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would this be exploiting? lowlvl alt pvp ILUM


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so, i will explain a little situation here and i know that i will get mixed reactions from the forum community. but i also hope a dev/mod could shed some light into it.


here's the thing: i am a lvl50 on a low server. i am imperial.


at peak hours, there are max 12-15 lvl50 imperials online (most of them in our guild) whileas on the republic side we only have around 4-5 online.


some of you will already know where this is going.


yes: ILUM


i love to do my daily quests. flashpoint, hardmode, ilum, belsavis, you name it.

most of that i can do alone, others swe do with the guild.


but there is one thing i CAN NOT do. and that is the pvp area in ilum.


why not? because it's imperial controlled 24/7


it is so bad, i have spend from friday afternoon to sunday afternoon checking ilum every 30 minutes and it was always ours.


as my server is a pve server, i have made a republic alt and tried to convince the few high level players to do ilum, but they don't seem to care about anything but warzones where they can teleport into straight away.




i wonder if it would be allowed for me to level up my republic alt a litte, enough to be able to fly to ilum, and conquer the objectives so after logging back to my imperial character me, and anyone else who wants, can actually get their daylies done by capturing ilum again.


i do not plan to do this every 5 minutes in order to exploit anything, i pretend to do this once a day to we actually have a chance at doing something we would otherwise not be able to.


so, would that be ok?

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There are no rules preventing this. If you can have Imp/Rep toons on the same server, they should be able to do the dailies just like every other character...PvP or otherwise. Doesn't matter what order you do them in or which character does them. I see no fault in your plan!
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where did they say they'd ban them? If they did, I thnk its totally silly


About 1 week ago there was a thread ... cba to look for it, just google it. It's part of their strategy to deter gold farmers from farming the lock boxes at lvl 12. Quite a few on my server.

Edited by Orangerascal
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How about really PLAYING Republic? If you run with the zerg, you should deal with the consequences...and besides that, in the future the Ilum daily will include player kills, rendering your method useless. At least if your guild does not plan to roll up dummy twinks so one half of the guild can grind the kills and then vice versa (sounds like awesome end game content xD )
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About 1 week ago there was a thread ... cba to look for it, just google it. It's part of their strategy to deter gold farmers from farming the lock boxes at lvl 12. Quite a few on my server.


Again, they said they were going to ban people exploiting the lock boxes, not banning people because they're low level on Ilum.

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Again, they said they were going to ban people exploiting the lock boxes, not banning people because they're low level on Ilum.


Did you even read the ops post?


I'm pretty sure base trading with yourself would be considered exploiting. Maybe it's just me .... but this screams CHEATING. I'm assuming if bioware bans for something like farming lock boxes, they would have no problems banning/tbanning base traders.

Edited by Orangerascal
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How about really PLAYING Republic? If you run with the zerg, you should deal with the consequences...and besides that, in the future the Ilum daily will include player kills, rendering your method useless. At least if your guild does not plan to roll up dummy twinks so one half of the guild can grind the kills and then vice versa (sounds like awesome end game content xD )

i joined this game on day#1. am i jesus? can i see the future? NO! so how the hell were i suposed to know i was "joining the zerg", hum?

besides, in anycase, the zerg joine ME seeing how i am lvl50 and 99% of the server isnt ;)


EDIT: so a forum moderator took the time to actually move this to the pvp forum, yet could not be arsed to reply to clear this up... ooook,....

Edited by zandadoum
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something to do with the fact that the ilum pvp dailies/weeklies are changing next patch so that the objectives actually include pvp... just maybe ;)


wihch will be even worse on my server then. no republic ever comes to ilum whatsoever. not even for the dailies.


the 4-5 lvl50 on republic side only do warzones...

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i joined this game on day#1. am i jesus? can i see the future? NO! so how the hell were i suposed to know i was "joining the zerg", hum?

besides, in anycase, the zerg joine ME seeing how i am lvl50 and 99% of the server isnt ;)


EDIT: so a forum moderator took the time to actually move this to the pvp forum, yet could not be arsed to reply to clear this up... ooook,....


Consequences are consequences, regardless of intention. You are pissed because of faction imbalance, so am I, but since I rolled repub, I cant do **** about that - you can. Applying and spreading cheap evasion tactics will make the problems even worse.

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i wonder if it would be allowed for me to level up my republic alt a litte, enough to be able to fly to ilum, and conquer the objectives so after logging back to my imperial character me, and anyone else who wants, can actually get their daylies done by capturing ilum again.


i do not plan to do this every 5 minutes in order to exploit anything, i pretend to do this once a day to we actually have a chance at doing something we would otherwise not be able to.


so, would that be ok?




This is very simple. Are you allowed to make both republic and Empire?

Are you allowed to travel to ilum and pvp no matter what faction you play?

You pay for the ability to do both yes?


If you are talking in chat with with republic side while you are sith.

And asking them to switch it for you. And you'll Switch it for them.

That is considered cross realming and that can get you into trouble.

You are not effectively fighting over the PVP Incentive.

It is a PVP Zone where your meant to fight over objectives not play pass the ball back cuss it is gym class.

So i have no doubts you will get into trouble for this and you should.



However what you are suggesting is totally different. In Fact if you were to get banned for doing this quietly it would be absurd because then a ton of people who make both factions to 50 would also need to be banned. Would i tell anyone about it no. Because most don't see reason especially since if you were on a ACTUAL PVP server with a high population it would be the SAME thing if you played both sides to 50.


This is how it goes on a high populated server. If you played both sides at 50.


Play Jedi. Zerg the dailies with jedi. Log off

Play Sith. Zerg the dailies with sith. Do whatever else you feel like.


Since your on a low pop server which is PVE it is not your fault that you would be taking the objectives then logging on your sith and then taking it back. That is not your intention. You cant help that no one else in between the time you take it and log off. That No one else contributes and takes it back.


If you were on a high pop PVP server it would have already switched or changed hands most likely. And as you switch you would just zerg with others to take them. Its the same difference just as a Low pop PVE server you just have less people.


Since most can't see reason i wouldn't make it big news that your doing this 50 / 50 thing but its your server, your char, your account. If you can actually find a group to pvp dailies with on a high pop server on both your 50 Jedi and 50 Sith to get dailies done. Why should you be hindered by your low pop server and not just do the same thing. Can't help it no one else comes out to play. You came out.


However does this answer your question regarding a low lvl alt? Not really. I am sorry but can't so much as comment on that. However you are allowed to travel anywhere in your ship without restriction. So does that mean its okay??? No Clue.

Edited by Strixs
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This is how it goes on a high populated server. If you played both sides at 50.


Play Jedi. Zerg the dailies with jedi. Log off

Play Sith. Zerg the dailies with sith. Do whatever else you feel like.


As you wrote correctly, this is a whole other thing. If he would actually play a repub twink to 50 i guess he would also pvp (especially when tired of hutball ;) ), participate in open world events etc. No argument against that. But rolling a gimp for the sole purpose of farming Ilum quests should not be allowed...

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As you wrote correctly, this is a whole other thing. If he would actually play a repub twink to 50 i guess he would also pvp (especially when tired of hutball ;) ), participate in open world events etc. No argument against that. But rolling a gimp for the sole purpose of farming Ilum quests should not be allowed...


However does this answer your question regarding a low lvl alt? Not really. I am sorry but can't so much as comment on that. However you are allowed to travel anywhere in your ship without restriction. So does that mean its okay??? No Clue.

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