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PvP Is Seriously Broken!!!


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Am I the only one who cant figure out why in the world Bioware didnt make the warzones tiered by every 10 levels. I know they have plans to make lvl 50 warzones but that doesnt do anything when you have a lvl 49 against lvl 20's. This is the dumbest thing ever. Any word on the plans for fixing this?


Also who else is sick and tired of stealth skills having no cooldown? Not being able to be broken, and constantly spammable. Stealth classes can hide in mid combat, move, hit you, stealth again, move, hit you, stealth. This is one really broken mechanic. How can you fight something you can't hit at all?


I cant be the only one frustrated by this? Anyone else?

Edited by Vewdo
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It is broken. I have played MMO's for over 15 years, I am 43 and this is the worst PVP I have ever played. I have played good PVP MMO's aswell this 1 however takes the cake of the no fun at all.


Great concept's but very poor balancing to the extreme.


Bioware needs to take a serious look at their PVP. It takes well over 4 hours to get 3 victories for the PVP daily unless your in a premade. Sorry the average gamer PVP's alone.


If this is not a red flag that there is a problem then Bioware is a loss with the PVP portion of the game. The stealth classes are UNBEATABLE. Look at it.


Bioware has made a rooting mechanism for all ranged dps abilities locking you into 1 place while trying to dps. Poor developing there, ranged gets beat down while having to stand in 1 place to get a move off, That's wrong.


Combat needs to be more fluid for all classes, standing still to fight is stupid always.


I am hopeful Bioware will seriously address and fix these things for I have invested alot of money for what I thought was going to be an outstanding game.


And it is as far as PVE but the PVP is NO FUN! NO FUN! NO FUN! at all get the picture BIOWARE?

Edited by Kelenan
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Am I the only one who cant figure out why in the world Bioware didnt make the warzones tiered by every 10 levels. I know they have plans to make lvl 50 warzones but that doesnt do anything when you have a lvl 49 against lvl 20's. This is the dumbest thing ever. Any word on the plans for fixing this?


Also who else is sick and tired of stealth skills having no cooldown? Not being able to be broken, and constantly spammable. Stealth classes can hide in mid combat, move, hit you, stealth again, move, hit you, stealth. This is one really broken mechanic. How can you fight something you can't hit at all?


I cant be the only one frustrated by this? Anyone else?


Its called bolster...


I have had no problem being 20 and killing a 40's level character.


It only gets particularly broken once you start having expertise in high numbers on a character.

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Kelenan you hit the nail on the head. The PvP is the most frustrating part of this game. The PvE content is wonderful. However PvP sucks. I understand this game is still in its infancy however unless Bioware fixes the balancing issues for the classes, they are going to have a large portion of the population quiting. This game is very very fun, but 1-2 warzones makes me want to log out for the night. And your right. Stealth classes should not be able to just pop hide, in the middle of a fight. Like seriously. Why cant i just jetpack my BH, and get away over and over again.


I know people aregue that u should be in a premade to pvp properly. I was in one last night. But unless your all lvl 50, which we were not, you get rickrolled by the other team. PvP definetly needs a serious revamp

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Also who else is sick and tired of stealth skills having no cooldown? Not being able to be broken, and constantly spammable. Stealth classes can hide in mid combat, move, hit you, stealth again, move, hit you, stealth. This is one really broken mechanic. How can you fight something you can't hit at all?


I cant be the only one frustrated by this? Anyone else?


Simply not true. First stealth has to be OOC, then they get one more in combat stealth (that breaks from dots, random people being able to see you easily for whatever reason).


In combat stealth is usually ~2 minute cd (not sure for operative)

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Simply not true. First stealth has to be OOC, then they get one more in combat stealth (that breaks from dots, random people being able to see you easily for whatever reason).


In combat stealth is usually ~2 minute cd (not sure for operative)



I watched someone last night in a WZ, go after me. They hit stealth, came out to hit me once, then back into stealth, then hit me, then back in. It was rinse repeat till i was dead. This was a 1v1 scenario. He was doing this to people the entire warzone. Several of my friends in ventrilo all complained about the same thing. Cooldown or no cooldown, you should not be able to make your toon un-hittable. Noone should solo kill another character while taking zero damage themselves. That my friend is a very broken mechanic.

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Also who else is sick and tired of stealth skills having no cooldown?


They do have cooldowns.


All it takes to completely gimp an op/scoundrel is to shoot them once with your default attack when they pop out of stealth to kill someone, their stealth is now ~20 secs in cd, during which time they can't be attacked or it goes to cd again.


Combat stealth has 2 min cd on a concealment operative.


They hit stealth, came out to hit me once, then back into stealth, then hit me, then back in.


He was doing this to people the entire warzone.


normal stealth


combat stealth


restealth -> only if you're now dead and nobody else attacked him


... and that is only possible every 2 mins.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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I watched someone last night in a WZ, go after me. They hit stealth, came out to hit me once, then back into stealth, then hit me, then back in. It was rinse repeat till i was dead. This was a 1v1 scenario. He was doing this to people the entire warzone. Several of my friends in ventrilo all complained about the same thing. Cooldown or no cooldown, you should not be able to make your toon un-hittable. Noone should solo kill another character while taking zero damage themselves. That my friend is a very broken mechanic.


I have never had this problem, but imagine it would be frustrating. Could no one put a DOT on him or do any of the number of other things available to make his tactic less effective?

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I watched someone last night in a WZ, go after me. They hit stealth, came out to hit me once, then back into stealth, then hit me, then back in. It was rinse repeat till i was dead. This was a 1v1 scenario. He was doing this to people the entire warzone. Several of my friends in ventrilo all complained about the same thing. Cooldown or no cooldown, you should not be able to make your toon un-hittable. Noone should solo kill another character while taking zero damage themselves. That my friend is a very broken mechanic.



