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The Truth About MMO's: SWTOR > WoW


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Ah god, one of these threads. No WoW has had up to 12+ million people. WoW has never needed to inflate their numbers, they do infact lead in the RTS community and in MMO's..


Does WoW have a "I have 2 accounts or more" problem, it did. Blizzard originally only set out because of all the current MMO's at the time, to only have 1 million subs. Within day one far surpassed that. Have they lost alot of subs lately, yes, not even they deny it, but they aren't worried. They will keep the WoW door open even if they drop down to 1 million subs. And yet.. they will still hold one of the longest running games and MMO titles in the world.


The only thing to kill WoW, is WoW itself, which is slowly eating away at itself right now. But that is because its intentional. And I foresee Blizzard with their Titan project coming back swining at all the other MMO's in time. But will it surpass WoW?


People quickly forget, WoW had a LONG history, before it was WoW, it was warcraft. It is what made the company, the company after all. But we can all thank Dungeons and Dragons for making warcraft what it was, and is today. WoW had a creative team for the first few years that had the great minds and philosophy of dungeons and dragons, and then blizzard went south on it. Why?


Simple, they took a bunch of KIDS, I say kids because they were still wet from behind the ears and were WoW hopefuls and players from college and those who went to college to get into gaming because of WoW. And they quickly took the original WoW team and split it in 3 directions. over 40% is working on Titan right now. While the rest, small handful left blizzard to work on other games/project. Retire, or be put into starctaft 2 and diablo 3.


Simply watching blizzcon for the past few years, let alone going shows that. The old WoW team is all over the place and supporting/working on other games and we get some new faces leading WoW.


I quickly last year, 2010. Became a anti WoW fan because of the pure stupidity I saw at a blizzcon. The lead designer and such were so clueless to the questions the players asked them. And Chris Metzen had to walk on stage and literally CARRY them thru the Q/A let alone presentation. Chris Metzen is a really great guy, but besides Ghst Crawler, who they put a lid on becaue his out right hate and such for his own New WoW team and its philosphy... Well.. Christ and Greg are the only ones right now Carrying WoW..


The dweeb president and new CEO that took over, is nothing compared to the original in the slightest. And I'm really sad to see such a small man, with only $$ in his eyes, lead a once great company into the ground.

What many players forget are the everyday business decisions being made behind the scenes of their game. The corporation must keep their shareholders happy. Things so far removed from the game like office politics and promotions can have consequences in their gaming experience. Anyone remember the old axion, "eff up and move up?" Some people no matter how inept are promoted to a higher position and moved in the hope they can't mess up anything else.

Edited by Paralassa
rude quote
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