn valor for compleating missions and captureing terrtor. but of corse NCP can re-capture the terrioter over night.
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Booth babes in ewok costumes plz. :t_redface:



But no... for conventions to bring some community feel to it and not just a big marketing event to drum up new members I'd love to see some talk about the long term plans for the game beyond just "Push out new raid instance" and "Push out new set of loot".


Though being too honest about how developers see the games focus and future growth is in some ways counter productive to marketing a game and maintaining and recruiting members... so guess I am hoping to hear to much from the "Business profit" perspective. :D

Edited by Tikigit
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Personally I think you should do your own show this year. Sorry but PAX Prime sucked. Its getting to damn crowded every year. It doesn't allow booth babes ( not that it is a huge problem but ffs really!?). The owners a real ******es and very coincided, they act like movie stars. They are dumb and wont add names to badges which would stop both the bootleggers outside and the thefts of badges because their to cheap to buy GOOD lanyards. All they would have to do is put a sign out that says "Random ID/Badge Checks!" I saw 1 little kid get his badge snatched but his dad caught the guy and slammed him to the ground. Then I saw another guy get his badge taken and the guy walked into the event and they wouldn't let the guy with the obvious HUGE amounts of Swag back in. I even told them I saw the guy get his badge stolen but they ignored me.


The PAX "Help" people walking around were worthless. Their forums say hey come talk to us if you have questions! Ask them a question on where the head is or where someone might find an info booth and you get ignored. It was just a horrible experience this year for LOTS of people.


PAX has become to damn crazy. Dont know about east though that might be a different story.

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