Simply not possible given the mechanics of the game unless he was somehow doing some wierd exploit that allowed him to drop combat immediately after hitting you once (which shouldn't be the case...at least if I hit someone I'm put into combat).


AOE would be your friend here. Hit him only once, and he won't be able to use his OOC stealth for a good 20-30 seconds (even if he runs away)

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I want to add my own two cents to this from playing healer and dps roles in warzones across multiple characters.


Ill ignore the individual warzone problems (spawning times in Allderan, too mant players in huttball) etc


The 50s are the problem in warzones, specificaly. Its heavily related to their gear and how the bolster system works.


Now i admit all classes are dangerous when they hit 40+ (top tier talent choices for example) but they are still managable. On my Vanguard and my Sage I have no problem fighting lvl 30-49 players. There are a few classes that I have problems with like Operatives and Heavy armor healers but its still pretty close. The problem I have across all characters is fighting 50s in 50 gear thats fully modded out or champion sets. I can barly do any damage to these players, and I take lots of damage to where its no contest. Ive regularly seen solo 50 Tanks in full gear hold off entire teams at resource nodes, or 50 dps specs in full gear like Operatives/Tracer missle spam BH wipe entire teams solo.


So I do agree that there needs to be a 50 only bracket and keep the rest the same. Since the game pvp wise is completly differant and changed for them.


Also side note, Biochem and Cybertech are vastly superior in that order for professions in pvp. Especialy at 50 when you have a 8k heal reusuable on its own 1-2 minute cooldown seperate from the pvp heal.

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Gear Based PVP is always awful, and this is the worst one I've ever seen, even Rift's had brackets and was fun for some weeks. but... lvl 10s VS full Battlemaster geared 50s, cmon thats ridiculous.


Even with brackets, at lvl 50 you are only competitive if u spend whole day farming bags and "valor" and playin just 3 repetitive WFs all day.


PVP is already sinking, thanks BW for making MMO's PVP even worst.


Im heading back to FPS pvp where gear or level is not even an Issue. and the game is fun and diverse.

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I have never had this problem, but imagine it would be frustrating. Could no one put a DOT on him or do any of the number of other things available to make his tactic less effective?


What you are describing is impossible using game mechanics. The only way it would be possible would be through actual Hacks to the game. I haven't seen anything but speed hack, so I'm gonna go ahead and call BS.

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Simply not true. First stealth has to be OOC, then they get one more in combat stealth (that breaks from dots, random people being able to see you easily for whatever reason).


In combat stealth is usually ~2 minute cd (not sure for operative)


O.K. I'll go with the idea of giving bounty hunters a jet pack escape every 2 minutes and lets see how that plays out with the battle stealthers.

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It is broken. I have played MMO's for over 15 years, I am 43 and this is the worst PVP I have ever played. I have played good PVP MMO's aswell this 1 however takes the cake of the no fun at all.


Great concept's but very poor balancing to the extreme.


Bioware needs to take a serious look at their PVP. It takes well over 4 hours to get 3 victories for the PVP daily unless your in a premade. Sorry the average gamer PVP's alone.


If this is not a red flag that there is a problem then Bioware is a loss with the PVP portion of the game. The stealth classes are UNBEATABLE. Look at it.


Bioware has made a rooting mechanism for all ranged dps abilities locking you into 1 place while trying to dps. Poor developing there, ranged gets beat down while having to stand in 1 place to get a move off, That's wrong.


Combat needs to be more fluid for all classes, standing still to fight is stupid always.


I am hopeful Bioware will seriously address and fix these things for I have invested alot of money for what I thought was going to be an outstanding game.


And it is as far as PVE but the PVP is NO FUN! NO FUN! NO FUN! at all get the picture BIOWARE?



Ops/Scoundrels are unbeatable, not Shadows/Assassins, they tickle in comparison. Aside from that, I agree with you.

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What you are describing is impossible using game mechanics. The only way it would be possible would be through actual Hacks to the game. I haven't seen anything but speed hack, so I'm gonna go ahead and call BS.


Call it BS if you want, but if a person is too dumb to move to where their teammates are are, they just need to learn to play. If someone is popping in and out of stealth and hitting a player repeatedly, I do not know why that player didn't position themselves amoungst 3 or 4 other people on their team. Again, its never happened to me and I can't imagine any good pvper wotuld let it happen to them. Trying to play this game as a lone wolf leaves you open to a lot more type of attacks.

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You have to realize I'm not starting this post to QQ, and its in rare instances that I've had this issue with stealth classes. Maybe I'm slightly over exagerating a bit, but keep in mind when you getting beat down, its hard to stop and really pay attention to whats happening. And no im not trying to solo in a warzone, but there are times when you cant help but be alone while moving to get with your team. So ive seen stealth classes jump in and out, making themselves very very hard to target let alone any damage. Even with AOE, it does very little break them. All the while they are pounding you, and chipping away at your health.


My issue isnt that they can go in and out of stealth. My real problem is that they can do this while being hit. Ive played MMO's for years, and this is the first time ive ever seen any class be able to hide and run away at will, even while taking damage. Its like a get out of jail free card. The skills need to be made so they can hide only when not taking damage. These skills i can only assume were intended to sneak up on people, get the jump on your opponent. Not to get away while taking damage. I have jet boosters and can easily knock people back, but it doesnt make me invisible, so i can heal up, run away, and not engage in the rest of the fight. People can simply jump back at me and kill me. Stealth in my opinion needs some tweaking.


Side Note: Bioware needs to take some advise from Warhammer Online for its warzones. Tiers of 10-20, 21-30, 31-40, and 41-50 would make pvp even, fair, and fun.

Edited by Vewdo
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