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26 Champion's bags and counting..


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So, I really want this explained by someone, how is it fair, that when I put in 20+ hours to farm for these bags (Yes our server imps lose that much), along with a friend I might add, how is it fair, that out of these 26 bags, I have ONLY, -ONLY- received 1-3 Centurion Commendations and 4-5k credits. Im genuinely curious to see what makes this system fair when my friend and many other people pretty much get their entire set, by bag 15th at the latest, while I am stuck using my weak pre-pvp gear, lacking the much needed stats I need vs other lvl 50's.


This is an absolutely dumb system, and I keep farming these bags hoping, for ONCE I might get a gear token piece, but it never seems to come, and before people say "Oh well your getting commendations", commendations dont count for squat when there's people next to you receiving better or superior gear, for free, while you need to be stuck farming for weeks, to be able to afford one piece? And I have no doubt some people are gonna assume Im exaggerating, but Im not, and I think from now on, Im simply going to screen-shot each bag opening, perhaps my characters bugged? No idea, I will see what happens with bag number 27 tomorrow.

Edited by Notannos
use of retarded
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The RNG should be a bonus only. So they decide when they want a bag earned, ie 2 a week 1 a month whatever. Give out tokens at this pace.




Add an rng fun factor to get your gear early. So once in a while you get one early.


The entire system should not be RNG. Someone will suffer, that is part of the R in RNG. And it's really not fun. If 500,000 people flip a coin 26 times there will be some who get only 1 tail, it will happen.

Edited by richardya
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The RNG should be a bonus only. So they decide when they want a bag earned, ie 2 a week 1 a month whatever. Give out tokens at this pace.




Add an rng fun factor to get your gear early. So once in a while you get one early.


The entire system should not be RNG. Someone will suffer, that is part of the R in RNG. And it's really not fun. If 500,000 people flip a coin 26 times there will be some who get only 1 tail, it will happen.


All this basically.

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So, I really want this explained by someone, how is it fair, that when I put in 20+ hours to farm for these bags (Yes our server imps lose that much), along with a friend I might add, how is it fair, that out of these 26 bags, I have ONLY, -ONLY- received 1-3 Centurion Commendations and 4-5k credits. Im genuinely curious to see what makes this system fair when my friend and many other people pretty much get their entire set, by bag 15th at the latest, while I am stuck using my weak pre-pvp gear, lacking the much needed stats I need vs other lvl 50's.


This is an absolutely dumb system, and I keep farming these bags hoping, for ONCE I might get a gear token piece, but it never seems to come, and before people say "Oh well your getting commendations", commendations dont count for squat when there's people next to you receiving better or superior gear, for free, while you need to be stuck farming for weeks, to be able to afford one piece? And I have no doubt some people are gonna assume Im exaggerating, but Im not, and I think from now on, Im simply going to screen-shot each bag opening, perhaps my characters bugged? No idea, I will see what happens with bag number 27 tomorrow.



I stopped reading your post when you stated your gains from bags.


Every Champ bag contains 3 Cent tokens and 5k credits, UNLESS you get a Champ token, at which point it only contains 2 Cent tokens and the 5k credits. Champ bags are not meant to give you champ gear, they're meant to get you Centurion gear with a CHANCE to upgrade yourself to better gear. Battlemaster is the same way.

Edited by Notannos
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The entire system should not be RNG. Someone will suffer, that is part of the R in RNG. And it's really not fun. If 500,000 people flip a coin 26 times there will be some who get only 1 tail, it will happen.



People are already complaining how easy it is to gear your character at level 50 right now and demand more content from BW (even though the patch has already been announced).


Personally I have always liked the RNG system, sure it has it's flaws and sometimes you won't get that drop for a very long time but at least you have something to be working towards.

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The PvP in this game doesn't seem that fleshed out, honestly. Not sure what you were expecting? And it is even more obvious that hardly any development and design time went into it when they have RNG's ruling how people progress in gear upgrades for PvP.


The commendations and rewards should be consistent and earnable at a rate determined by the developers. I have not started opening my PvP bags yet, but I have a few stored already. But the RNG factor sounds like a pretty fail design flaw to me. Honestly, RNG's get pretty old in games as of late. Make it more skill based or time based, not a freaking dice roll.


If I wanted to gamble I would go to Vegas, not play an MMO.

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I stopped reading your post when you stated your gains from bags.


Every Champ bag contains 3 Cent tokens and 5k credits, UNLESS you get a Champ token, at which point it only contains 2 Cent tokens and the 5k credits. Champ bags are not meant to give you champ gear, they're meant to get you Centurion gear with a CHANCE to upgrade yourself to better gear. Battlemaster is the same way.


Yeah, sure, its only a small chance and bonus, even though many people easily get a full-set of PVP gear from 10 bags, if they have just a bit of luck.


Luck should not be the factor of progression, in PVP or PVE.

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